[governance] How do we engender effective participation from developing countries (Africa)?

kwasi boakye-akyeampong kboakye1 at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Dec 10 07:30:30 EST 2007

"I would rather attend a meeting of 12 people who know what they want to
 do and are willing and able to intervene in real processes, than a
 meeting of 12,000 people who don't and aren't."
  Good point Milton. What is the point in giving fellowships to people from a certain part of the world x times a year to attend meetings, conferences, workshops, etc., when things remain largely the same. Is anybody taking stock?
  Is there any merit in encouraging participation from developing countries and spending money in the process? After about a decade can we say we have achieved the expected results? Is the approach the best or should we consider another approach?
  As an African who, among several others, has benefited from these fellowships, I have been wondering what impact our participation is having on the continent. I'm of the opinion that participants who are beneficiaries of any fellowship should be made accountable of some sort. Completing applications is not enough, I think.

Milton L Mueller <mueller at syr.edu> wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jacqueline A. Morris [mailto:jam at jacquelinemorris.com]
> From re-reading the email list - Danny raised an issue, there was no
> traction from other At Large participants, maybe it wasn't important to
> the others, maybe for other reasons. For whatever reason, there was no 
> follow up from the At Large membership. It's definitely a bottom-up
> process - ALAC
> can't be bottom-up and yet force an issue if the region or other members
> aren't interested.

True enough, Jackie, but what Danny was pointing out is that the North American RALO apparently had no interest, or nothing to say, about one issue that is clearly within its remit: the re-contracting of .us. That is sad. 

You go on to say something which reinforces Danny's point: 

> Compare this to the Summit idea - that came from Sebastien in Lisbon,
> gained
> a lot of interest from ALSes in San Juan and is now a major project across
> all regions. (It did hit some procedural bumps on the way, but they are
> mainly past) - that's bottom-up.

A "global Summit of Internet users" strikes me as an example of how misdirected bottom up politics can become. If a summit of internet users has any value, it is because it will allow the voice of large numbers of mobilized users to be brought to bear on concrete policy issues. But if those users have _no positions_, nothing of substance to say on specific policy choices brought before ICANN and other institutions, then what good is it? 

Certainly the organizers of such a summit will feel important if it attracts a large crowd. Certainly it will create opportunities for budding new politicians to become more visible. But what is their agenda, what do they have to say, what principles will guide them? And how will that be brought to bear on specific, real policy choices in real governance agencies? 

I would rather attend a meeting of 12 people who know what they want to do and are willing and able to intervene in real processes, than a meeting of 12,000 people who don't and aren't. 

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