May 2014 Archives by subject
Starting: Thu May 1 00:57:28 EDT 2014
Ending: Sat May 31 15:27:04 EDT 2014
Messages: 261
- [bestbits] [governance] Quick update on WGEC meeting day 1
John Curran
- [bestbits] [governance] Quick update on WGEC meeting day 1
Stephanie Perrin
- [bestbits] [governance] Quick update on WGEC meeting day 1
Babatope Soremi
- [bestbits] [governance] Quick update on WGEC meeting day 1
Hartmut Richard Glaser
- [bestbits] [governance] Quick update on WGEC meeting day 1
Suresh Ramasubramanian
- [bestbits] Re: [governance] EU rejects international solution to library and archive copyright problems; causes collapse of WIPO meeting
Deborah Brown
- [bestbits] Re: [governance] Quick update on WGEC meeting day 1
Jean-Christophe NOTHIAS I The Global Journal
- [bestbits] Re: [governance] Quick update on WGEC meeting day 1
Stephanie Perrin
- [bestbits] Re: [governance] Quick update on WGEC meeting day 1
Jean-Christophe NOTHIAS I The Global Journal
- [bestbits] Re: [governance] Quick update on WGEC meeting day 1
Stephanie Perrin
- [bestbits] Re: [governance] Quick update on WGEC meeting day 1
Jean-Christophe NOTHIAS I The Global Journal
- [discuss] [governance] Springer vs. Google
Jean-Christophe NOTHIAS I The Global Journal
- [governance] "democratic multistakeholderism" (was Re: Roles and Responsibilities...)
Norbert Bollow
- [governance] "democratic multistakeholderism" (was Re: Roles and Responsibilities...)
JFC Morfin
- [governance] "democratic multistakeholderism" (was Re: Roles and Responsibilities...)
Norbert Bollow
- [governance] .WINE .VIN - who's business is it ?
Louis Pouzin (well)
- [governance] .WINE .VIN - who's business is it ?
Suresh Ramasubramanian
- [governance] .WINE .VIN - who's business is it ?
- [governance] .WINE .VIN - who's business is it ?
Mawaki Chango
- [governance] .WINE .VIN - who's business is it ?
JFC Morfin
- [governance] .WINE .VIN - who's business is it ?
CW Mail
- [governance] .WINE .VIN - who's business is it ?
Mawaki Chango
- [governance] .WINE .VIN - who's business is it ?
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] .WINE .VIN - who's business is it ?
CW Mail
- [governance] .WINE .VIN - who's business is it ?
Erick Iriarte
- [governance] .WINE .VIN - who's business is it ?
- [governance] .WINE .VIN - who's business is it ?
Louis Pouzin (well)
- [governance] .WINE .VIN - who's business is it ?
Jean-Christophe Nothias
- [governance] .WINE .VIN - who's business is it ?
Mawaki Chango
- [governance] .WINE .VIN - who's business is it ?
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] .WINE .VIN - who's business is it ?
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] .WINE .VIN - who's business is it ?
Milton L Mueller
- [governance] APC's response to NETmundial 2014 in Esp.
Anriette Esterhuysen
- [governance] A report of adhoc MAG WG on IGF Improvement
Izumi AIZU
- [governance] Big Data
"Kleinwächter, Wolfgang"
- [governance] Big Data - Big Problem
Ian Peter
- [governance] Big Data - Big Problem
Ian Peter
- [governance] Call for Paper: Fourth Intern. Symposium on Data-driven Process Discovery and Analysis (SIMPDA2014)
Fulvio Frati
- [governance] Call for Proposals on Internet Policy
Laura Henderson
- [governance] CEO of Axel Springer: An open letter to Eric Schmidt Why we fear Google
michael gurstein
- [governance] collapse of WIPO meeting
- [governance] Consensus LIMITATIONS
Thomas Lowenhaupt
- [governance] Consensus LIMITATIONS
Garth Graham
- [governance] Consensus LIMITATIONS
Suresh Ramasubramanian
- [governance] Consensus or rough consensus?
Ian Peter
- [governance] Consensus or rough consensus?
