March 2009 Archives by author
Starting: Sun Mar 1 06:11:18 EST 2009
Ending: Tue Mar 31 17:07:37 EDT 2009
Messages: 237
- AW: [governance] Article: "Italy moves to place controls on Internet
"Kleinwächter, Wolfgang"
- AW: [governance] Article: "Italy moves to place controls on Internet
"Kleinwächter, Wolfgang"
- AW: [governance] Article: "Italy moves to place controls on Internet
"Kleinwächter, Wolfgang"
- [governance] Roel of Govenrments
"Kleinwächter, Wolfgang"
- AW: RE: [governance] Who owns the Internet?
"Kleinwächter, Wolfgang"
- [governance] FYI
"Kleinwächter, Wolfgang"
- [governance] FYI
"Kleinwächter, Wolfgang"
- AW: [governance] Workshop on the role of Government in IG
"Kleinwächter, Wolfgang"
- [governance] West Africa and IGF
- [governance] West Africa and IGF
- [governance] West Africa and IGF
Nyangkwe Agien Aaron
- [governance] West Africa and IGF
Nyangkwe Agien Aaron
- [governance] open consultations and MAG meeting
Carlos Afonso
- [governance] Call for Action: Your comments can Support Civil
Carlos Afonso
- [governance] Sharing an article on FOSS - Changing Mindsets - How do you change a whole country's perception
Fouad Bajwa
- [governance] Sharing - Setting the stage "The People of Pakistan's National ICT Charter & Master Strategy Plan"
Fouad Bajwa
- [governance] 'Internationalisation workshop'
Fouad Bajwa
- [governance] Call for Action: Your comments can Support
Fouad Bajwa
- [governance] Proposed text for a sign-on or IGC statement re:
Fouad Bajwa
- [governance] Technology Consumer Rights in Pakistan? Is it a reality with TGP?
Fouad Bajwa
- [governance] Proposed text for a sign-on or IGC statement re:
Fouad Bajwa
- [governance] open consultations and MAG meeting
Ralf Bendrath
- [governance] Call for workshop proposals
Ralf Bendrath
- [governance] Call for Applications: European Capacity Development Programme in Internet Governance (apps. by 10 April)
Hanane Boujemi
- [governance] About the IGF call for workshop proposals
Bertrand de La Chapelle
- [governance] Workshop on the role of Government in IG
Bertrand de La Chapelle
- [governance] On the process of proposing workshop themes
Bertrand de La Chapelle
- [governance] Workshop on the role of Government in IG
Bertrand de La Chapelle
- [governance] Workshop on the role of Government in IG
Bertrand de La Chapelle
- [governance] open consultations and MAG meeting
Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond
- [governance] Article: "Italy moves to place controls on Internet
Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond
- Fw: RE: [governance] Who owns the Internet?
- [governance] Call for workshop proposals
Avri Doria
- [governance] Article: "Italy moves to place controls on Internet
William Drake
- [governance] Article: "Italy moves to place controls on Internet
William Drake
- [governance] Call for Action: Your comments can Support Civil
William Drake
- [governance] Call for Action: Your comments can Support
William Drake
- [governance] NN Workshop Thread
William Drake
- [governance] Workshop on the role of Government in IG
William Drake
- [governance] Workshop on the role of Government in IG
William Drake
- [governance] Call for Action: Your comments can Support
William Drake
- [governance] Workshop on the role of Government in IG
William Drake
- [governance] Workshop on the role of Government in IG
William Drake
- [governance] Proposed text for a sign-on or IGC statement re:
William Drake
- [governance] RE: On the process of proposing workshop themes
William Drake
- [governance] Tracking GhostNet: Investigating a Cyber Espionage Network.
William Drake
- [governance]
Annan Ebenezer
- [governance] Who owns the Internet?
Annan Ebenezer
- [governance] Who owns the Internet?
Annan Ebenezer
- [governance] Workshop on Remote Participation
Charity Gamboa
- [governance] Paul Twomey announces departure from ICANN
David Goldstein
- [governance] Call for Action: Your comments can Support Civil Society Participation in ICANN!
