September 2008 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Sep 1 00:28:16 EDT 2008
Ending: Tue Sep 30 21:01:15 EDT 2008
Messages: 410
- [governance] Consensus call on IGF review - YESor NO response required
Renate Bloem (Gmail)
- [governance] new leadership at WIPO
Renate Bloem (Gmail)
- [governance] Consensus call on rights theme - yes or no response required.
Nyangkwe Agien Aaron
- [governance] Consensus call on rights theme - yes or no response required.
Nyangkwe Agien Aaron
- SV: [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Carlos Afonso
- [governance] Consensus call on rights theme - yes or no
Carlos Afonso
- [governance] ITU work on IP traceback
Carlos Afonso
- [governance] role in MAG
Carlos Afonso
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Jaco Aizenman
- [governance] Last minute addition?? Consensus call on rights theme - IGF Review
Jaco Aizenman
- [governance] For a real impact of IGF in least developed countries
Jaco Aizenman
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper [General comments, only!]
Jaco Aizenman
- [governance] role in MAG
Qusai AlShatti
- [governance] IGF Evaluation
Qusai AlShatti
- [governance] IGF Evaluation
Qusai AlShatti
- [governance] Flights to Hyderabad
Qusai AlShatti
- [governance] Consensus call on rights theme - yes or no response
María Belén Albornoz
- [governance] Re: SV: IGC statement for open consultation
David Allen
- [governance] Call for final comments - rights as a theme for cairo
Fouad Bajwa
- [governance] Call for final comments - rights as a theme for cairo
Fouad Bajwa
- [governance] Consensus call on IGF review - YESor NO response required
Fouad Bajwa
- [governance] Rights and Privacy: Questioning Google's Privacy Reform
Fouad Bajwa
- [governance] Concerns regarding Gender Balance, Youth and developing country CS members participation in IGF Hyderabad
Fouad Bajwa
- [governance] Rights and Privacy: Questioning Google's Privacy Reform
Fouad Bajwa
- [governance] Rights and Privacy: Questioning Google's PrivacyReform
Fouad Bajwa
- [governance] Fwd: UN & ITU: "A Chinese Internet for the world" - UN & ITU plan to remove anonomity from Internet
Fouad Bajwa
- [governance] Fwd: UN & ITU: "A Chinese Internet for the world" -UN &
Fouad Bajwa
- [governance] role in MAG
Fouad Bajwa
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Jacques Berleur
- [governance] Consensus call on rights theme - yes or no
Jacques Berleur
- [governance] Consensus call on IGF review - YESor NO response
Jacques Berleur
- [governance] Consensus call on rights theme - yes or no response
Valeria Betancourt
- [governance] Internationalization of email addresses completed
Stephane Bortzmeyer
- [governance] Re: Internationalization of email addresses completed
Stephane Bortzmeyer
- [governance] Running on Empty: the challenge of managing Internet addresses
Stephane Bortzmeyer
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Hanane Boujemi
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Hanane Boujemi
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Hanane Boujemi
- [governance] Consensus call on rights statement - yes or no vote required
Hanane Boujemi
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Sylvia Caras
- [governance] ITU IP traceback standards
Sylvia Caras
- [governance] Study on ICT self- and co-regulation
Jonathan Cave
- [governance] Study on ICT self- and co-regulation
Jonathan Cave
- [governance] Consensus call on IGF review - YESor NO response required
Bertrand de La Chapelle
- [governance] IGC website hosting and maintenenance - call for volunteers
Derrick L. Cogburn
- [governance] Dubai Court Gives Man Three Months in Jail for
Rui Correia
- [governance] Listening to Skype is cheap - Germany proofed it
Peter Dambier
- [governance] Consensus call on IGF review - YESor NO response required
- rights again Re: [governance] Inputs ...
Avri Doria
- rights again Re: [governance] Inputs ...
