November 2005 Archives by thread
Starting: Tue Nov 1 06:57:22 EST 2005
Ending: Wed Nov 30 17:47:52 EST 2005
Messages: 542
- [governance] Fwd: The US factor in the WSIS needs highlighting as much as the Tunisian factor
Vittorio Bertola
- [governance] Political Oversight of ICANN: A Briefing for the WSIS Summit
Milton Mueller
- [governance] Top Level Domain Registrants in Turkey
Joe Baptista
- [governance] Uni.X to Uni.X .NETworking - Local Alphabets (ABCDEFGHILNOPRST)
Jim Fleming
- [governance] Uni.X to Uni.X .NETworking - 160 bit Messages and 320 bit Messages and DHT
Jim Fleming
- [governance] Ask Ambassador Gross
Avri Doria
- [governance] Transcript of Internet Chat with U.S. Ambassador David Gross
Danny Younger
- [governance] The Impact of Changes in the Information Super-Highway
Jim Fleming
Jeanette Hofmann
- [governance] Press representatives
Avri Doria
- [governance] Uni.X to Uni.X .NETworking - A Below $100 Solution for PE and CE Architecture
Jim Fleming
- [governance] No room at the inn
Danny Younger
- [governance] IP3: "ICANN Reform: Establishing the Rule of Law"
Hans Klein
- [governance] governance Digest, Vol 24, Issue 6
Peter Hollings
- [governance] How Do Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility Plan to Change the Laws of Physics ?
Jim Fleming
- [governance] suggested changes to chairs paper, paras 45 and 65
Adam Peake
- [governance] [Fwd: [WSIS CS-Plenary] Informations about resumed PrepCom-3 in Tunis (13-15 November 2002)]
Jeanette Hofmann
- [governance] Resumed PrepCom-3 in Tunis (13-15 November 2002)
Robert Guerra
- [governance] Uni.X to Uni.X .NETworking - Routing vs. Forwarding
Jim Fleming
- [governance] Uni.X to Uni.X .NETworking - Correction "With Routing, the bits are picked off in small hunks"
Jim Fleming
- [governance] Uni.X to Uni.X .NETworking - Are Sockets Really Needed ? in IAX3 ?
Jim Fleming
- [governance] ICANN -- nominating committee appointments
Adam Peake (ajp at
- [governance] Text on oversight
Vittorio Bertola
- [governance] After Tunis
Vittorio Bertola
- [governance] "pre-eminent role"
Danny Younger
- [governance] FW: suggested changes to chairs paper, paras 45 and 65
Gurstein, Michael
- [governance] FW: Political Oversight of ICANN
Gurstein, Michael
- [governance] [Fwd: Guidelines for the attribution of overpasses - Information for caucus/WG/families focal points]
Jeanette Hofmann
- [governance] Fwd: [ #677] WSIS/Overpass - Rudi Vansnick
Robert Guerra
- [governance] Fwd: Contribution for the Resumed PrepCom-3, Civil Society Internet Governance Caucus (GLOCOM)
Adam Peake
- [governance] present draft doesnt represent CS position
- [governance] [WSIS CS-Plenary] Political Oversight of ICANN: A Briefing for the WSIS Summit
Carlos Afonso
- [governance] Fwd: [CS Bureau] Overpass request process for Tunis summit High Level Panel and Plenary meetings
Adam Peake
- [governance] The views of U.S. Senator Norm Coleman
Danny Younger
- [governance] ICANN and INTELSAT (1971)
Hans Klein
- [governance] Forum text (was Re: suggested changes to chairs paper, paras 45 and 65)
Adam Peake (ajp at
- [governance] Non-attendance at Tunis
Jacqueline Morris
- [governance] Invitation to attend the Gender Caucus events at WSIS
Susana Fernandez
- [governance] Ideas that this mailing list has agreed to
Vittorio Bertola
- [governance] Fwd: RE: [WSIS CS-Plenary] Resumed PrepCom-3 in Tunis - Sub-Committees A and B revised
Adam Peake
- [governance] Cerf and Kahn receive the US highest civil award
Vittorio Bertola
- [governance] fyi [Fwd:] Seven Questions: Battling for Control of the Internet]
Jeanette Hofmann
- [governance] Invitation : Evaluation de la participation du secteur privé africain au SMSI]
klohento at
- [governance] more Re: Ideas that this mailing list has agreed to
Adam Peake (ajp at
- [governance] and more Re: Ideas that this mailing list has agreed to
Adam Peake (ajp at
- [governance] Tunis Parallel Event: WGIG Book Release, Wed. 16th
William Drake
- [governance] Tunis Parallel Event: ICT for Peace Book Release, Thursday 17th
William Drake
- [governance] Forum text
William Drake
- [governance] Possible problem with Audiovisual services in Tunis
William Drake
- [governance] Tunis Weather
Hans Klein
- [governance] interesting interview with Larry Lessig on IG
Veni Markovski
- [governance] Tunis Parallel Event: Human Rights in the Global Information Society, Nov. 15
William Drake
- [governance] APC - Recommendations to the WSIS on Internet Governance
Adam Peake
- [governance] APC - Forum draft?
Adam Peake
- [governance] Invitation to Values and Ethics Caucus event, 17th Nov, 3-5pm
Laina Raveendran Greene
- [governance] GAC
Wolfgang Kleinwächter
- [governance] forum size/numbers (Re: APC - Forum draft?)
Adam Peake (ajp at
- [governance] Name - Global Alliance?