Robin Gross
- [governance] Call for Action: Your comments can Support
Robin Gross
- [governance] Call for Action: Your comments can Support
Robin Gross
- [governance] open consultations and MAG meeting
Jeanette Hofmann
- [governance] open consultations and MAG meeting
Jeanette Hofmann
- [governance] open consultations and MAG meeting
Jeanette Hofmann
- [governance] open consultations and MAG meeting
Jeanette Hofmann
- MAG meeting summary report -Re: [governance] open consultations
Jeanette Hofmann
- [governance] On the process of proposing workshop themes
Jeanette Hofmann
- [governance] Workshop on the role of Government in IG
Jeanette Hofmann
- [governance] Proposed text for a sign-on or IGC statement re:
Jeanette Hofmann
- FW: [governance] Program for Sharm El Sheikh - draft paper for
Jeanette Hofmann
- [governance] RE: On the process of proposing workshop themes
Lisa Horner
- [governance] RE: On the process of proposing workshop themes
Lisa Horner
- [governance] Article: "Why is deep packet inspection (DPI) essential for wireless networks?"
Sergio Alves Junior
- [governance] Article: "Why is deep packet inspection (DPI)
Sergio Alves Junior
- [governance] Call for papers: Revista de Direito de Informática e Telecomunicações (RDIT) [Brazil]
Sergio Alves Junior
- [governance] Workshop on youth and IG?
- [governance] Workshop on e-crimes, legisltation and experiences
Omar Kaminski
- [governance] open consultations and MAG meeting
Yehuda Katz
- [governance] open consultations and MAG meeting
Yehuda Katz
- [governance] At Risk: Universal Online Access to All Knowledge
Yehuda Katz
- [governance] Americans Disapprove of U.N. in Record Numbers
Yehuda Katz
- [governance] RE: On the process of proposing workshop themes
Konstantinos Komaitis
- [governance] Fwd: [IGP Announce] Internet Governance Project Headlines
Brenden Kuerbis
- [governance] From G8 to G20?
Jovan Kurbalija
- AW: RE: [governance] Who owns the Internet?
Michael Froomkin - U.Miami School of Law
- [governance] Call for papers - ISGIG 2009 - Compliance, Governance and Risk
Michael Froomkin - U.Miami School of Law
- MAG meeting summary report -Re: [governance] open consultations and
Ken Lohento
- [governance] West Africa and IGF
Ken Lohento
- [governance] West Africa and IGF
Ken Lohento
- [governance] West Africa and IGF
Ken Lohento
- [governance] RE: On the process of proposing workshop themes
Divina MEIGS
- [governance] Proposed text for a sign-on or IGC statement re:
Divina MEIGS
- [governance] RE: On the process of proposing workshop themes
Divina MEIGS
- [governance] Article: "Italy moves to place controls on Internet
Marilia Maciel
- [governance] General Workshop Proposal procedure (response to
Marilia Maciel
- MAG meeting summary report -Re: [governance] open consultations
Jeremy Malcolm
- MAG meeting summary report -Re: [governance] open consultations
Jeremy Malcolm
- [governance] open consultations and MAG meeting
Meryem Marzouki
- [governance] open consultations and MAG meeting
Meryem Marzouki
- [governance] open consultations and MAG meeting
Meryem Marzouki
- [governance] open consultations and MAG meeting
Meryem Marzouki
- [governance] Call for workshop proposals
Meryem Marzouki
- [governance] Fora
Meryem Marzouki
- [governance] Proposed text for a sign-on or IGC statement re:
Meryem Marzouki
- [governance] RE: On the process of proposing workshop themes
Meryem Marzouki
- [governance] Article: "Italy moves to place controls on Internet
Lee W McKnight
- [governance] Call for Action: Your comments can Support Civil
Lee W McKnight
- [governance] Call for Action: Your comments can Support
Lee W McKnight
- [governance] Workshop on the role of Government in IG
Lee W McKnight
- [governance] RE: On the process of proposing workshop themes
Lee W McKnight
- [governance] Proposed text for a sign-on or IGC statement re:
Lee W McKnight
- [governance] open consultations and MAG meeting
- MAG meeting summary report -Re: [governance] open consultations
- [governance] Article: "Why is deep packet inspection (DPI)
- [governance] Call for Action: Your comments can Support Civil
- [governance] Call for Action: Your comments can Support Civil
- [governance] Call for Action: Your comments can Support
- [governance] Call for Action: Your comments can Support
- [governance] Call for Action: Your comments can Support
- [governance] Call for Action: Your comments can Support
- [governance] Who owns the Internet?