Avri Doria
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
William Drake
- [governance] Consensus call on rights theme - yes or no
William Drake
- [governance] My blog on the Tuesday consultation
Raul Echeberria
- [governance] My blog on the Tuesday consultation
Raul Echeberria
- [governance] My blog on the Tuesday consultation
Raul Echeberria
- [governance] Flights to Hyderabad
Anriette Esterhuysen
- [governance] European Court of Human Rights Will Not Prevent McKinnon's Extradition
David Goldstein
- [governance] Dubai Court Gives Man Three Months in Jail for Breaching UN Employee's eMail Account
David Goldstein
- [governance] Nom Com committee confirmations
David Goldstein
- [governance] Consensus call on rights theme - yes or no
David Goldstein
- [governance] Rights and Privacy: Questioning Google's Privacy Reform
David Goldstein
- [governance] namur seminar Theoretical approach to the problems and limits of governance 31 octobre 2008
Philippe Goujon
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Robin Gross
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Robin Gross
- [governance] Consensus call on IGF review - YESor NO response required
Robin Gross
- [governance] Do We Need An Internet Zoning Law?
Robert Guerra
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Michael Gurstein
- [governance] Consensus call on rights theme - yes or no
Michael Gurstein
- rights again Re: [governance] Inputs ...
- rights again Re: [governance] Inputs ...
- [governance] Last minute addition?? Consensus call on rights
- [governance] Consensus call on IGF review - YESor NO response
Anita Gurumurthy
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Jeanette Hofmann
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Jeanette Hofmann
- rights again Re: [governance] Inputs ...
Jeanette Hofmann
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Jeanette Hofmann
- [governance] Consensus call on rights theme - yes or no
Jeanette Hofmann
- [governance] Consensus call on IGF review - YESor NO response
Jeanette Hofmann
- [governance] role in MAG
Jeanette Hofmann
- [governance] My blog on the Tuesday consultation
Jeanette Hofmann
- [governance] My blog on the Tuesday consultation
Jeanette Hofmann
- [governance] My blog on the Tuesday consultation
Jeanette Hofmann
- [governance] My blog on the Tuesday consultation
Jeanette Hofmann
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Lisa Horner
- [governance] Consensus call on rights theme - yes or no
Lisa Horner
- [governance] Dubai Court Gives Man Three Months in Jail for Breaching UN Employee's eMail Account
- [governance] Disclosure(s)
- [governance] email address for comments, IGF consultation Sept 16
- [governance] role in MAG
- [governance] Consensus call on rights statement - yes or no vote required
Omar Kaminski
- [governance] How the 'Net works an introduction to peering and transit
Yehuda Katz
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper [General comments, only!]
Matthias C. Kettemann
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Norbert Klein
- [governance] Consensus call on rights theme - yes or no response required.
Norbert Klein
- [governance] Consensus call on rights theme - yes or no response required.
Norbert Klein
- [governance] Consensus call on IGF review - YESor NO response required
Norbert Klein
- [governance] Last minute addition?? Consensus call on rights theme - IGF Review
Norbert Klein
- SV: [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Kleinwächter, Wolfgang
- SV: [governance] Consensus call on IGF review - YESor NO response
Kleinwächter, Wolfgang
- SV: [governance] IGC statement for open consultation
Kleinwächter, Wolfgang
- AW: [governance] role in MAG
Kleinwächter, Wolfgang
- AW: [governance] My blog on the Tuesday consultation
Kleinwächter, Wolfgang
- SV: [governance] My blog on the Tuesday consultation
Kleinwächter, Wolfgang
- [governance] EURODIG
Kleinwächter, Wolfgang
- [governance] Consensus call on IGF review - YESor NO response
Ken Lohento
- [governance] Consensus call on rights theme - yes or no response
Ken Lohento
- [governance] Proposed timeline for the review of IGF
Ken Lohento
- [governance] For a real impact of IGF in least developed countries
Ken Lohento
- [governance] Transcript of morning session of IGF open consultation
Ken Lohento
- [governance] Summary of last MAG meeting
Ken Lohento
- [governance] Consensus call on rights theme - yes or no response required.
Thomas Lowenhaupt
- [governance] Last minute addition?? Consensus call on rights
Ahmed Swapan Mahmud
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Jeremy Malcolm
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Jeremy Malcolm
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Jeremy Malcolm
- [governance] Consensus call on rights theme - yes or no response required.
Jeremy Malcolm
- [governance] Consensus call on IGF review - YESor NO response required
Jeremy Malcolm
- [governance] IGC website hosting and maintenenance - call for volunteers
Jeremy Malcolm
- [governance] ICANN Geneva meeting Mon 15 Sep
Kieren McCarthy
- [governance] re CIF
Lee W McKnight
- [governance] ITU IP traceback standards
Lee W McKnight
- [governance] My blog on the Tuesday consultation
Lee W McKnight
- [governance] My blog on the Tuesday consultation
Lee W McKnight
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
- [governance] Input-2 for synthesis paper
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
- [governance] Consensus call on rights theme - yes or no response required.
