Avri Doria avri at psg.com
Fri Nov 4 10:23:37 EST 2005


On 4 nov 2005, at 03.48, Wolfgang Kleinwächter wrote:

> I support Jeanette and Adam, they are the co-chairs and they should  
> be the spokespersons.

I think it does sound like we are reaching some sort of IGC rough  
consensus on this.

> Do we plan a special Caucus meeting in Tunis? We have to discuss  
> our life beyond Tunis. A lotz remains to be done.

Yes, we should have one.  We really do need to figure out how the IGC  
will persist in its efforts and expand the base of participation.  I  
do hope we can find the time when enough people can attend to get  
something started that can then be worked through on the list and the  

> My proposal for the new co-chair couple is Avri and Carlos.

While I am honored by the proposal I do wonder, why we need a new co- 
chair couple?   I have not heard the current coordinators resigning  
and do not personally see a reason for them to either resign or be  

If we do, I think we should probably first figure out what sort of  
plan we have for the future before deciding who can best facilitate  
the effort.

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