[governance] suggested changes to chairs paper, paras 45 and 65

Adam Peake (ajp@glocom.ac.jp) apeake at gmail.com
Sun Nov 6 07:25:51 EST 2005

Any objections to this suggestion? I'll send to the secretariat
tomorrow (about 18 hours from the date stamp on this email.)



On 11/4/05, Adam Peake <ajp at glocom.ac.jp> wrote:
> Hi,
> Couple of weeks ago I mentioned a couple of the agreed and therefore
> closed paragraphs of chairs paper chapter 3 that I thought needed
> reopening.  During intersessional discussions last week a few agreed
> paragraphs were re-opened, so it does seem possible to at least try
> to make changes.  Please see comment below.  If there's agreement
> then I will send the comment as a contribution for the resumed
> prepcom.
> For info -- I sent this as a letter to Amb Khan on October 21.  No reply.
> Just because they say it's closed doesn't mean we can try...
> thanks,
> Adam
> Contribution on behalf of the Civil Society Internet Governance
> Caucus requesting changes to two paragraphs in Chapter Three (DT/10
> (Rev. 4)-E)
> We realize that agreed paragraphs are considered closed, however, we
> note that the whole chapter remains in square brackets and that
> "agreed" paragraphs were reopened for discussion during the recent
> intersessional meeting.
> The paragraphs we request to change are:
> 45 c) Civil society has also played an important role on Internet
> matters, especially at community level, and should continue to play
> such a role;
> and
> 65. We also underline the importance of countering terrorism in all
> its forms and manifestations on the Internet, while respecting human
> rights and in compliance with other obligations under international
> law, as outlined in UNGA A/60/L.1* with reference to Art. 85 of the
> 2005 World Summit Outcome. (Agreed)
> About paragraph 45 c.
> Civil Society made a comment during prepcom 3 to Sub-Committee A
> stating that this description of civil society's role and
> responsibility with regard to Internet governance was severely
> lacking, we suggested new text:
> 43 c. Civil society has played an important role on Internet matters.
> This role has ranged from capacity building at the community level to
> the contribution of much of the technological innovation and to the
> creation of much of the content that makes the Internet what it is
> today. Civil Society should continue to play such a role.
> <http://www.itu.int/wsis/docs2/pc3/contributions/sca/GLOCOM-22.doc>
> We recognize that the language of para 45 c is from the Geneva
> Declaration of Principles, but also note that the text was drafted in
> the closed session held shortly before the Geneva Summit,
> consequently civil society has not had the opportunity to influence
> the description of itself a stakeholder in this process. It is clear
> that the current text of 45 c does not reflect civil society's past
> and current role in anything like an adequate and appropriate manner.
> The text we read and submitted to Sub-Committee A on September 22 was
> unfortunately not considered during the meeting of the drafting group
> established to coordinate work on (then) paragraphs 43-44, and it was
> also missed from the initial compilation of comments received.
> Should the text we suggest not be acceptable, then we note that the
> EU suggested a more simple change, simply to delete "especially at
> community level" leaving "Civil society has also played an important
> role on Internet matters, and should continue to play such a role;"
> Our concern is not only that the description of civil society in 45 c
> is inadequate and misleading, stakeholders roles and responsibilities
> are referred to throughout the chapter (in the working definition of
> Internet governance itself, 44, and paras 41, 58, 74, and
> significantly in the contributions being considered for Section 5,
> for example para 70 in the Chair's Food For Thought paper "each of
> them in their field of competence") and we see this as a potentially
> limiting factor on civil society's future involvement in multi
> stakeholder processes.
> About paragraph 65.
> "We also underline the importance of countering terrorism in all its
> forms and manifestations on the Internet, while respecting human
> rights and in compliance with other obligations under international
> law, as outlined in UNGA A/60/L.1* with reference to Art. 85 of the
> 2005 World Summit Outcome."
> It is unclear what "manifestations" of terrorism on the Internet
> would be. The Geneva Declaration and Chapter 3 describe the Internet
> as a "global facility available to the public"; the manifestations of
> this global facility are too enormous to imagine. The language is
> dangerously ambiguous and could open doors for censorship and
> infringements on freedom of expression.  We strongly suggest that
> this paragraph be deleted.
> These comments echo a statement to Sub-Committee A made by the
> Association for Progressive Communications (APC) On behalf of Civil
> Society Privacy and Security Working Group and the Civil Society
> Human Rights Caucus, 29 September 2005
> <http://www.itu.int/wsis/docs2/pc3/contributions/sca/CS-29.doc>
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Email from Adam Peake <ajp at glocom.ac.jp>
Email from my Gmail account probably means I am travelling.  Please
reply to  <ajp at glocom.ac.jp> Thanks!

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