- [governance] Rights and Privacy: Questioning Google's Privacy Reform
- [governance] Rights and Privacy: Questioning Google's PrivacyReform
- [governance] My blog on the Tuesday consultation
- [governance] My blog on the Tuesday consultation
- [governance] My blog on the Tuesday consultation
- [governance] Root zone signing proposal
- [governance] Do We Need An Internet Zoning Law?
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] Do We Need An Internet Zoning Law?
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Milton L Mueller
- rights again Re: [governance] Inputs ...
Milton L Mueller
- rights again Re: [governance] Inputs ...
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Milton L Mueller
- rights again Re: [governance] Inputs ...
Milton L Mueller
- rights again Re: [governance] Inputs ...
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] Consensus call on rights theme - yes or no response required.
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] Consensus call on IGF review - YESor NO response required
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] Last minute addition?? Consensus call on rights theme - IGF Review
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] ITU work on IP traceback
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] role in MAG
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] My blog on the Tuesday consultation
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] My blog on the Tuesday consultation
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] My blog on the Tuesday consultation
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] My blog on the Tuesday consultation
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] My blog on the Tuesday consultation
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] Input-2 for synthesis paper
Sivasubramanian Muthusamy
- [governance] Input-2 for synthesis paper
Sivasubramanian Muthusamy
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Sivasubramanian Muthusamy
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Sivasubramanian Muthusamy
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Sivasubramanian Muthusamy
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Sivasubramanian Muthusamy
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Sivasubramanian Muthusamy
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Sivasubramanian Muthusamy
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Sivasubramanian Muthusamy
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Sivasubramanian Muthusamy
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Sivasubramanian Muthusamy
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Sivasubramanian Muthusamy
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Sivasubramanian Muthusamy
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Sivasubramanian Muthusamy
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Sivasubramanian Muthusamy
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Sivasubramanian Muthusamy
- [governance] Call for final comments - rights as a theme for cairo
Sivasubramanian Muthusamy
- [governance] Disclosure(s)
Sivasubramanian Muthusamy
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Sivasubramanian Muthusamy
- [governance] role in MAG
Sivasubramanian Muthusamy
- SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: [governance] Re: Why standards from ISO are not
Kicki Nordström
- SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: [governance] Re: Why standards from ISO are not
Kicki Nordström
- SV: [governance] Dubai Court Gives Man Three Months in Jail for Breaching UN Employee's eMail Account
Kicki Nordström
- SV: [governance] Internationalization of email addresses completed
Kicki Nordström
- [governance] Consensus call on rights theme - yes or no
Ginger Paque
- tardis Re: [governance] IGC website hosting and maintenenance - call
Ginger Paque
- [governance] Consensus call on rights statement - yes or no vote required
YJ Park
- [governance] Consensus call on IGF review - YESor NO response required
YJ Park
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
- [governance] Input-2 for synthesis paper
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
- [governance] Input-2 for synthesis paper
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
- rights again Re: [governance] Inputs ...
- [governance] Input-2 for synthesis paper
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
- [governance] Input on 'review of the IGF'
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
- [governance] IGC statement for open consultation
- [governance] IGC statement for open consultation
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
- [governance] Input on 'review of the IGF'
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
- [governance] IGC statement for open consultation
- [governance] role in MAG
- [governance] My blog on the Tuesday consultation
- [governance] Study on ICT self- and co-regulation initiatives
Adam Peake
- [governance] Disclosure(s)
Adam Peake
- [governance] Disclosure(s)
Adam Peake
- [governance] email address for comments, IGF consultation Sept 16
Adam Peake
- [governance] Do We Need An Internet Zoning Law?
Roland Perry
- [governance] Do We Need An Internet Zoning Law?
Roland Perry
- [governance] Do We Need An Internet Zoning Law?
Roland Perry
- [governance] Do We Need An Internet Zoning Law?
Roland Perry
- [governance] Do We Need An Internet Zoning Law?
