[governance] Caucus meeting in Tunis

Adam Peake ajp at glocom.ac.jp
Fri Nov 4 07:01:51 EST 2005

At 8:13 PM +0900 11/4/05, Adam Peake wrote:
>At 11:09 AM +0100 11/4/05, Jeanette Hofmann wrote:
>  >Wolfgang Kleinwächter wrote:


>  >  >
>>   > Do we plan a special Caucus meeting in Tunis?
>>We have to discuss our life beyond Tunis.
>>A lotz remains to be done.
>>Yes, we will defintely try for arranging caucus meetings. However, the
>>biggest challenge it not to find a room but to get people like you to
>>attend, Wolfgang...
>The last afternoon, 18th November, seems the best
>time.  Diplo have a meeting from 15:00.  So how
>about 13:00 to 14:30?  If OK we can try to book a

Sorry... Just heard a large civil society event 
will be held on the afternoon of Friday 18, from 
1PM to 6PM, organized by the CRIS campaign.

Anyone know of important meetings planned for the morning of Friday 18th?


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