Mawaki Chango
- [governance] Consensus or rough consensus?
Ian Peter
- [governance] Consensus or rough consensus?
michael gurstein
- [governance] Consensus or rough consensus?
Suresh Ramasubramanian
- [governance] Consensus or rough consensus?
- [governance] Consensus or rough consensus?
Suresh Ramasubramanian
- [governance] Consensus or rough consensus?
michael gurstein
- [governance] Consensus or rough consensus?
Suresh Ramasubramanian
- [governance] Consensus or rough consensus?
Mawaki Chango
- [governance] CS dialogue over visions of future eco-system for the governance of Internet
Jean-Christophe NOTHIAS I The Global Journal
- [governance] Day 3
Izumi AIZU
- [governance] Deadline Extension: 2014 IEEE International Workshop on Autonomic Cloud Cybersecurity (ACC 2014)
Fulvio Frati
- [governance] Diplo asks you to 'pass it on' - can you help us?
Carolina Rossini
- [governance] Diplo asks you to 'pass it on' - can you help us?
Sivasubramanian M
- [governance] english version of Marco Civil
Carolina Rossini
- [governance] EU rejects international solution to library and archive copyright problems; causes collapse of WIPO meeting
Stuart Hamilton
- [governance] European Council on Freedom of Informatio
"Kleinwächter, Wolfgang"
- [governance] European Council on Freedom of Informatio
- [governance] For your information and consideration: the EU Parliament Committee LiBe Inquiry on electronic mass surveillance of EU citizens Protecting fundamental rights in a digital age Proceedings, Outcome and Background Documents
- [governance] For your information and consideration: the EU Parliament Committee LiBe Inquiry on electronic mass surveillance of EU citizens Protecting fundamental rights in a digital age Proceedings, Outcome and Background Documents
Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro
- [governance] FW: [IP] Check out the 3 next-gen internet networks that raised $15M from the NSF
Lee W McKnight
- [governance] FW: [IP] On Monday EPIC Freedom Awards to Allen, Amash, The Guardian, Snowden + Google right to be forgotten link
Lee W McKnight
- [governance] FW: [NETmundial] Copy of Brazilian Internet Bill of Rights
Vladimir Radunovic
- [governance] FW: [OIA] The future of the Internet, courtesy of Teddy and Franklin Roosevelt
michael gurstein
- [governance] Fwd: [] Fwd: BCP 188, RFC 7258 on Pervasive Monitoring Is an Attack
Avri Doria
- [governance] Fwd: [AFRINIC-announce] AFRINIC and ITU-BDT to solidify collaborative efforts on promoting and facilitating IPv6 deployment throughout Africa
- [governance] Fwd: [ITAC] FW: ITU Circular letter No. 196 E & F
Carolina Rossini
- [governance] Fwd: [Newsletter] Digital Rights: Latin América & The Caribbean. N°10
Marilia Maciel
- [governance] Fwd: ] Request for Comments:Enhancing ICANN Accountability
Avri Doria
- [governance] Fwd: Third World Network IP Info: Mixed reactions to internet governance meeting outcome
michael gurstein
- [governance] Fwd: Third World Network IP Info: Mixed reactions to internet governance meeting outcome
Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro
- [governance] Fwd: Third World Network IP Info: Mixed reactions to internet governance meeting outcome
michael gurstein
- [governance] Fwd: Third World Network IP Info: Mixed reactions to internet governance meeting outcome
Carlos A. Afonso
- [governance] Google's attack on European sovereignty (was Re: Google sets up 'right to be forgotten' form...)
