[governance] "Internet users" Summitsummit of the ICANN At-Large community from 22 to 27 June 2008 in Paris
Dina Hov
dina_hov2007 at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 13 15:09:23 EST 2007
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1 November 2007
At Large Advisory Committee
motion on the Summit Proposal
Motion to
1) Agree to all look at the Summit proposal by 2 weeks from today - November 14th
2) Make any changes online
3) Put it up for approval at the December teleconference Dec 11th
The following texte was send to the Alac mailing liste the 1st of November 2007.
"ICANN Ensemble" A global summit of the ICANN At-Large community 1.Venue It is currently proposed to run ICANN Ensemble as part of the ICANN general meeting, scheduled from 22 to 27 June 2008 in Paris.
The event may be started one day early, on June 21 2008.
2.The rationalNow that the interim work by ALAC and ALSsto create formal RALOs is complete, the next step is to ensure that ICANN's At-Large community has the knowledge and tools necessary to perform its role of providing advice on policy and other matters. While each RALO is progressing at its own pace and has its own unique issues and viewpoints, there is much to be gained by their sharing of experience and expertise. Because ultimately At-Large has a single co-ordination and aggregation of outcomes mechanism, the ICANN Board Advisory body (ALAC) and a single representative to the ICANN Board, it must be seen as one single constituency.
A Summit will help the organisation of education, circulation of good practices, exchange of experience and discussion on policy matters.
The proposed At-Large Summit will help to give the community a more-global perspective on ICANN issues.
The first opportunity is during the next European meeting in June 2008.
If successful, useful and productive, Summit organizers will advance a plan and timetable to hold the Summit as a regular, (with a repeat rate to be determined e.g. biennial or triennial event.
3.Vision The Summit's intent to
3.1.Help the At-Large structures to better understand At-Large mandates, structures, processes.
3.2.Provide the tools needed by At-Large leadership to involve and engage their members.
3.3.Drive the development of timely policy study and recommendations reflecting the At-Large point of view on both global and regional levels.
3.4.Encourage the exchange of ideas, experiences and energy within ICANN's At-Large community.
4.Objectives 4.1.An informed At-Large community that is better able to interact with other ICANN constituencies, supporting organisations and advisory committees.
4.2.An informed At-Large community that clearly understands the issues confronting ICANN and ICANN's roles and responsibilities therein.
4.3.Increased involvement by At-Large in ICANN policy debate.
4.4.An At-Large community that more clearly understands the global, rather than merely regional, point of view on ICANN-related issues.
4.5.A more engaged At-Large community that clearly understands the timing and framework of various issues currently confronting ICANN
5.Deliverables 5.1.Resolutions based on policy development. Any resolutions which are not agreed to at the Final Plenary or require more regional consultation should be accompanied by hard deadlines for passage.
5.2.Establishment of working groups related to specific policies with explicit goals and timetables for production of papers or resolutions.
5.3.ALS leadership who are fully aware of ICANN, its workings and its issues, who are ready and able to bring this information to their members.
5.4.Improved contacts and relationships between ICANN ALSs, within and between regions, and between At-Large and other ICANN constituencies.
5.5.Work on a Individual Internet Users declaration.
6.Tentative agenda of the Summit 6.1.1st day (21st of June 2008) morning
Educate ALSs about ICANN and ICANN group functions, methods and culture
6.2.1st day (21st of June 2008) afternoon
5 RALOs General Assembly in parallel (internal matters)
6.3.2nd day (22nd of June 2008) morning
Workshops on policies topics (new gTLDs Whois IDNs -
6.4.2nd day (22nd of June 2008) afternoon
Parallel meetings of Alac working groups with the participation of all interested ALSs
6.5.3rd day (23rd of June 2008) morning
At-Large General assembly with feedback of 1st day afternoon sessions and 2nd day morning sessions
7.Outline The Summit will include a number of components
7.1.Orientation events to welcome delegates with a multi-faceted understanding of ICANN's history, processes, constituencies and mandate. Special attention will outline the role and rights of the At-Large community, and how it can best advance its positions.
