[governance] Re: [igf_members] US Congrerss & JPA

Joe Baptista baptista at publicroot.org
Thu Aug 6 22:45:20 EDT 2009

On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 8:04 PM, jefsey <jefsey at jefsey.com> wrote:

>  Dear Joe,
> some more nationalistic bragging.

No - not really. Although Bell is the undisputed inventor of the telephone
as far as marketing is concerned .. the truth is somewhat complex. I don't
believe Bell invented the phone first but he did have a great marketing
department behind him.

Actually it is not. Most of the parts (datagram, "network of network", etc.
[Louis Pouzin], DNS ["11" distributed logic of telephone and servers
directory service on Minitel, the root file of us in Saint-Cloud
of the Internet are of French origin.

Yes I agree. Many people built the Internet .. but bottom line the goose
that laid the golden egg was Спутник.  October 4th 1957 was a brave new day
for America. And every ninetysix minutes that Russian satellite passed over
the USA and went beep beep beep.

That little beep shook the U.S. government to it's core. Shortly after that
military funding was significantly increased - the military industrial
complex was born and they needed reliable computer systems. The internet was
a perfect solution to military needs. Internet protocol is designed to route
around error. If one mainframe goes down due to a military strike against
the facility you just route the traffic to another containing a backup - one
example of the many benefits they saw back then.

So I agree with you many were involved - including Louis who built the basic
framework for TCP/IP - Cerf just took the credit. But if it was not for U.S.
government driven need the Internet as we know it today would not exist.

So they have every right to take credit for it. But I don't think they will.
Internet protocol is revolutionary in that it places control with the end
user. Thats dangerous. Once the NSF figured out the Internet was a
significant liability - and dangerous - it became an administrative
nightmare hurtling around Washington like a grenade with the pin taken out.

Let's not forget the whole thing with ICANN and the numbers administrators
is one of the biggest scam against the U.S. public in the history of
America. These duties were once - and still are - under U.S. government

And the scam is the fact that once the U.S. government loses control of
names and especially numbers those resources which clearly belong to the
American people are put in the hands of a small group of people for zero

Thats the biggest fraud in U.S. history against the U.S. government

I don't think the U.S. government has figured that out yet that they are
effectively giving away the property of people of the United States to a
group of jackasses trying to play monopoly with names and numbers.

When the American public wakes up and realizes what was given away - they
are going to be pissed.

joe baptista

 Joe Baptista wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 11:22 PM, Avri Doria <avri at psg.com> wrote:

 and what is going to happen around the world as US insists that the DNS is
theirs, all theirs?

Thats is a difficult statement. But it can be proven that when it comes to
DNS the U.S. has played the lead role and it could easily be argued that the
DNS is in fact a U.S. invention.

joe baptista

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Joe Baptista

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Joe Baptista

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