Norbert Bollow
- [governance] Google sets up 'right to be forgotten' form after EU ruling
Kwasi Boakye-Akyeampong
- [governance] ICANN Strategy
"Kleinwächter, Wolfgang"
- [governance] IGF MAG workshop evaluations
Adam Peake
- [governance] IGF Open Consultation - Day 1
Izumi AIZU
- [governance] IGF Open Consultation - Day 1
- [governance] Information of general interest: arret cour européenne Luxembourg, Spanish DPA against Google
- [governance] Information of general interest: arret cour européenne Luxembourg, Spanish DPA against Google
Jean-Christophe Nothias
- [governance] Information of general interest: arret cour européenne Luxembourg, Spanish DPA against Google
Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond
- [governance] Information of general interest: arret cour européenne Luxembourg, Spanish DPA against Google
Adam Peake
- [governance] Information of general interest: arret cour européenne Luxembourg, Spanish DPA against Google
- [governance] Information of general interest: arret cour européenne Luxembourg, Spanish DPA against Google
Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond
- [governance] Information of general interest: arret cour européenne Luxembourg, Spanish DPA against Google
Lorena Jaume-Palasi
- [governance] Information of general interest: arret cour européenne Luxembourg, Spanish DPA against Google
Norbert Bollow
- [governance] Information of general interest: arret cour européenne Luxembourg, Spanish DPA against Google
Lorena Jaume-Palasi
- [governance] Information of general interest: arret cour européenne Luxembourg, Spanish DPA against Google
Norbert Bollow
- [governance] Information of general interest: arret cour européenne Luxembourg, Spanish DPA against Google
Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond
- [governance] Information of general interest: arret cour européenne Luxembourg, Spanish DPA against Google
Robert Guerra
- [governance] Information of general interest: arret cour européenne Luxembourg, Spanish DPA against Google
Lorena Jaume-Palasi
- [governance] Information of general interest: arr et cour européenne Luxembourg, Spanish DPA against Googl e
- [governance] Information of general interest: arret cour européenne Luxembourg, Spanish DPA against Google
Lorena Jaume-Palasi
- [governance] Information of general interest: arret cour européenne Luxembourg, Spanish DPA against Google
Stephanie Perrin
- [governance] Information of general interest: arret cour européenne Luxembourg, Spanish DPA against Google
Lorena Jaume-Palasi
- [governance] Istanbul
"Kleinwächter, Wolfgang"
- [governance] Istanbul
- [governance] Istanbul
- AW: [governance] Istanbul
"Kleinwächter, Wolfgang"
- [governance] JNC response to NetMundial
Norbert Bollow
- [governance] JNC response to NetMundial
JFC Morfin
- [governance] JNC response to NetMundial
- [governance] JNC response to NetMundial
Jean-Christophe NOTHIAS I The Global Journal
- [governance] JNC response to NetMundial
- [governance] Launch of the book on states and cyberspace (Tonight at 18.00 at the Geneva Internet Platform)
Jovan Kurbalija
- AW: [governance] Launch of the book on states and cyberspace (Tonight at 18.00 at the Geneva Internet Platform)
"Kleinwächter, Wolfgang"
- AW: [governance] Launch of the book on states and cyberspace (Tonight at 18.00 at the Geneva Internet Platform)
Adam Peake
- AW: [governance] Launch of the book on states and cyberspace (Tonight at 18.00 at the Geneva Internet Platform)
Jovan Kurbalija
- [governance] Libraries and archives from around the world sign letter asking EU to engage constructively in copyright discussions
Stuart Hamilton
- [governance] Marco Civil da Internet
Dominique Lacroix
- [governance] More insight into NSA + Google + US industry cooperation
Louis Pouzin (well)
- [governance] Multistakeholderism
Deirdre Williams
- [governance] Multistakeholderism
JFC Morfin
- [governance] netmundial 0.1
Baudouin Schombe
- [governance] NYT: Thomas Piketty and His Critics (long email)
michael gurstein
- [governance] NYT: Thomas Piketty and His Critics (long email)
chlebrum .