Jovan Kurbalija
- [governance] List of speakers for Sub-Committee A - 13 Nov.
Jeanette Hofmann
- [governance] confirmation of caucus meeting on Thursday morning
Jeanette Hofmann
- [governance] Invitation to WSIS Panel on WIPO and IPRs: 16 Nov at Kram (15:00-17:00)
Robin Gross
- [governance] Invite to parallel event on 17th Nov
Laina Raveendran Greene
- [governance] FW: [IP] Are "Split Roots" the Future of the Internet?
Gurstein, Michael
- [governance] FYI - CSB meeting tomorrow morning at Kram
Robert Guerra
- [governance] [WSIS CS-Plenary] resumed prepcom III beginning now
Vittorio Bertola
- [governance] Future plans?
Vittorio Bertola
- [governance] [WSIS CS-Plenary] [Fwd: List of speakers for Sub-Committee A - 13 Nov.]
- [governance] drafting groups
Vittorio Bertola
- [governance] Canadian meeting
Vittorio Bertola
- [governance] agreement on cybersecurity and cybercrime
Ralf Bendrath
- [governance] IG caucus statement from Nov 13
Jeanette Hofmann
- [governance] Contact info in Tunis - Robert Guerra
Robert Guerra
- [governance] meeting with LMG governments?
Izumi AIZU
- [governance] latest canadian proposal on the forum
Jeanette Hofmann
- [governance] Internet Governance: A Primer
- [governance] Internet Governance scenarios
Garth Graham
- [governance] Statement on Oversight
Wolfgang Kleinwächter
- [governance] GC statement on Internet governance - part 5
Jacqueline Morris
- [governance] Canada=>Forum
William Drake
- [governance] comment to subcommitte nov 15
Adam Peake (ajp at
- [governance] IM + drafting groups
Vittorio Bertola
- [governance] WGIG Book Release: Tunis program correction
William Drake
- [governance] Fwd: [WSIS CS-Plenary] Fwd: Subcomite A: Martes 09.16
Izumi AIZU
- [governance] a question about video cameras
Milton Mueller
- [governance] overpasses
Jeanette Hofmann
- [governance] Caucus meeting -- Thursday 10AM no
Adam Peake (ajp at
- [governance] Ever more complicated rescheduling
Jeanette Hofmann
- [governance] US retains hold of the internet
David Goldstein
- [governance] we don't have final text yet.
- [governance] [Fwd: [WSIS CS-Plenary] Themes of WSIS official round tables]
Vittorio Bertola
- [governance] IG Capacity Building Initiative - Session on Friday (18th of November 2005) at 10.00
Jovan Kurbalija
- [governance] HR in the global information society
William Drake
- [governance] Way forward
Izumi AIZU
- [governance] fwd. The WSIS Deal
Adam Peake (ajp at
- [governance] Information Society for the South Project - ITfC and ITeM
- [governance] Events today: Bill of Internet Rights, Monitoring MSPs
Vittorio Bertola
- [governance] My interpretation of the WSIS document
Milton Mueller
- [governance] tentative agenda for caucus meetings
Jeanette Hofmann
- [governance] note 1st Caucus meeting
Adam Peake (ajp at
- [governance] Media coverage of WSIS 2 = IG in Canada
lissjeffrey at
- [governance] Caucus meeting notes -- Friday Nov 18 Tunis
Adam Peake (ajp at
- [governance] Flights with Tunis Air - reconfirmation required
Adam Peake (ajp at
- [governance] more effective discussion tool
Max Senges
- [governance] Proposal made in the IG Caucus meeting
Avri Doria
- [governance] IGP: The World Summit and Internet Governance
Milton Mueller
- [governance] NRO press release on WSIS (17 November)
Paul Wilson
- [governance] the internet news hosting server died
David Goldstein
- [governance] Tunis summit photos now online
Robert Guerra
- [governance] Assessment of WSIS Outcomes for Internet Governance
Hans Klein
- [governance] [Fwd: [WSIS CS-Plenary] Letter to Kofi Annan: signatures de soutien/sign on:]
Jeanette Hofmann
- [governance] FW: <incom> Ivo Skoric: Who controls the Net? [u]
Gurstein, Michael
- [governance] [WSIS CS-Plenary] How will you celebrate World Information Society Day?
Robert Guerra
- [governance] Privacy conference @ ICANN / Vancouver
Robert Guerra
- [governance] The PublicRoot rises again - Dutch tech firm wants to rid the Web of the .com
Joe Baptista
- [governance] Finally - a good turkish story on the public-root
Joe Baptista
- [governance] Robert Kahn's talk(Was: International DOI Foundation)
Ronda Hauben
- [governance] FW: [isoc-members-discuss] [isdf] WSIS debate [u]
Gurstein, Michael
- [governance] internet news/information list is reborn
David Goldstein
- [governance] Civil Society Declaration on Internet Governance
Jeanette Hofmann
- [governance] Report from Tunis - pt I
Ronda Hauben
- [governance] Civil Society Declaration on Internet Governance [revised text suggestions]
William Drake
- [governance] IRC channel / ICANN
Robert Guerra
- [governance] Civil Society Declaration on Internet Governance [revised text]
William Drake
- [governance] new version of IG part in WSIS CS statement
Ralf Bendrath
- [governance] New version of WSIS CS statement: Two IG issues
Vittorio Bertola
Last message date:
Wed Nov 30 17:47:52 EST 2005
Archived on: Tue Jan 11 11:56:48 EST 2022
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