JFC Morfin
- [governance] Who owns the Internet?
Gao Mosweu
- [governance] open consultations and MAG meeting
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] Call for workshop proposals
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] IGF Review - call for contributions
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] About the IGF call for workshop proposals
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] Call for Action: Your comments can Support Civil
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] Call for Action: Your comments can Support Civil
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] Workshop on Remote Participation
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] Call for Action: Your comments can Support Civil
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] Call for Action: Your comments can Support
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] RE: On the process of proposing workshop themes
Milton L Mueller
- [Fwd: [Fwd: RE: [governance] About the IGF call for workshop
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] Workshop on the role of Government in IG
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] Workshop on the role of Government in IG
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] NN Workshop Thread
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] Call for Action: Your comments can Support
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] Proposed text for a sign-on or IGC statement re: ICANN NCSG
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] Call for Action: Your comments can Support
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] Proposed text for a sign-on or IGC statement re:
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] RE: On the process of proposing workshop themes
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] Call for Action: Your comments can Support
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] Proposed text for a sign-on or IGC statement re:
Milton L Mueller
- FW: [governance] Program for Sharm El Sheikh - draft paper for
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] EU and net neutrality
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] West Africa and IGF
Sivasubramanian Muthusamy
- [governance] Workshop on the role of Government in IG
Sivasubramanian Muthusamy
- [governance] On the process of proposing workshop themes
Sivasubramanian Muthusamy
- [governance] Workshop on Online educational techniques
Sivasubramanian Muthusamy
- [governance] RE: On the process of proposing workshop themes
Sivasubramanian Muthusamy
- [governance] RE: On the process of proposing workshop themes
Sivasubramanian Muthusamy
- [governance] Workshop on Internet's Core Values.
Sivasubramanian Muthusamy
- [governance] RE: On the process of proposing workshop themes
Sivasubramanian Muthusamy
- [governance] RE: On the process of proposing workshop themes
Sivasubramanian Muthusamy
- FW: [governance] Program for Sharm El Sheikh - draft paper for
Keshava Nireshwalia
- [governance] Article: "Italy moves to place controls on Internet content"
Ginger Paque
- [governance] Article: "Italy moves to place controls on Internet content"
Ginger Paque
- [governance] Call for workshop proposals
Ginger Paque
- [governance] Call for workshop proposals
Ginger Paque
- [governance] Who owns the Internet?
Ginger Paque
- [governance] Who owns the Internet?
Ginger Paque
- [governance] NN Workshop Thread
Ginger Paque
- [governance] Gender-based workshop
Ginger Paque
- [governance] Workshop on Online educational techniques
Ginger Paque
- [governance] Workshop on e-crimes, legisltation and experiences
Ginger Paque
- [governance] Workshop on the role of Government in IG
Ginger Paque
- [governance] Workshop on awareness and practical applications for people with disabilities
Ginger Paque
- [governance] Workshop on Remote Participation
Ginger Paque
- [governance] Workshop on youth and IG?
Ginger Paque
- [governance] General Workshop Proposal procedure (response to Milton)
Ginger Paque
- [governance] Proposed text for a sign-on or IGC statement re: ICANN NCSG
Ginger Paque
- [governance] Workshop on youth and IG?
