[governance] Statement by IGC on Huan Qi's sentencing

srajukanumuri (via governance Mailing List) governance at lists.riseup.net
Sun Aug 4 00:52:24 EDT 2019

Dear one and all

Suppression is happening all over the world .each country tells their own
story . If we ask any thing they will talk past genocides wars invasion
colonial wars cyber attacks trade wars weapons of mass distruction
occupying other countries like our own lands biz in our neighborhood crate
race religion wars poor rich wars etc divide and rule .

Democracies vs Communists vs left vs right vs plutocrats vs trade wars vs
super power .

In all countries internally so many innocemts are getting killed by gun
voilance , land mafia , real estate mafia criminal acts corruption looting
factionists naxalites dacoits  etc poverty drugs poor man made wars
greediness etc making humans like barbarians animals to kill each other
cheat other arrest innocemts etc

World is flat made humanity forgetting about values ethics etc

All humans are one 1st they are good humans respect each other love each
other honer each other with equal development individual nation sovergnty
freedom survival .

All over world human rights are treated differently and also problems .

Today. Criminals corrupt mafia linked poltical parties are ruling countries
they are making creating terror in various means for power .
Make slaves for ever .

Even earth climate countries happiness gone they are continuing same acts
of suppression arrests or stamping Innocents as criminals crooks terrorists
in the process others are also effecting they are also becoming fighting
for justice or becoming killers .

Creators are distroyres.  In all countries no proper justice for suffering
families honest good poor middle class .

Entire humanity must pray  for good people rights people support voice for
them or request governments to respect their own honest citizens
intelctuals visionaries etc

In India also so many Innocents freedom fighters scientists families anti
corruption activists innovators families killed suppressed by poltical
system judiciary police etc greedy societies humans are root cause for
humanity problems earth issues like home country issues .

Who is good bad ugly crooks criminals suppressors dictators etc only
humanity must decide and lastly peace is important non voilance non
exploiting is important for survival .

Let world leaders think once again for peace and prosperity of their
citizens and also rights activists.

Sit with them think broadly have common actions thoughts idieas vision
dreams about future ..

With gratitude to humanity goodness rights of life on mother Earth.

Note :  my family came freedom fighters scientists families. But my parents
rights activists killed by poltical parties police judiciary etc these same
guys are leaders ministers etc who are doing biz world wide including usa
Europe China Africa Belgrade gulf Singapore etc illegal mining to so many
countries red sandal wood smuggling to China etc  same story in all
countries . resources looting ward suppression money power have villas
hatch's billions in pocket have safe tax Haven's to park looted money gold
diamonds people money government money banks stock markets compdities fake
real estate etc

humanity earth life re booting re thinking as good honest only matters.

On Sun, Aug 4, 2019, 9:35 AM ian.peter at ianpeter.com <ian.peter at ianpeter.com>

> Oh I am glad you noticed that Farzaneh - our credibility for having
> independent inputs is ruined if we either deliberately or accidentally
> adopt such statements which fully mimic any government.
> Here is the wording of the US statement - more than just the opening
> paragraph, whole sections of our proposed wording are identical. WTF.....
> *"The United States is deeply concerned by the sentencing of online
> activist Huang Qi to 12 years in prison. Huang has been honored multiple
> times by Reporters Without Borders for his courage in exposing corruption
> and human rights violations in China through his website, 64 Tianwang.*
> *The imprisonment of Huang Qi underscores China’s continued repression of
> human rights and fundamental freedoms, including free speech.  We urge the
> Chinese government to uphold its international commitments related to fair
> trial guarantees and the rule of law.  We call on China to immediately
> release Mr. Huang, and to allow him access to his family, medical care, and
> legal counsel as soon as possible. We also call on China to end undue
> restrictions on the freedom of movement of his family and those who
> assisted him."*
> So I oppose repitition of any of these sentences or phrases. We can echo
> the sentiments if we are in agreement with them, but our statement must be
> our statement, not a copy of that of any government..
> Ian Peter
> ------ Original Message ------
> From: "farzaneh badii" <governance at lists.riseup.net>
> To: salanieta.tamanikaiwaimaro at gmail.com
> Cc: "David Allen" <david_allen_ab63 at post.harvard.edu>; "Marie Georges" <
> ma.georges at orange.fr>; "Norbert Bollow" <nb at bollow.ch>; "governance" <
> governance at lists.riseup.net>; "ian.peter at ianpeter.com" <
> ian.peter at ianpeter.com>
> Sent: 4/08/2019 12:14:43 PM
> Subject: Re: [governance] Statement by IGC on Huan Qi's sentencing
> The first paragraph is almost a copy paste of the US  statement. We can't
> just work on a "draft" that someone else has issued already. This needs to
> be redrafted from scratch should we want to issue a statement.
> On Sat, Aug 3, 2019 at 9:33 PM "Salanieta T. Tamanikaiwaimaro" <
> governance at lists.riseup.net> wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> This revised draft captures some of Chaitanya and Ian's input and
>> suggested edits. Please review and comment.
>> Revised Draft 4th August, 2019
>> *Proposed Draft*
>> The Civil Society Internet Governance Caucus is deeply concerned by the
>> sentencing of online activist Huang Qi to 12 years in prison.  Huang has
>> been honoured multiple times by Reporters Without Borders for his courage
>> in exposing corruption and human rights violations in China through his
>> website, 64 Tianwang.
>>  Huang Qi has greatly strengthened China as a country by bringing to the
>> foreground these good governance issues including but not limited to
>> corruption & human rights. It is our view that Huang Qi should be honoured
>> as a strong contributor to society.
>> We urge the Chinese government to uphold its international commitments
>> related to fair trial guarantees and the rule of law.  We call on China to
>> immediately release Mr. Huang, and to allow him access to his family,
>> medical care, and legal counsel as soon as possible.  We also call on China
>> to end undue restrictions on the freedom of movement of his family and
>> those who assisted him.
>> We note that China is a member of the United Nations Human Rights Council
>> this year. The Civil Society Internet Governance Caucus calls on China to
>> aspire to subscribe to the Charter of the Internet Rights and Principles
>> which was developed by the Dynamic Coalition on Internet Rights and
>> Principles within the Internet Governance Forum and is available on the
>> OHCHR website.
>> ---
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> --
> Farzaneh
> ---
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