7.2.Seminars and panel sessions providing background on the issues facing ICANN, specifically from the point of view of consumers, clients and end-users of Internet-based information and services.
7.3.Regional "breakout" round-table meetings, at which each region's delegates debate issues in the contexts of their local environment, as well as address other issues which may benefit from in-person discussions.
7.4.Interactive policy workshops help delegates best express the public interest within the ICANN processes. Delegates will analyze issues and develop policy in a manner designed to engage their RALOs and constituencies.(It is understood that most policy initiatives will result in initiatives that will require delegates to consult with their constituencies.)
7.5.Resources and events designed to encourage social interaction between regions, ALSs and ALAC.
7.6.A final plenary that will explicitly outline milestones accomplished and outstanding deliverables, while soliciting comments and recommendations on how At-Large can better fulfil its mandate.
8.Budget Implications During the budget year 2006/2007 ICANN organized 3 meetings:
Sao Paulo LACRalo meeting
Lisbon AfRalo and EuRalo meetings
San Juan LACRalo and NARalo meetings
During the budget year 2007/2008 ICANN will organize 3 meetings:
Los Angeles No Ralo meeting
Asia Pacific APRalo meeting
Europe AfRalo, APRalo, EuRalo, LACRalo, and NARalo meetings
We would like to have one person from each ALSs coming to the Summit and taking care by ICANN. We will establish participation criteria to ensure that the Summit participants will be engaged and committed to Summit goals.
Beyond travel we will require appropriate room rentals and the capacity to hold one evening social event.
Proposed Summit Budget estimates:-
Need some estimates here.
9.Notes Sessions will be held concurrently with the regular ICANN meetings, and will be designed to not conflict with scheduled ICANN slots intended for attendance by all constituencies.
Summit organizers -- with the assistance of ALAC, RALO chairs and ICANN staff -- will distribute in advance to ALSs information related to ICANN issues requiring attention. Each ALS is expected to discuss the policy issues sufficiently so that its delegates to the Summit can participate and vote on group resolutions.
Emphasis will be on the development of deep policy-analysis as well as expedient Summit-derived resolutions.
Meetings will be designed to allow for maximum interactive participation; when possible a "round table" meeting room layout will be preferred over the traditional "classroom" layout.
A "Summit Secretariat", comprising people selected from within the various RALO secretariats, will help record the proceedings.
Summit will be chair by the ALAC chairperson and session chairs will be rotated amongst ALAC members and RALO chairs.
Delegates are expected to be full participants and not just attendees. Those who are absent from more than 50% of meetings will not be subsidized for future ICANN events.
All points of view will be welcomed; however, it is stressed that the Summit is intended to be a positive, progressive event and delegates are expected to participate in that spirit. Advocacy outside the scope of ICANN or intended as simply negative or obstructionist will not be welcomed.
VS - considering the amount of resources needed ( translations, rooms etc are as big as transportation in an event) and no planning was made to include this in our current budget, we may consider to include the summit in our plan starting year jul08 and organize it to the annual meeting - in Africa. I will talk with finance area at ICANN and try to get some feedback for our december call. any news I will post here.
contributed by Guest User on Nov 19 7:59am
SBT - I am not sure that it is beter to organize a meeting in Africa. If we have the budget to organize a summit , as paris is just at the end of the fiscall year, I ma sure Icann can manage this and it will much less expensive in particular for travels. Concerning the meeting rooms I think it can be handel in Paris.
contributed by sebastien.bachollet on Nov 20 4:27am
Created by Jacqueline Morris on Nov 1 1:13pm. Updated by sebastien.bachollet on Nov 20 4:27am. comment
- 77 views - 6 revisions
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Meryem Marzouki <marzouki at ras.eu.org> wrote: Thanks for these details, Jacqueline. I was aware of the ALAC list
archives (http://atlarge-lists.icann.org/pipermail/alac_atlarge-
lists.icann.org/), which are indeed public, but there was not much
discussion on this issue, and specifically on the 1st draft available
at https://st.icann.org/alac/index.cgi?motion_on_the_summit_proposal.
