[governance] APC - Forum draft?

Jeanette Hofmann jeanette at wz-berlin.de
Thu Nov 10 17:45:03 EST 2005

Avri Doria wrote:
> On 10 nov 2005, at 14.08, Jeanette Hofmann wrote:
>>> The idea was that there would be a public call for nominations for  
>>> members of the
>>> Forum, in the way there was for members of WGIG.
>> This I find slightly confusing. Are you really talking about a _forum_
>> or a new working group, say, a WGIG 2? I thought of a forum in  terms of
>> a much larger membership and a more open process than the 40  members of
>> WGIG and its public consultations.
> funny when i read it, i was thinking in much larger numbers, 100's  even 
> maybe hundred's over time.
> but isn't the size mostly a detail,

I am not so sure about this. My guess is that 40 or 400 makes a 
difference wrt to procedures, internal structures and also outcome.

Personally, I find 50 people groups ok for a limited time when it is 
about a very limited task to accomplish. Like WGIG. I find this size not
adequate for long term goals.

  one of those that would be worked
> out by the planning group, who btw, i think should be sunset after a  year.

Not sure I want to delegate such an important question (assuming it is 
indeed important) to a planning group unless there is extensive 
consultation on each single issue.

> a.
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