[governance] Study on ICT self- and co-regulation initiatives
Adam Peake
ajp at glocom.ac.jp
Fri Sep 5 09:47:28 EDT 2008
The European Commission recently published a study assessing the
efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability of ICT self- and
co-regulation initiatives. The study was led by RAND Europe (Chris
Marsden <http://chrismarsden.blogspot.com/>)
The study is available from European Commission
The study consists of two main parts: a mapping exercise that
examines existing regulatory and co- and self-regulatory institutions
and identifies "candidate" case studies for closer analysis. And a
second phase report providing the results of 21 short case studies.
Case studies were presented in four groupings:
Internet Infrastructure and Standards (ICANN, Nominet, IETF, W3C, ICRA)
Internet Self- and Co-Regulation (IWF, INHOPE, EuroISPA, KJM, FSM)
Content and Filtering/Rating (ICSTIS, IMCB, NICAM, PEGI, ATVOD)
Emerging Self Regulation Areas (SecondLife, Creative Commons, Social
Network: Bebo, Trustmarks, London Action Plan, IGF)
Total of all phases about 1300 pages.
A clear conclusion of the report is that robust self-and
co-regulatory organisations only develop where their design and
dynamics take a multi-stakeholder approach as their basic principle.
Parts already seem dated and it wasn't written too long ago (3rd qtr 2007).
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