May 2009 Archives by author
Starting: Fri May 1 10:26:31 EDT 2009
Ending: Sun May 31 23:47:24 EDT 2009
Messages: 325
- AW: [governance] EC recommends a "G12" for IG
"Kleinwächter, Wolfgang"
- [governance] EC IG Hearing
"Kleinwächter, Wolfgang"
- [governance] WG: Twomey interview on ICANN
"Kleinwächter, Wolfgang"
- [governance] China on IGF
"Kleinwächter, Wolfgang"
- [governance] AW: China on IGF
"Kleinwächter, Wolfgang"
- [governance] AW: China on IGF
"Kleinwächter, Wolfgang"
- AW: [governance] China: "we don't agree that the IGF should continue"
"Kleinwächter, Wolfgang"
- AW: [governance] Fwd: [Gov 668] News / Nouvelles Jean-Louis Fullsack
"Kleinwächter, Wolfgang"
- AW: [governance] IGF Secretariate presents summary to CSTD
"Kleinwächter, Wolfgang"
- AW: [governance] JPA
"Kleinwächter, Wolfgang"
- AW: AW: [governance] JPA
"Kleinwächter, Wolfgang"
- AW: [governance] JPA
"Kleinwächter, Wolfgang"
- AW: AW: AW: [governance] JPA
"Kleinwächter, Wolfgang"
- AW: [governance] Obama on security, net neutrality, civil
"Kleinwächter, Wolfgang"
- [governance] Fwd: [Gov 668] News / Nouvelles Jean-Louis Fullsack
Renate Bloem (Gmail)
- [governance] US Needs Digital Warfare Force?
Nyangkwe Agien Aaron
- [governance] BBC E-mail: French net piracy bill signed off
Nyangkwe Agien Aaron
- [governance] Etat de / Jean Louis Fullssack / Status
Nyangkwe Agien Aaron
- [governance] China: "we don't agree that the IGF should continue"
Carlos Afonso
- [governance] China: "we don't agree that the IGF should
Carlos Afonso
- [governance] Wishing you a full and speedy recovery
Carlos Afonso
- AW: AW: [governance] JPA
Carlos Afonso
- AW: AW: [governance] JPA
Carlos Afonso
- AW: AW: [governance] JPA
Carlos Afonso
- [governance] JPA
Carlos Afonso
- [governance] Etat de / Jean Louis Fullssack / Status
Carlos Afonso
- AW: AW: [governance] JPA
Carlos Afonso
- [governance] JPA response - second draft for comments
Carlos Afonso
- [governance] JPA response - second draft for comments
Carlos Afonso
- [governance] JPA response - second draft for comments
Carlos Afonso
- [governance] Wishing you a full and speedy recovery
Qusai AlShatti
- [governance] Initiating discussion on "Internet
Fouad Bajwa
- [governance] Initiating discussion on "Internet
Fouad Bajwa
- [governance] Initiating discussion on "Internet
Fouad Bajwa
- [governance] Internet Authoritarianism refuge in South Asia
Fouad Bajwa
- [governance] Internet Authoritarianism refuge in South Asia
Fouad Bajwa
- [governance] EC recommends a "G12" for IG
Fouad Bajwa
- AW: [governance] hearing on Internet Governance arrangements
Fouad Bajwa
- [governance] EC recommends a "G12" for IG
Fouad Bajwa
- [governance] Report Public Hearing
Fouad Bajwa
- [governance] New MAG announced
Fouad Bajwa
- [governance] Free IGF book
Fouad Bajwa
- [governance] China: "we don't agree that the IGF should continue"
Fouad Bajwa
- [governance] China: "we don't agree that the IGF should continue"
Fouad Bajwa
- [governance] China: "we don't agree that the IGF should continue"
Fouad Bajwa
- MAG meeting summary report -Re: [governance] open consultations
Fouad Bajwa
- [governance] China: "we don't agree that the IGF should
Fouad Bajwa
- [governance] IGF Sharm golf tournament
Fouad Bajwa
- [governance] Wishing you a full and speedy recovery
Fouad Bajwa
- [governance] IGF Secretariate presents summary to CSTD
Fouad Bajwa
- [governance] IGF Secretariate presents summary to CSTD
Fouad Bajwa
- [governance] REPORT: 25 Years of Deregulation with No Serious Oversight Harmed the US Economy, World Standing and Customers.