- [governance] NYT: Thomas Piketty and His Critics (long email)
- [governance] on Workshop on 'Big Data and Human Rights'
Shcherbovich Andrey
- [governance] PAPER - An Analysis of Global Swing States in the Internet Governance Debate
Carolina Rossini
- [governance] PINGO
"Kleinwächter, Wolfgang"
- [governance] PINGO
Carlos A. Afonso
- [governance] PINGO
- [governance] PINGO
Sivasubramanian M
- [governance] PINGO
- [governance] PINGO
Oksana Prykhodko
- [governance] PINGO
Salanieta T. Tamanikaiwaimaro
- AW: [governance] PINGO
"Kleinwächter, Wolfgang"
- [governance] PINGO
Lee W McKnight
- [governance] PINGO
Young-eum Lee
- [governance] PINGO
Adam Peake
- [governance] PINGO
- [governance] PINGO
Suresh Ramasubramanian
- [governance] PINGO
Norbert Bollow
- AW: [governance] PINGO
"Kleinwächter, Wolfgang"
- [governance] PINGO
Avri Doria
- AW: [governance] PINGO
"Kleinwächter, Wolfgang"
- AW: [governance] PINGO
Carlos A. Afonso
- [governance] PINGO
Norbert Bollow
- AW: [governance] PINGO
- [governance] PINGO
Norbert Bollow
- [governance] PINGO
Avri Doria
- AW: [governance] PINGO
Mawaki Chango
- [governance] PINGO
Mawaki Chango
- AW: [governance] PINGO
- [governance] PINGO
Garth Graham
- [governance] PINGO
Garth Graham
- [governance] PINGO
Garth Graham
- [governance] PINGO
michael gurstein
- [governance] PINGO
George Sadowsky
- [governance] PINGO
michael gurstein
- [governance] Public Access: Supporting Digital Inclusion for All
Anriette Esterhuysen
- AW: [governance] Quick update on WGEC meeting day 1
"Kleinwächter, Wolfgang"
- [governance] Quick update on WGEC meeting day 1
John Curran
- [governance] Quick Update on WGEC meeting day 2
Avri Doria
- [governance] Quick Update on WGEC meeting day 3
Avri Doria
- [governance] Re: [bestbits] Diplo asks you to 'pass it on' - can you help us?
Ginger Paque
- [governance] Re: [bestbits] Diplo asks you to 'pass it on' - can you help us?
Stephanie Perrin
- [governance] Re: [bestbits] Diplo asks you to 'pass it on' - can you help us?
Ginger Paque
- [governance] Re: [bestbits] Diplo asks you to 'pass it on' - can you help us?
Sérgio Alves Jr.
- [governance] Re: [bestbits] Fwd: [Newsletter] Digital Rights: Latin América & The Caribbean. N°10
Stephanie Perrin
- [governance] Re: [bestbits] IGF MAG workshop evaluations
Izumi AIZU
- [governance] Re: [bestbits] IGF Open Consultation - Day 1
Nnenna Nwakanma
- [governance] Re: [bestbits] IGF Open Consultation - Day 1
shaila mistry
- [governance] Re: [bestbits] IGF Open Consultation - Day 1
Izumi AIZU
- [governance] Re: [bestbits] Quick update on WGEC meeting day 1
Adam Peake
- [governance] Re: [bestbits] Quick update on WGEC meeting day 1
Avri Doria
- [governance] Re: [bestbits] Quick update on WGEC meeting day 1
Avri Doria
- [governance] Re: [bestbits] Quick Update on WGEC meeting day 2
Adam Peake
- [governance] Re: [bestbits] Quick Update on WGEC meeting day 2
Avri Doria
- [governance] Re: [bestbits] Quick Update on WGEC meeting day 2
Anja Kovacs
- [governance] Re: [bestbits] Quick Update on WGEC meeting day 2
Adam Peake
- [governance] Re: [bestbits] Quick Update on WGEC meeting day 2
Joana Varon
- [governance] Re: [bestbits] Quick Update on WGEC meeting day 2
Carlos A. Afonso
- [governance] Re: [bestbits] Quick Update on WGEC meeting day 3
Stephanie Perrin
- [governance] Re: [bestbits] Quick Update on WGEC meeting day 3
Stephanie Perrin
- [governance] Re: [bestbits] Re: [IANAtransition] english version of Marco Civil
Sivasubramanian M
- [governance] Re: [bestbits] Re: [IANAtransition] english version of Marco Civil
Carolina Rossini
- [governance] Re: [bestbits] Roles and Responsibilities - CSTD working group on enhanced cooperation
Norbert Bollow
- [governance] Re: [bestbits] Roles and Responsibilities - CSTD working group on enhanced cooperation
- [governance] Re: [bestbits] Roles and Responsibilities - CSTD working group on enhanced cooperation
Adam Peake
- [governance] Re: [bestbits] Roles and Responsibilities - CSTD working group on enhanced cooperation
Suresh Ramasubramanian
- [governance] Re: [bestbits] Roles and Responsibilities - CSTD working group on enhanced cooperation
Suresh Ramasubramanian
- [governance] Re: [bestbits] Roles and Responsibilities - CSTD working group on enhanced cooperation