I was rather referring to the list of the working group (http://
lists.icann.org), which requires authentification to access the
archives restricted to list members.
I've also found directions to a google group (http://
groups.google.com/group/icann-summit/web/icann-ensemble), but also
restricted to members (any application should first be approved). The
description of this google group is: "This group is for anyone
interested in helping to stage the ICANN At-Large Summit, tentatively
scheduled for the ICANN meeting in June 2008, to bring together all
of its At-Large Structures for the purposes of education and policy
development. "
Probably what should be made clear is that this "Internet users"
summit is nothing more than a meeting of At-large structures and
their current ALSes.
Le 13 déc. 07 à 15:54, Jacqueline A. Morris a écrit :
> Hi
> I'm not part of the Working group/committee, the At Large list is
> open, and
> as far as I know all discussions are open and openly archived. I
> redirected
> as I am not sure how many of them are actively monitoring this
> list. So I
> hope that the people on the WG who know how to answer your
> questions will
> reply to you soon. The leadership of the committee/working group
> for the
> Summit is also publicly listed,
> https://st.icann.org/alac/index.cgi?
> at_large_officers_and_working_group_lead
> ers, so maybe you'd like to personally direct questions and
> comments to any
> of the leadership.
> Jacqueline
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Meryem Marzouki [mailto:marzouki at ras.eu.org]
>> Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2007 03:42
>> To: governance at lists.cpsr.org
>> Subject: Re: [governance] "Internet users" Summit
>> Hi Jacqueline,
>> Actually, I tried to find on various ALAC lists any substantive
>> discussions that this proposal (which, as I mentioned, was sent to
>> ALAC structures on November 1st) would have created, and found
>> nothing of this sort. I would have expected that the proposal
>> (vision, objectives, deliverables, restricting conditions on
>> attendance, frame, and tonality of expected discussions -- as well as
>> the legitimacy and relevance of the very existence of such
>> conditions) of an "Internet user Summit" would be at least discussed
>> on a mailing list which archives are public (if the list itself is
>> not open). If it's about an at-large structures/ALSes meeting, then
>> fine; but if this thing claims to be an "Internet users" summit, then
>> this is not understandable.
>> How could I send comments to a committee which discussions are closed
>> (thus, I don't even know on which current version of the proposal I
>> should comment), and which existence is not even clearly announced
>> and known?
>> Also, I don't see why you've decided, without informing me first, to
>> copy your answer (including my comments, thus actually copying my
>> comments) to another, closed, list? As you should be well aware, one
>> does formulate comments depending on which group of people they are
>> addressed, and depending on a whole context (the "Internet users"
>> summit was discussed on this governance list). A more respectful
>> attitude would have been to provide the information that a committee
>> was working on this, to provide the last version of the proposal, and
>> then to encourage providing comments to this committee.
>> In any case, your answer confirms my initial comments on this
>> "Internet users" summit. In addition, I would appreciate your own
>> comments on this, like, say, what is not anymore relevant as it has
>> been modified or suppressed by the committee, since you seem to be
>> part of it. Other members of this "committee" who are subscribers to
>> this IGC list are also welcome to provide information and answers to
>> questions.
>> Here are again my initial comments:
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Meryem Marzouki [mailto:marzouki at ras.eu.org]
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2007 19:20
>>>> To: governance at lists.cpsr.org
>>>> Subject: [governance] "Internet users" Summit
>>>> [...]
>>>> - Estimated budget: 500,000 USD (350,000 euros)
>>>> i.e. 310 USD (200 euros) per hotel night and 112 USD (75 euros) per
>>>> diem. Which is quite good in Paris (unless, of course, if you only
>>>> drink champaign -- a lot of champaign, I mean)
>>>> [...]
>>>> In summary:
>>>> - "Internet users" == (current) "ICANN At-Large community". So,
>> let's
>>>> call this event by its name, i.e. the big "at-large structures"
>>>> party, rather than "Internet users summit".