Fouad Bajwa
- [governance] JPA Poll - Yea or Nea
Joe Baptista
- [governance] Etat de / Jean Louis Fullssack / Status
Beccalli, Andrea
- [governance] AW: China on IGF
Valeria Betancourt
- [governance] Re: hearing on Internet Governance arrangements
Stephane Bortzmeyer
- [governance] Re: WG: Twomey interview on ICANN
Stephane Bortzmeyer
- [governance] Invitation: May 13th: Public Participation Meeting
Bertrand de La Chapelle
- [governance] IGF Sharm golf tournament
Derrick L. Cogburn
- [governance] JPA
Willie Currie
- [governance] JPA
Willie Currie
- [governance] JPA response - second draft for comments
Willie Currie
- [governance] China: "we don't agree that the IGF should continue"
Avri Doria
- AW: [governance] China: "we don't agree that the IGF should continue"
Avri Doria
- [governance] IGF review
Avri Doria
- [governance] JPA
Avri Doria
- [governance] Report Public Hearing
William Drake
- [governance] Upcoming OC meeting in Geneva May 13: IGC agenda?
William Drake
- [governance] China: "we don't agree that the IGF should
William Drake
- [governance] RE: JPA
William Drake
- [governance] IGF review
William Drake
- [governance] Wishing you a full and speedy recovery
William Drake
- [governance] IGF review
William Drake
- [governance] JPA response - second draft for comments
William Drake
- [governance] IGF Sharm golf tournament
Anriette Esterhuysen
- [governance] Update / News / Nouvelles Jean-Louis Fullsack]
Anriette Esterhuysen
- [governance] Example of online safety initiative
Anriette Esterhuysen
- [governance] CSTD
Anriette Esterhuysen
- [governance] JPA response - second draft for comments
Anriette Esterhuysen
- [governance] Obama on security, net neutrality, civil
Anriette Esterhuysen
- [governance] FYI: Letter from Bulgarian Internet community to ISOC
Nikola Geshev
- AW: [governance] hearing on Internet Governance arrangements
David Goldstein
- [governance] US Needs Digital Warfare Force?
David Goldstein
- [governance] Invitation: May 13th: Public Participation Meeting
Garth Graham
- [governance] IGF review
Garth Graham
- [governance] JPA
Garth Graham
- [governance] FW: <incom> The Future of Internet Governance: Towards an Accountable ICANN
Michael Gurstein
- [governance] IGF review
Michael Gurstein
- [governance] IGF review
Michael Gurstein
- [governance] IGF review
Michael Gurstein
- [governance] IGF review
Michael Gurstein
- [governance] FW: [A2k] Ed Felten proposes a three-strikes law for print
Michael Gurstein
- [governance] IGF review
Michael Gurstein
- [governance] IGF review
Michael Gurstein
- [governance] IGF review
Michael Gurstein
- [governance] FW: ICF Announces Top Seven Intelligent Communities of 2009
Michael Gurstein
- [governance] FW: ICF Announces Top Seven Intelligent Communities of 2009
Michael Gurstein
- [governance] Initiating discussion on "Internet
Ronda Hauben
- [governance] Upcoming OC meeting in Geneva May 13: IGC agenda?
Jeanette Hofmann
- [governance] Upcoming OC meeting in Geneva May 13: IGC agenda?
Jeanette Hofmann
- [governance] Upcoming OC meeting in Geneva May 13: IGC agenda?
Jeanette Hofmann
- [governance] Open Consultation issues: IGF review revisited
Jeanette Hofmann
- [governance] JPA
Jeanette Hofmann
- [governance] JPA
Jeanette Hofmann
- [governance] JPA
Jeanette Hofmann
- [governance] JPA
Jeanette Hofmann
- [governance] JPA
Jeanette Hofmann
- [governance] JPA
Jeanette Hofmann
- [governance] JPA response - second draft for comments
Jeanette Hofmann
- [governance] JPA response - second draft for comments
Jeanette Hofmann
- [governance] Etat de / Jean Louis Fullssack / Status
- [governance] China: "we don't agree that the IGF should
Sergio Alves Junior
- [governance] China: "we don't agree that the IGF should
Sergio Alves Junior
- [governance] Upcoming OC meeting in Geneva May 13: IGC agenda?