Ginger Paque
- [governance] open consultations and MAG meeting
- MAG meeting summary report -Re: [governance] open consultations
- [Fwd: [Fwd: RE: [governance] About the IGF call for workshop proposals]]
- [governance] NN Workshop Thread
- [governance] Workshop on the role of Government in IG
- [governance] 'Internationalisation workshop'
- FW: [governance] Program for Sharm El Sheikh - draft paper for
- [governance] Article: "Italy moves to place controls on Internet
Elena Pavan
- [governance] Workshop on developing a zero carbon Internet
Adam Peake
- [governance] Call for Action: Your comments can Support Civil
Adam Peake
- [governance] open consultations and MAG meeting
Roland Perry
- [governance] open consultations and MAG meeting
Roland Perry
- [governance] open consultations and MAG meeting
Roland Perry
- [governance] open consultations and MAG meeting
Roland Perry
- [governance] open consultations and MAG meeting
Roland Perry
- [governance] open consultations and MAG meeting
Roland Perry
- MAG meeting summary report -Re: [governance] open consultations and
Roland Perry
- [governance] Article: "Italy moves to place controls on Internet content"
Roland Perry
- [governance] Article: "Italy moves to place controls on Internet content"
Roland Perry
- [governance] Article: "Italy moves to place controls on Internet
Roland Perry
- [governance] Call for Action: Your comments can Support
Roland Perry
- [governance] open consultations and MAG meeting
Ian Peter
- [governance] Workshop reports from Hyderabad
Ian Peter
- [governance] IGF Review - call for contributions
Ian Peter
- [governance] Call for workshop proposals
Ian Peter
- [governance] Call for workshop proposals
Ian Peter
- [governance] Call for workshop proposals
Ian Peter
- [governance] Who owns the Internet?
Ian Peter
- [governance] Call for Action: Your comments can Support Civil
Ian Peter
- [governance] Workshop on the role of Government in IG
Ian Peter
- [governance] Workshop on developing a zero carbon Internet
Ian Peter
- [governance] NN Workshop Thread
Ian Peter
- [governance] Proposed text for a sign-on or IGC statement re: ICANN NCSG
Ian Peter
- [governance] Proposed text for a sign-on or IGC statement re:
Ian Peter
- [governance] Proposed text for a sign-on or IGC statement re:
Ian Peter
- [governance] Program for Sharm El Sheikh - draft paper for comments by april 24
Ian Peter
- FW: [governance] Program for Sharm El Sheikh - draft paper for comments by april 13
Ian Peter
- FW: [governance] Program for Sharm El Sheikh - draft paper for
Ian Peter
- [governance] Call for workshop proposals
Alejandro Pisanty
- [governance] Call for workshop proposals
Hakikur Rahman
- [governance] Workshop on Online educational techniques
Hakikur Rahman
- [governance] Workshop on the role of Government in IG
Hakikur Rahman
- [governance] Proposed text for a sign-on or IGC statement
Hakikur Rahman
- MAG meeting summary report -Re: [governance] open consultations and
Gerard Ross
- [governance] open consultations and MAG meeting
- MAG meeting summary report -Re: [governance] open consultations
- [governance] West Africa and IGF
- [governance] Call for workshop proposals
- [governance] 'Internationalisation workshop'
- [governance] Proposed text for a sign-on or IGC statement re:
- [governance] Call for Action: Your comments can Support
George Sadowsky
- [governance] Call for workshop proposals
Vanda Scartezini
- [governance] your values online - trying to understand what maters to you?!
Max Senges
- [governance] Who owns the Internet?
Craig Simon
- [governance] open consultations and MAG meeting
Tapani Tarvainen
- [governance] Call for Action: Your comments can Support
Mary Wong
- [governance] Call for Action: Your comments can Support
Mary Wong
- [governance] RE: the "rights" issue
Mary Wong
- [governance] Workshop on youth and IG?
Lansipuro Yrjo
- MAG meeting summary report -Re: [governance] open consultations and
MMKovary at
- [governance] Workshop on awareness and practical applications for people ...
MMKovary at
- [governance] Workshop on developing a zero carbon Internet
karen banks
- [governance] Article: "Italy moves to place controls on Internet
annan ebenezer
- [governance] West Africa and IGF
annan ebenezer
- [governance] open consultations and MAG meeting
jfcallo at
- [governance] Article: "Italy moves to place controls on Internet
- [governance] Workshop on developing a zero carbon Internet
- [governance] RE: On the process of proposing workshop themes
- [governance] EU and net neutrality
- [governance] West Africa and IGF
ken lohento
- [governance] Paul Twomey announces departure from ICANN
- [governance] Call for workshop proposals
Last message date:
Tue Mar 31 17:07:37 EDT 2009
Archived on: Tue Jan 11 11:57:05 EST 2022
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).