[bestbits] Formation of a joint steering Committee - as received

Jeremy Malcolm jeremy at ciroap.org
Fri Nov 29 00:46:51 EST 2013

Moving Adam Peake's question from another thread:

> I have a concern.  But first could you please explain who was involved in the selection process, who from which organizations, what criteria considered, who were the candidates considered.

Also cc'ing the governance list, because this is not a Best
Bits-specific issue (the new joint civil society committee is *not* a
Best Bits committee, I've merely been put forward as the liaison from
Best Bits to sit on it).

So who was involved in the selection process?  Everyone who has been
involved in discussions in the networks that are on the steering
committee.  The liaisons from each network have been passing those
discussions on.  Who are those liaisons?  One from each of the civil
society networks that is currently on the joint committee, viz. Sala
(and formerly Norbert) from IGC, Robin Gross from NCSG, myself from Best
Bits, Ginger Paque from Diplo, Anriette from APC and Ian Peter as an
independent chair.

Those members are not set in stone, they just volunteered to fill an
urgent need for a way of nominating civil society representatives to
various processes jointly.  We are going to be suggesting, and opening
for discussion, some criteria for other groups to join.  Other groups
who already expressed interest are Michael Gurstein on behalf of his
community informatics network, and the Internet Rights and Principles
coalition.  But meanwhile, we have put aside further process-tweaking in
order to deal with the urgent task at hand.

As for what criteria and what candidates were considered, there is a
thread on this with discussion back and forth, and it would take some
time to go back and summarize it.  But amongst the candidates considered

  * William Drake
  * Valeria Betancourt
  * Anriette Esterhuysen
  * Vladimir Radunovik
  * Michael Gurstein
  * Thomas Lowenhaupt
  * Grace Githaiga
  * Nnenna Nwakanma
  * Avri Doria
  * Jeanette Hoffman
  * Milton Mueller
  * Stephanie Perrin
  * Tara Taubman
  * Judy Okite
  * Anju Magnal
  * Jovan Kurbalija

The main criterion was how much support existed within the individual
networks that had put forward the names in question.  Also considered
important was that there should be at least one person who can represent
internal ICANN issues, and one person to represent wider issues.  The
candidates should also have been involved with the communities that were
nominating them.

That's about all that I have to say for now.  Ian, as the independent
chair, may wish to address any further questions that you might have.


*Dr Jeremy Malcolm
Senior Policy Officer
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