[governance] IGF Evaluation
Qusai AlShatti
qshatti at gmail.com
Thu Sep 18 11:10:36 EDT 2008
The MAG did not discuss the details of the evaluation. Unless the UN SG
would request the MAG to assist in the evaluation process, this is beyond
the MAG mandate. This is why it was suggested that the IGF evaluation will
considered an open consultation topic.
On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 5:43 PM, Maja Andjelkovic <
maja.andjelkovic at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for this overview, Qusai - very helpful to know more about the
> discussion. Do you know if the MAG considered the level of
> detail/appropriate extent of the evaluation, given that the only explicit
> question to be answered is whether the IGF should continue past the initial
> five years?
> Good to see you, albeit briefly, yesterday!
> All the best,
> Maja
> ------------------------------
> *From*: "Qusai AlShatti" <qshatti at gmail.com>
> *Date*: Thu, 18 Sep 2008 17:39:21 +0300
> *To*: <governance at lists.cpsr.org>
> *Subject*: [governance] IGF Evaluation
> Dear All:
> The issue of evaluationg the IGF, in terms of should it continue after the
> end of the five years and to what extent it fullfiled its mandate, was
> discussed during the open consultation and the MAG meeting. There was a
> general agreement (in the open consultation and the MAG) That it is too
> early to start the process of evaluation.There were also different opinions
> on who should do the evaluation (the MAG, external or independent
> evaluators).
> What was clear is that the CSTD is the concrened body that would give the
> official recommendation on the continuation of the IGF after the end of the
> five years. This recommendation will be forwarded to the ECOSOC which will
> vote on it. Then it will be forwarded to th UN General Assembly for the
> final decision. This means that the governments will have the final say on
> this issue.
> It is expcedted that the UN SG will make a report on the evaluation of the
> IGF as a process and make his recommendation on the issue of IGF
> continuation. This report will be forwarded to the CSTD once it is
> completed. The MAG view was that the ealuation process was not part of its
> mandate unless the UN SG requested that from it. However the MAG found that
> this is an important issue and it should be discussed on the level of open
> consultations where individuals, CS, governments can express their opinions.
> Therefore the MAG suggested that the next open consultation session will be
> two days rather thatn one.
> Regards,
> Qusai
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