[governance] agreement on cybersecurity and cybercrime

Ralf Bendrath bendrath at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Sun Nov 13 12:39:52 EST 2005

Singapore reported from the drafting group.
They agreed and the text was just adopted in SC-A. It now reads:

61. We underline the importance of the prosecution of cybercrime, 
including cybercrime committed in one jurisdiction but having effects in 
another. We further underline the necessity of effective and efficient 
tools and actions, at national and international levels, to promote 
international cooperation among, inter alia, law enforcement agencies on 
cybercrime. We call upon governments in cooperation with other 
stakeholders to develop necessary legislation for the investigation and 
prosecution of cybercrime, noting existing frameworks, for example, UNGA 
Resolutions 55/63 and 56/121 on “Combatting the criminal misuse of 
information technologies” and regional intititives, including, but not 
limited to, the Council of Europe's Convention on Cybercrime.

66. We underline the importance of the security, continuity and stability 
of the Internet, and the need to protect the Internet and other ICT 
networks from threats and vulnerabilities. We affirm the need for a common 
understanding of the issues of Internet security, and for further 
cooperation to facilitate outreach, the collection and dissemination of 
security related information and exchange of good practice among all 
stakeholders on measures to combat security threats, at national and 
international level.

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