Roland Perry
- [governance] Flights to Hyderabad
Roland Perry
- [governance] NomCom Pool for Apeals Team announcement
Ian Peter
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Ian Peter
- [governance] RE: NomCom for Appeals Team
Ian Peter
- [governance] Internationalization of email addresses completed
Ian Peter
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Ian Peter
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Ian Peter
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Ian Peter
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Ian Peter
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Ian Peter
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Ian Peter
- [governance] Call for final comments - Input on 'review of the IGF'
Ian Peter
- [governance] Call for final comments - rights as a theme for cairo
Ian Peter
- [governance] Call for final comments - rights as a theme for cairo
Ian Peter
- [governance] Call for final comments - rights as a theme for cairo
Ian Peter
- [governance] Consensus call on rights statement - yes or no vote required
Ian Peter
- [governance] Consensus call on rights theme - yes or no response required.
Ian Peter
- [governance] Consensus call on IGF review - YESor NO response required
Ian Peter
- [governance] Last minute addition?? Consensus call on rights theme - IGF Review
Ian Peter
- [governance] Final Text on Rights - now sent to IGF Secretariat
Ian Peter
- [governance] final text on IGF Review
Ian Peter
- [governance] Ad Hoc Working Group on IGC processes
Ian Peter
- [governance] IGC website hosting and maintenenance - call for volunteers
Ian Peter
- [governance] Consensus call on IGF review - YESor NO response required
Dam Philippe
- [governance] Consensus call on IGF review - YESor NO response
Hindenburgo Pires
- [governance] Study on ICT self- and co-regulation
Hakikur Rahman
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Hakikur Rahman
- [governance] Consensus call on rights theme - yes or no
Hakikur Rahman
- [governance] Last minute addition?? Consensus call on
Hakikur Rahman
- [governance] Consensus call on rights statement - yes or no vote required
- [governance] Consensus call on rights theme - yes or no response
Graciela Selaimen
- [governance] Last minute addition?? Consensus call on rights theme - IGF Review
Max Senges
- [governance] on collective v. individual rights
Jeremy Shtern
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Tapani Tarvainen
- rights again Re: [governance] Inputs ...
Tapani Tarvainen
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Tapani Tarvainen
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Tapani Tarvainen
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Tapani Tarvainen
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Tapani Tarvainen
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Tapani Tarvainen
- [governance] Consensus call on rights theme - yes or no
Tapani Tarvainen
- [governance] Consensus call on IGF review - YESor NO response
Tapani Tarvainen
- [governance] Consensus call on rights theme - yes or no
Tapani Tarvainen
- [governance] Consensus call on rights statement - yes or no
Stefano Trumpy
- [governance] Consensus call on IGF review - YESor NO response
Stefano Trumpy
- [governance] Consensus call on rights theme - yes or no response
Rudi Vansnick
- [governance] EURODIG
Rudi Vansnick
- [governance] Running on Empty: the challenge of managing Internet addresses
Tom Vest
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] EU Commission website on Future of the Internet launched
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] Do We Need An Internet Zoning Law?
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] Info-Activism Camp: India Feb, 2009 - Pass it on!
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] Do We Need An Internet Zoning Law?
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] Re: [ga] Washington Post to expose ICANN registrar ESTDomains
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] Dubai Court Gives Man Three Months in Jail for Breaching UN Employee's eMail Account
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] Do We Need An Internet Zoning Law?
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] Dubai Court Gives Man Three Months in Jail for
Jeffrey A. Williams
- rights again Re: [governance] Inputs ...
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] Do We Need An Internet Zoning Law?
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] Dubai Court Gives Man Three Months in Jail for
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] ISO Relevance Questioned After OOXML Appeals Fail
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] Do We Need An Internet Zoning Law?
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Jeffrey A. Williams
- rights again Re: [governance] Inputs ...
