[governance] NY article expresses surprise at US walkout in Dubai

Riaz K Tayob riaz.tayob at gmail.com
Wed Dec 19 03:53:19 EST 2012

On 2012/12/19 03:40 AM, Paul Lehto wrote:
> The notion of a Democracy INDEX consisting of /weighted averages/ is 
> flawed. A
Thanks for this. There IS a real problem with applying quantitative 
methods to qualitative issues - and the quant method should not be taken 
too much for reality.

> real measure of democracy would have to have core measurements that 
> have clear cut failing points at which the country as a whole fails to 
> be democratic. 

Recognising the limitations above, something can be gleaned from the 
statistics and insights - depending on the level of abstraction and/or 
position (for instance this tension is shown perfectly and is 
understandable for Americans to have an American Exceptionalism approach 
for their local issues; and likewise for some in the South it is clear 
that democracy at home in the rich countries does not imply democratic 
spirit in external relations).

The point is to have a quant and qualitative understanding, recognising 
the limits of the tools as well as their uses while avoiding the paradox 
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sorites_paradox> of "names".

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