Norbert Bollow
- [governance] Re: [bestbits] Roles and Responsibilities - CSTD working group on enhanced cooperation
Jean-Christophe Nothias
- [governance] Re: [bestbits] Roles and Responsibilities - CSTD working group on enhanced cooperation
Jean-Christophe NOTHIAS I The Global Journal
- [governance] Re: [bestbits] Roles and Responsibilities - CSTD working group on enhanced cooperation
Norbert Bollow
- [governance] RE: [bestbits] Roles and Responsibilities - CSTD working group on enhanced cooperation
Lee W McKnight
- [governance] Re: [bestbits] Roles and Responsibilities - CSTD working group on enhanced cooperation
Suresh Ramasubramanian
- [governance] Re: [bestbits] Roles and Responsibilities - CSTD working group on enhanced cooperation
- [governance] Re: [bestbits] Roles and Responsibilities - CSTD working group on enhanced cooperation
Jean-Christophe NOTHIAS I The Global Journal
- [governance] RE: [bestbits] Roles and Responsibilities - CSTD working group on enhanced cooperation
michael gurstein
- [governance] Re: [bestbits] Roles and Responsibilities - CSTD working group on enhanced cooperation
- [governance] Re: [bestbits] Roles and Responsibilities - CSTD working group on enhanced cooperation
Sivasubramanian M
- [governance] Re: [bestbits] Roles and Responsibilities - CSTD working group on enhanced cooperation
Suresh Ramasubramanian
- [governance] Re: [bestbits] Roles and Responsibilities - CSTD working group on enhanced cooperation
Suresh Ramasubramanian
- [governance] Re: [bestbits] Roles and Responsibilities - CSTD working group on enhanced cooperation
Rafik Dammak
- [governance] Re: [bestbits] Roles and Responsibilities - CSTD working group on enhanced cooperation
Rafik Dammak
- [governance] Re: [bestbits] Roles and Responsibilities - CSTD working group on enhanced cooperation
Norbert Bollow
- [governance] Re: [bestbits] Roles and Responsibilities - CSTD working group on enhanced cooperation
Jean-Christophe Nothias
- [governance] Re: [bestbits] Roles and Responsibilities - CSTD working group on enhanced cooperation
Louis Pouzin (well)
- [governance] Re: [bestbits] Roles and Responsibilities - CSTDworking group on enhanced cooperation
Young-eum Lee
- [governance] Re: [discuss] CEO of Axel Springer: An open letter to Eric Schmidt Why we fear Google
Joly MacFie
- [governance] Re: [discuss] List membership management
JFC Morfin
- [governance] Re: [IANAtransition] english version of Marco Civil
Carolina Rossini
- [governance] Re: CS dialogue over visions of future eco-system for the governance of Internet
Hartmut Richard Glaser
- [governance] Re: European Council on Freedom of Informatio
Oksana Prykhodko
- [governance] Re: Istanbul
Izumi AIZU
- [governance] Re: Istanbul
Roland Perry
- [governance] Re: Istanbul
- [governance] RE: PINGO
- AW: [governance] RE: PINGO
"Kleinwächter, Wolfgang"
- [governance] Re: Removal
Lorena Jaume-Palasi
- [governance] Re: Roles and Responsibilities
- [governance] Re: Roles and Responsibilities
- [governance] Re: Roles and Responsibilities
- [governance] Reminder Re: Roles and Responsibilities - CSTD working group on enhanced cooperation
Norbert Bollow
- [governance] REMOTE PARTICIPATION/WEBCAST: #IGF USA Planning Meeting 2pm EDT today #igfusa @isocdc
Joly MacFie
- [governance] REMOTE PARTICIPATION/WEBCAST: #IGF USA Planning Meeting 2pm EDT today #igfusa @isocdc
shaila mistry
- [governance] Removal
"Kleinwächter, Wolfgang"
- [governance] Removal
Mwendwa Kivuva
- [governance] Removal
- [governance] Removal
Daniel Kalchev
- [governance] Removal
- [governance] Removal
Imran Ahmed Shah
- [governance] Roles and Responsibilities
"Kleinwächter, Wolfgang"
- [governance] Roles and Responsibilities - CSTD working group on enhanced cooperation
Adam Peake
- [governance] Roles and Responsibilities - CSTD working group on enhanced cooperation
Suresh Ramasubramanian
- [governance] Roles and Responsibilities - CSTD working group on enhanced cooperation
Avri Doria
- [governance] Roles and Responsibilities - CSTD working group on enhanced cooperation
- [governance] Roles and Responsibilities - CSTD working group on enhanced cooperation
Marilyn Cade
- [governance] Shoshanna Zuboff: Dark Google
michael gurstein
- [governance] SOS!