>>>> - This "summit" is intended for current At-large structures/ALSes
>>>> capacity building (what the hell are they doing in the RALOs if not
>>>> yet aware of ICANN's - and specially at-large - arcanes and what's
>> at
>>>> stake??)
>>>> - Whatever "declaration" will be written, it will be in the name of
>>>> all "Individual Internet Users" on earth
>>>> My favorites are the "Notes". The two ones reproduced above mean:
>>>> - "Information related to ICANN issues requiring attention" will be
>>>> elaborated and distributed by the "Summit" organizers: frame the
>>>> debate as you want, and you'll get the outcome you want
>>>> - "All points of view will be welcomed"... But..."Advocacy outside
>>>> the scope of ICANN or intended as simply negative or obstructionist
>>>> will not be welcomed." :)))) From only some discussions on this
>> list,
>>>> we can imagine what this means.
>>>> Last but not least, given the budget per person, if you're an
>>>> academic, I indeed recommend that you attend this "summit" as an
>>>> ALS
>>>> "leader" rather than visiting some colleagues in Paris in an
>> academic
>>>> stay framework or rather than coming as a UN consultant (per
>> Suresh's
>>>> indications).. Not to mention comparisons with usual low budget CS
>>>> activities..
>>>> In any case, being myself based in Paris, I can guarantee that
>>>> Paris
>>>> is really great in June, and that these people will spend nice
>>>> holidays here, in addition to reinforcing their positions as
>>>> "leadership", "representing" Internet users, a.k.a citizens.
>> Best,
>> Meryem
>> Le 13 déc. 07 à 02:00, Jacqueline A. Morris a écrit :
>>> This was a first draft at the proposal - there are loads of people
>>> working
>>> in a committee to develop this proposal further, so your comments
>>> should be
>>> sent to them, so that they can be taken into consideration. To that
>>> end I've
>>> copied the ALAC list on this email.
>>> Jacqueline
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Meryem Marzouki [mailto:marzouki at ras.eu.org]
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2007 19:20
>>>> To: governance at lists.cpsr.org
>>>> Subject: [governance] "Internet users" Summit
>>>> Le 10 déc. 07 à 09:32, Vittorio Bertola a écrit :
>>>>> However, since the idea of a summit came out months ago, I have
>>>>> been repeating that the ICANN Board will never put money on
>>>>> this if
>>>>> a clear explanation of "how will this event make a difference"
>>>>> isn't provided. So (AFAIK, as I'm not inside the process any more)
>>>>> the organizers are now working on providing exactly that. In
>>>>> general, I think that the event could be very useful or very
>>>>> useless depending on how its agenda and purposes are set up. I
>>>>> expect that this will be presented to the broader community in the
>>>>> near future.
>>>> and
>>>> Le 10 déc. 07 à 09:02, Kleinwächter, Wolfgang a écrit :
>>>>> Why not to start with 12 people in a working group to draft a
>>>>> strategy to find out what to do and how to intervene?
>>>> Do you both mean, say, something like this:
>>>> https://st.icann.org/alac/index.cgi?motion_on_the_summit_proposal
>>>> (motion sent to ALAC mailing list on Nov 1st, and - as far as I've
>>>> understood - prepared by Sebastien Bachollet (Isoc-France)) ?
>>>> excerpts:
>>>> ""ICANN Ensemble" A global summit of the ICANN At-Large community"
>>>> - Estimated budget: 500,000 USD (350,000 euros)
>>>> i.e. 310 USD (200 euros) per hotel night and 112 USD (75 euros) per
>>>> diem. Which is quite good in Paris (unless, of course, if you only
>>>> drink champaign -- a lot of champaign, I mean)
>>>> - Vision
>>>> "The Summit's intent to
>>>> 3.1.Help the At-Large structures to better understand At-Large
>>>> mandates, structures, processes.
>>>> 3.2.Provide the tools needed by At-Large leadership to involve and
>>>> engage their members.
>>>> 3.3.Drive the development of timely policy study and
>>>> recommendations
>>>> reflecting the At-Large point of view on both global and regional
>>>> levels.