- [governance] OC meeting notes: RP, statement and 9 am meeting
- [governance] Open Consultation issues: IGF review revisited
- [governance] IGF Sharm golf tournament
- [governance] IGF review
- [governance] Wishing you a full and speedy recovery
- [governance] Obama on security, net neutrality, civil
- [governance] JPA Poll - Yea or Nea
Yehuda Katz
- AW: [governance] JPA Poll - Yea or Nea
Yehuda Katz
- [governance] JPA response - second draft for comments
Yehuda Katz
- [governance] FYI: Letter from Bulgarian Internet community
Norbert Klein
- [governance] JPA
Konstantinos Komaitis
- [governance] Caucus Twitter account
Brenden Kuerbis
- [governance] Fwd: [IGP Announce] Internet Governance Project Headlines | May 09, 2009
Brenden Kuerbis
- [governance] BBC E-mail: French net piracy bill signed off
- [governance] JPA
Michael Froomkin - U.Miami School of Law
- [governance] JPA
Michael Froomkin - U.Miami School of Law
- [governance] JPA
Michael Froomkin - U.Miami School of Law
- AW: [governance] JPA
Michael Froomkin - U.Miami School of Law
- [governance] JPA
Michael Froomkin - U.Miami School of Law
- [governance] FYI: Letter from Bulgarian Internet community
Michael Froomkin - U.Miami School of Law
- [governance] New MAG announced
Ken Lohento
- [governance] IGF review
Ken Lohento
- [governance] IGF review
Ken Lohento
- AW: [governance] hearing on Internet Governance arrangements
Dr. Francis MUGUET
- [governance] Organizing Meeting of The Pouzin Society ( 04 - 07 May 2009, Boston, USA )
Dr. Francis MUGUET
- AW: [governance] hearing on Internet Governance arrangements
Dr. Francis MUGUET
- AW: [governance] hearing on Internet Governance arrangements
Dr. Francis MUGUET
- [governance] Opening to competition the namespace infrastructure
Dr. Francis MUGUET
- [governance] Update / News / Nouvelles Jean-Louis Fullsack]
Dr. Francis MUGUET
- [governance] Competitive Governance Arrangements for Namespace Services
Dr. Francis MUGUET
- [governance] Etat de / Jean Louis Fullssack / Status
Dr. Francis MUGUET
- [governance] Global Network Initiative seeks Executive Director
Rebecca MacKinnon
- [governance] Report Public Hearing
Jeremy Malcolm
- [governance] Free IGF book
Jeremy Malcolm
- [governance] China: "we don't agree that the IGF should continue"
Jeremy Malcolm
- [governance] rights and principles for IGF
Jeremy Malcolm
- MAG meeting summary report -Re: [governance] open consultations
Jeremy Malcolm
- AW: [governance] hearing on Internet Governance arrangements
Meryem Marzouki
- [governance] EC recommends a "G12" for IG
Meryem Marzouki
- [governance] Report Public Hearing
Meryem Marzouki
- [governance] Fwd: [Gov 668] News / Nouvelles Jean-Louis Fullsack
Meryem Marzouki
- [governance] Report on IGF MAG meeting (EPIC newsletter)
Meryem Marzouki
- [governance] JPA response - second draft for comments
Meryem Marzouki
- [governance] Report Public Hearing
Lee W McKnight
- [governance] China: "we don't agree that the IGF should
Lee W McKnight
- [governance] IGF Sharm golf tournament
Lee W McKnight
- [governance] JPA response - second draft for comments
Lee W McKnight
- [governance] JPA response - second draft for comments
Lee W McKnight
- [governance] EC recommends a "G12" for IG
- [governance] Report Public Hearing
- [governance] US Needs Digital Warfare Force?
- [governance] remote participation model
- [governance] Upcoming OC meeting in Geneva May 13: IGC agenda?
- [governance] Upcoming OC meeting in Geneva May 13: IGC agenda?