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] Study on ICT self- and co-regulation initiatives
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] Study on ICT self- and co-regulation
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] Study on ICT self- and co-regulation
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] Study on ICT self- and co-regulation
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] Study on ICT self- and co-regulation
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] [FwdFYI to: [Ip-health] Last call: Stop secret treaty threatening generics (ACTA)]]
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] ICANN Geneva meeting Mon 15 Sep
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] [Fwd: [At-Large] WashingtonPost: ICANN Accredited Registrar is ConvictedFelon]
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] [Fwd: [Ip-health] ACTA-USTR & Commerce will hold Public Meeting-September 22]
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] Call for final comments - rights as a theme for cairo
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] Consensus call on rights theme - yes or no
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] Consensus call on IGF review - YESor NO response
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] Consensus call on rights theme - yes or noresponse
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] Running on Empty: the challenge of managing
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] Regarding Rights: Virginia Supreme Court Strikes Down Anti-Spam Law
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] Senate Judiciary Committee Approves Copyright Cops
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] ITU IP traceback standards
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] Senate Judiciary Committee Approves Copyright Cops
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] Rights and Privacy: Questioning Google's Privacy Reform
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] ITU IP traceback standards
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] Senate Judiciary Committee Approves Copyright Cops
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] Rights and Privacy: Questioning Google's PrivacyReform
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] ITU IP traceback standards
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] Rights and Privacy: Questioning Google's PrivacyReform
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] Rights and Privacy: Questioning Google's PrivacyReform
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] Fwd: UN & ITU: "A Chinese Internet for the world" -UN &
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] [Fwd: Secret Counterfeiting Treaty Must Be Made Public, Global OrganizationsSay]
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] Rights and Privacy: Questioning Google's Privacy Reform
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] Fwd: UN & ITU: "A Chinese Internet for the world"-UN &
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] Re: SV: IGC statement for open consultation
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] Threats to Internte Bill of Rights: Member of European Parliament's questions to the Commission on ACTA
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] Rights and Privacy: Questioning Google's PrivacyReform
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] role in MAG
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] My blog on the Tuesday consultation
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] My blog on the Tuesday consultation
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] My blog on the Tuesday consultation
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] My blog on the Tuesday consultation
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] My blog on the Tuesday consultation
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] My blog on the Tuesday consultation
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] My blog on the Tuesday consultation
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] A god send or a curse?: Software Spots Spin In Political Speeches
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] [Fwd: [A2k] EFF and PK filed suit against USTR demanding information about the secret IP enforcement treaty (ACTA)]
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] Ad Hoc Working Group on IGC processes
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] [Fwd: Re: [ga] Proposed Bylaws Revision Open For Comment]
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] Re: [At-Large] NCUC Capture Plans
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] EURODIG
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] Chicago Law Firm, Jones and Day Sues Over Hyperlink To Trademarked Name
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] Re: [Igcharter] getting underway
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] Positive Rights News From Europe
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] Root zone signing proposal
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] US Senate Passes PRO-IP Act
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] IGC website hosting and maintenenance - call
Jeffrey A. Williams
- tardis Re: [governance] IGC website hosting and maintenenance - call
Jeffrey A. Williams
- tardis Re: [governance] IGC website hosting and maintenenance - call
Jeffrey A. Williams
- tardis Re: [governance] IGC website hosting and maintenenance- call
Jeffrey A. Williams
- tardis Re: [governance] IGC website hosting and maintenenance- call
Jeffrey A. Williams
- [governance] Do We Need An Internet Zoning Law?
Danny Younger
- [governance] Fwd: UN & ITU: "A Chinese Internet for the world" -UN &
Lansipuro Yrjo
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
karen banks
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
karen banks
- [governance] Consensus call on rights theme - yes or no
massit follea
- [governance] Consensus call on IGF review - YESor NO response required
ldmisekfalkoff at
- [governance] Consensus call on rights theme - yes or no
ldmisekfalkoff at
- [governance] Consensus call on rights theme - yes or no response required.
ldmisekfalkoff at
- [governance] Last minute addition?? Consensus call on rights theme - IGF Review
ldmisekfalkoff at
- [governance] Senate Judiciary Committee Approves Copyright Cops
ldmisekfalkoff at
- [governance] ITU IP traceback standards
ldmisekfalkoff at
- [governance] Senate Judiciary Committee Approves Copyright Cops
ldmisekfalkoff at
- [governance] Consensus call on rights theme - yes or no response required.
maxsenges at
- [governance] Inputs for synthesis paper
- [governance] My blog on the Tuesday consultation
raul at
- [governance] My blog on the Tuesday consultation
raul at
- [governance] Consensus call on rights theme - yes or no response
shaila mistry
- [governance] Consensus call on rights theme - IGF Review
cosmatos at
- AW: [governance] Consensus call on IGF review - YESor NO response required
wolfgang.benedek at
- AW: [governance] Last minute addition?? Consensus call on rights
wolfgang.benedek at
- [governance] Consensus call on rights theme - yes or no response required.
tricia wang
Last message date:
Tue Sep 30 21:01:15 EDT 2008
Archived on: Tue Jan 11 11:57:05 EST 2022
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).