>>>> 3.4.Encourage the exchange of ideas, experiences and energy within
>>>> ICANN's At-Large community."
>>>> - 4.Objectives
>>>> "4.1.An informed At-Large community that is better able to interact
>>>> with other ICANN constituencies, supporting organisations and
>>>> advisory committees.
>>>> 4.2.An informed At-Large community that clearly understands the
>>>> issues confronting ICANN and ICANN's roles and responsibilities
>>>> therein.
>>>> 4.3.Increased involvement by At-Large in ICANN policy debate.
>>>> 4.4.An At-Large community that more clearly understands the global,
>>>> rather than merely regional, point of view on ICANN-related issues.
>>>> 4.5.A more engaged At-Large community that clearly understands the
>>>> timing and framework of various issues currently confronting ICANN"
>>>> - 5.Deliverables
>>>> "5.1.Resolutions based on policy development. Any resolutions which
>>>> are not agreed to at the Final Plenary or require more regional
>>>> consultation should be accompanied by hard deadlines for passage.
>>>> 5.2.Establishment of working groups related to specific policies
>> with
>>>> explicit goals and timetables for production of papers or
>>>> resolutions.
>>>> 5.3.ALS leadership who are fully aware of ICANN, its workings and
>> its
>>>> issues, who are ready and able to bring this information to their
>>>> members.
>>>> 5.4.Improved contacts and relationships between ICANN ALSs, within
>>>> and between regions, and between At-Large and other ICANN
>>>> constituencies.
>>>> 5.5.Work on a Individual Internet Users declaration."
>>>> - 9.Notes
>>>> "[...]
>>>> Summit organizers -- with the assistance of ALAC, RALO chairs and
>>>> ICANN staff -- will distribute in advance to ALSs information
>> related
>>>> to ICANN issues requiring attention. Each ALS is expected to
>>>> discuss
>>>> the policy issues sufficiently so that its delegates to the Summit
>>>> can participate and vote on group resolutions.
>>>> [...]
>>>> All points of view will be welcomed; however, it is stressed that
>>>> the Summit is intended to be a positive, progressive event and
>>>> delegates are expected to participate in that spirit. Advocacy
>>>> outside the scope of ICANN or intended as simply negative or
>>>> obstructionist will not be welcomed."
>>>> (end of quotes)
>>>> In summary:
>>>> - "Internet users" == (current) "ICANN At-Large community". So,
>> let's
>>>> call this event by its name, i.e. the big "at-large structures"
>>>> party, rather than "Internet users summit".
>>>> - This "summit" is intended for current At-large structures/ALSes
>>>> capacity building (what the hell are they doing in the RALOs if not
>>>> yet aware of ICANN's - and specially at-large - arcanes and what's
>> at
>>>> stake??)
>>>> - Whatever "declaration" will be written, it will be in the name of
>>>> all "Individual Internet Users" on earth
>>>> My favorites are the "Notes". The two ones reproduced above mean:
>>>> - "Information related to ICANN issues requiring attention" will be
>>>> elaborated and distributed by the "Summit" organizers: frame the
>>>> debate as you want, and you'll get the outcome you want
>>>> - "All points of view will be welcomed"... But..."Advocacy outside
>>>> the scope of ICANN or intended as simply negative or obstructionist
>>>> will not be welcomed." :)))) From only some discussions on this
>> list,
>>>> we can imagine what this means.
>>>> Last but not least, given the budget per person, if you're an
>>>> academic, I indeed recommend that you attend this "summit" as an
>>>> ALS
>>>> "leader" rather than visiting some colleagues in Paris in an
>> academic
>>>> stay framework or rather than coming as a UN consultant (per
>> Suresh's
>>>> indications).. Not to mention comparisons with usual low budget CS
>>>> activities..
>>>> In any case, being myself based in Paris, I can guarantee that
>>>> Paris
>>>> is really great in June, and that these people will spend nice
>>>> holidays here, in addition to reinforcing their positions as
>>>> "leadership", "representing" Internet users, a.k.a citizens.
>>>> Have fun.
>>>> Meryem____________________________________________________________
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