- [governance] Fwd: [afnog] Breaking News: Kenyan Internet Community comes face to face with new Legislation
- [governance] Fwd: [afnog] Breaking News: Kenyan Internet
- [governance] China: "we don't agree that the IGF should
- [governance] what is it that threatens the Internet community or
- [governance] IGF Sharm golf tournament
- [governance] IGF review
- [governance] IGF review
- [governance] IGF review
- [governance] RE: JPA
- [governance] JPA
- [governance] JPA
- AW: AW: [governance] JPA
- AW: AW: [governance] JPA
- AW: AW: [governance] JPA
- [governance] JPA response - second draft for comments
- [governance] JPA response - second draft for comments
- [governance] FYI: Letter from Bulgarian Internet community
- AW: [governance] hearing on Internet Governance arrangements
JFC Morfin
- [governance] China: "we don't agree that the IGF should
JFC Morfin
- [governance] Re: WG: Twomey interview on ICANN
JFC Morfin
- AW: [governance] China: "we don't agree that the IGF
JFC Morfin
- [governance] FYI: Letter from Bulgarian Internet community
JFC Morfin
- AW: [governance] hearing on Internet Governance arrangements
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] China: "we don't agree that the IGF should
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] rights and principles for IGF
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] China: "we don't agree that the IGF should
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] China: "we don't agree that the IGF should
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] Latest episode in Civil society involvement in ICANN
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] Fwd: [Gov 668] News / Nouvelles Jean-Louis Fullsack
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] RE: JPA
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] IGF review
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] IGF review
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] IGF review
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] JPA
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] IGF review--how can the IGF help in this process?
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] JPA
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] JPA
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] JPA
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] JPA
Milton L Mueller
- AW: AW: [governance] JPA
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] JPA
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] JPA
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] JPA
Milton L Mueller
- AW: AW: [governance] JPA
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] RE: JPA response - second draft for comments
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] FYI: Letter from Bulgarian Internet community to
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] EC recommends a "G12" for IG
Sivasubramanian Muthusamy
- [governance] China: "we don't agree that the IGF should continue"
Sivasubramanian Muthusamy
- [governance] China: "we don't agree that the IGF should continue"
Sivasubramanian Muthusamy
- [governance] Obama on security, net neutrality, civil liberties
Sivasubramanian Muthusamy
- [governance] Upcoming OC meeting in Geneva May 13: IGC agenda?
Ginger Paque
- [governance] Upcoming OC meeting in Geneva May 13: IGC agenda?
Ginger Paque
- [governance] Upcoming OC meeting in Geneva May 13: IGC agenda?
Ginger Paque
- [governance] OC meeting notes: RP, statement and 9 am meeting
Ginger Paque
- [governance] [Fwd: Re: Strategy of the RPWG for the next OC]
Ginger Paque
- [governance] IGF remote participation from IGF website
Ginger Paque
- [governance] Open Consultation issues: IGF review revisited
Ginger Paque
- [governance] IGF review--how can the IGF help in this process?
Ginger Paque
- [governance] IGF review--how can the IGF help in this process?
Ginger Paque
- [governance] IGF review
YJ Park
- [governance] JPA
YJ Park
- [governance] Upcoming OC meeting in Geneva May 13: IGC agenda?
- [governance] Upcoming OC meeting in Geneva May 13: IGC agenda?
- [governance] [Fwd: Facebook is blocking private e-mails between users that contain links to PirateBay]
- [governance] China: "we don't agree that the IGF should continue"
- [governance] JPA
- [governance] JPA
- AW: [governance] JPA
- [governance] JPA
- [governance] JPA
- [governance] JPA response - second draft for comments
- [governance] JPA response - second draft for comments
- [governance] Obama on security, net neutrality, civil
- [governance] Obama on security, net neutrality, civil
- [governance] JPA response - second draft for comments
- [governance] FYI: Letter from Bulgarian Internet community
- [governance] Fwd: [afnog] Breaking News: Kenyan Internet
Adam Peake
- [governance] JPA response - second draft for comments
Adam Peake
- [governance] Obama on security, net neutrality, civil liberties and privacy
Adam Peake
- [governance] China: "we don't agree that the IGF should
Katitza Rodriguez Pereda
- [governance] Monday: Computer, Freedom and Privacy - Live Webcasting!
Katitza Rodriguez Pereda
- AW: [governance] hearing on Internet Governance arrangements
Roland Perry
- AW: [governance] hearing on Internet Governance arrangements
Roland Perry
- AW: [governance] hearing on Internet Governance arrangements
Roland Perry
- AW: [governance] hearing on Internet Governance arrangements
Roland Perry
- [governance] IGF remote participation from IGF website
Roland Perry
- [governance] China: "we don't agree that the IGF should continue"
Roland Perry
- [governance] Open Consultation issues: IGF review revisited
Roland Perry
- [governance] China: "we don't agree that the IGF should
Roland Perry
- [governance] China: "we don't agree that the IGF should
Roland Perry
- [governance] Report Public Hearing
Ian Peter
- [governance] Report Public Hearing
Ian Peter
- [governance] Report Public Hearing
Ian Peter
- [governance] Upcoming OC meeting in Geneva May 13: IGC agenda?