Chun Eung Hwi
- [governance] SOS!
Chun Eung Hwi
- [governance] South Africa R2K STATEMENT: New Cabinet is a blow to the right to communicate
Anriette Esterhuysen
- [governance] South Africa R2K STATEMENT: New Cabinet is a blow to the right to communicate
Izumi AIZU
- [governance] Springer vs. Google
"Kleinwächter, Wolfgang"
- [governance] Springer vs. Google
Jean-Christophe NOTHIAS I The Global Journal
- [governance] Springer vs. Google
- [governance] Springer vs. Google
Jean-Christophe NOTHIAS I The Global Journal
- [governance] The South Korean civil society response to NETmundial
Borami Kim
- [governance] UNESCO, World Press Freedom Day and Internet Study
- [governance] UNESCO, World Press Freedom Day and Internet Study
Oksana Prykhodko
- [governance] WEBCAST: Stockholm Internet Forum #sif14 @fxinternet #netfreedom
Joly MacFie
- [governance] WEBCAST TODAY: Finnish Internet Forum
Joly MacFie
- [governance] with the texts, sorry Fwd: Information of general interest: arret cour européenne Luxembourg, Spanish DPA against Google
- [governance] World Press Freedom Day
Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro
- [governance] World Press Freedom Day
Avri Doria
- RFC compliance (was: RE: [governance] RE: PINGO)
- Trivial to implement "to be forgotten" (was: Re: [governance] [IP] On Monday EPIC Freedom Awards to Allen, Amash, The Guardian, Snowden + Google right to be forgotten link
John Curran
- Trivial to implement "to be forgotten" (was: Re: [governance] [IP] On Monday EPIC Freedom Awards to Allen, Amash, The Guardian, Snowden + Google right to be forgotten link
Lorena Jaume-Palasi
- Trivial to implement "to be forgotten" (was: Re: [governance] [IP] On Monday EPIC Freedom Awards to Allen, Amash, The Guardian, Snowden + Google right to be forgotten link
John Curran
- Trivial to implement "to be forgotten" (was: Re: [governance] [IP] On Monday EPIC Freedom Awards to Allen, Amash, The Guardian, Snowden + Google right to be forgotten link
Lee W McKnight
- Trivial to implement "to be forgotten" (was: Re: [governance] [IP] On Monday EPIC Freedom Awards to Allen, Amash, The Guardian, Snowden + Google right to be forgotten link
Norbert Bollow
- Trivial to implement "to be forgotten" (was: Re: [governance] [IP] On Monday EPIC Freedom Awards to Allen, Amash, The Guardian, Snowden + Google right to be forgotten link
Lorena Jaume-Palasi
- Trivial to implement "to be forgotten" (was: Re: [governance] [IP] On Monday EPIC Freedom Awards to Allen, Amash, The Guardian, Snowden + Google right to be forgotten link
Norbert Bollow
Last message date:
Sat May 31 15:27:04 EDT 2014
Archived on: Tue Jan 11 11:57:50 EST 2022
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).