Ian Peter
- [governance] Upcoming OC meeting in Geneva May 13: IGC agenda?
Ian Peter
- [governance] New MAG announced
Ian Peter
- [governance] China: "we don't agree that the IGF should continue"
Ian Peter
- [governance] Open Consultation issues: IGF review revisited
Ian Peter
- [governance] FW: IGF Workshop information
Ian Peter
- [governance] JPA
Ian Peter
- [governance] Wishing you a full and speedy recovery
Ian Peter
- [governance] RE: JPA
Ian Peter
- [governance] JPA
Ian Peter
- [governance] JPA
Ian Peter
- [governance] JPA
Ian Peter
- AW: AW: [governance] JPA
Ian Peter
- [governance] JPA response - second draft for comments
Ian Peter
- [governance] JPA response - second draft for comments
Ian Peter
- [governance] JPA response - second draft for comments
Ian Peter
- [governance] JPA response - second draft for comments
Ian Peter
- [governance] JPA response - second draft for comments
Ian Peter
- [governance] JPA - final draft for comments
Ian Peter
- [governance] JPA
Karl E. Peters
- [governance] JPA response - second draft for comments
Karl E. Peters
- MAG meeting summary report -Re: [governance] open
Hakikur Rahman
- [governance] IGF review
- [governance] Fwd: [Gov 668] News / Nouvelles Jean-Louis Fullsack
- [governance] IGF review
George Sadowsky
- [governance] IGF review
George Sadowsky
- [governance] IGF review
George Sadowsky
- [governance] IGF review
George Sadowsky
- [governance] IGF review
George Sadowsky
- [governance] FYI: Letter from Bulgarian Internet community
George Sadowsky
- [governance] FYI: Letter from Bulgarian Internet community
George Sadowsky
- [governance] FYI: Letter from Bulgarian Internet community
George Sadowsky
- [governance] FYI: Letter from Bulgarian Internet community
George Sadowsky
- [governance] Report Public Hearing
Carlton Samuels
- [governance] EC recommends a "G12" for IG
Carlton Samuels
- [governance] Report Public Hearing
Vanda Scartezini
- AW: AW: [governance] JPA
Vanda Scartezini
- AW: AW: [governance] JPA
Vanda Scartezini
- [governance] Obama on security, net neutrality, civil
Vanda Scartezini
- [governance] JPA response - second draft for comments
Vanda Scartezini
- [governance] Invitation: May 13th: Public Participation Meeting
David Souter
- [governance] Invitation: May 13th: Public Participation Meeting
David Souter
- [governance] China: "we don't agree that the IGF should
carlos a. afonso
- [governance] China: "we don't agree that the IGF should
carlos a. afonso
- [governance] China: "we don't agree that the IGF should
carlos a. afonso
- [governance] IGF Sharm golf tournament
carlos a. afonso
- [governance] JPA response - second draft for comments
wcurrie at
- [governance] JPA response - second draft for comments
wcurrie at
- [governance] Invitation: May 13th: Public Participation Meeting
karen banks
- [governance] Wishing you a full and speedy recovery
karen banks
- [governance] Invitation to the session Libraries driving access to the knowledge 21th May Geneva
Danielle.Mincio at
- [governance] JPA response - second draft for comments
sayo.phet at
- [governance] Initiating discussion on "Internet
jfcallo at
- [governance] My e-mail
jfcallo at
- [governance] FYI: Letter from Bulgarian Internet community
- [forum-isoc] Re: [governance] FYI: Letter from Bulgarian
- AW: [governance] hearing on Internet Governance arrangements
- [governance] Report Public Hearing
- AW: [governance] hearing on Internet Governance arrangements
- [governance] EC recommends a "G12" for IG
- [governance] Upcoming OC meeting in Geneva May 13: IGC agenda?
- [governance] New MAG announced
Guru गुरु
- [governance] CSTD
Guru गुरु
- [governance] CSTD D2
Guru गुरु
Last message date:
Sun May 31 23:47:24 EDT 2009
Archived on: Tue Jan 11 11:57:10 EST 2022
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).