ahmed eisa
ahmed22digital at gmail.com
Mon Oct 13 00:22:36 EDT 2014
*Dear friends*
*Today is opening ceremony of ICANN 51 in Los Angeles USA for those who are
interested to fellow here is the links to *
*1- **full schedule*
*2- **daily schedule*
<http://la51.icann.org/en/schedule?date=2014-10-12> *
*3- **remote participation*
<http://meetings.icann.org/remote-participation> *
*a- **opening ceremony *
<http://la51.icann.org/en/schedule/mon-welcome> *
*b- *a discussion on fostering e-commerce and new gTLDs (generic
top-level domain names) in the region.
<http://la51.icann.org/en/schedule/mon-lac-space> *
*c- *Update on the progress within IANA, Domain Name Services and
Industry Engagement, Security, Stability and Resiliency, and the New gTLD
Ahmed Mahmoud Mohamed Eisa
+249123031155 Sudani
+249912331155 Zain
+249999331155 MTN
KHARTOUM alamaraat P.O.BOX 15021
post code 12217
Gedaref digital city organization (GDCO) is a nongovernmental and nonprofit
organization (Gedaref Sudan), it is part of the Telecentres movement where
ICT is used for community development. GDCO is the winner of information
for development award (i4d 2007 awards e-India) for the inclusion of the
disabled, GDCO is the winner of i4d 2008 awards for the best innovations
at the grassroots Telecentres and the winner of i4d 2009 for the
initiatives of civil society for development (e-agriculture project and
other e-services).. ..it is the winner of eWorld award 2011. it is the
winner of best innovative NGO working on ICT for community development in
Sudan. The winner of best album in Telecentre 2011 Philippines .. it the
founder of the first Telecentre academy in Africa and middle east and the
thirteen in world ..The Digital City of Eindhoven (DSE) Netherlands (the
founder and well-known partner of GDCO in Netherlands) donated 750
computers and more than ten projects were established using ICT for
community development and one of them is e-agriculture. GDCO & SPEG
(foundation of eindhoven volunteers for gedaref projects) started new
partnership for community development including people with disability
(especially deaf), gedaref university, (faculty of medicine) e-agriculture,
SeVO and other project
On 13 October 2014 01:04, Ginger Paque <ginger at paque.net> wrote:
> Thanks to all nominees, and to the nomcom for their work. I am humbled to
> be part of such an outstanding list, and to have the CSCG endorsement. Good
> luck to everyone--whoever (hopefully all) is ultimately chose for the MAG
> will be excellent, and will have our support and collaboration.
> High energy to all,
> Ginger
> On 12 October 2014 10:14, Vanda Scartezini <vanda at uol.com.br> wrote:
>> I believe Fatima is doing a GREAT job as part of this team for our
>> region! Glad she will continue to do it.
>> *Vanda Scartezini*
>> *Polo Consultores Associados*
>> *Av. Paulista 1159, cj 1004*
>> *01311-200- Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil*
>> *Land Line: +55 11 3266.6253 <%2B55%2011%203266.6253>*
>> *Mobile: + 55 11 98181.1464 <%2B%2055%2011%2098181.1464> *
>> From: Fatima Cambronero <fatimacambronero at gmail.com>
>> Reply-To: "governance at lists.igcaucus.org" <governance at lists.igcaucus.org>,
>> Fatima Cambronero <fatimacambronero at gmail.com>
>> Date: Saturday, October 11, 2014 at 18:51
>> To: "governance at lists.igcaucus.org" <governance at lists.igcaucus.org>,
>> Suresh Ramasubramanian <suresh at hserus.net>
>> Cc: Mawaki Chango <kichango at gmail.com>
>> Subject: Re: [governance] Civil Society Representatives on IGF
>> Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) 2015
>> Dear All,
>> Thanks for this information.
>> I also want to thank you all for continuing to support me in this role of
>> MAG member as civil society representative.
>> I will do my best to represent our interests.
>> Congratulations to all the colleagues selected!
>> Best Regards,
>> Fatima
>> 2014-10-10 22:17 GMT-03:00 Suresh Ramasubramanian <suresh at hserus.net>:
>>> This is among the best slates of mag nominations I have seen in the
>>> recent past. Congratulations to all concerned and thanks to the nomcom.
>>> --srs (iPad)
>>> On 11-Oct-2014, at 03:18, Mawaki Chango <kichango at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> The Internet Governance Civil Society Co ordination Group (CSCG) is
>>> pleased to be able to inform you of our recommendations as regards civil
>>> society representation on MAG 2015.
>>> As you know, CSCG is a “coalition of coalitions” of the major civil
>>> society groups involved in the internet governance arena and associated
>>> areas.(see details below). Our role in working together is to ensure a
>>> co-ordinated civil society response and conduit when it comes to making
>>> civil society appointments to outside bodies.
>>> *Nominations for 2015 MAG civil society representatives*
>>> After each of our coalition members published a Call for Nominations
>>> within their coalition, each member shortlisted the names from their
>>> individual coalition (if necessary) which would be further considered for
>>> endorsement. The CSCG Nominating Committee considered 29 names
>>> short-listed for final discussion, with the following criteria.
>>> 1. Past record of active engagement as part of civil society groups
>>> working on internet governance issues, acting or speaking out assertively
>>> on behalf of public interest concerns.
>>> 2 Willingness and commitment to consult with and report back to CS
>>> networks (including beyond those focused on internet governance where
>>> appropriate) on MAG discussions.
>>> 3. Previous attendee at IGF at a global or regional level.
>>> 4. Willing, available and able to participate effectively and
>>> constructively in the MAG deliberations.
>>> In considering names, our nominating committee firstly considered the
>>> advice from the Secretariat that 10 people considered to be civil society
>>> representatives were ending their terms this year – an unusually high
>>> number on an annual basis. Accordingly, we have selected 10 names for new
>>> members as outlined below.
>>> We recommend the following 10 names as the new representatives for civil
>>> society (in alphabetical order). Each will need to submit a full
>>> application with further details pertaining to their suitability as MAG
>>> members.
>>> *1.* *Sunil Abraham* (India)
>>> *2.* *Renata Avila* (Guatemala)
>>> *3.* *Oh Byoungil* (South Korea)
>>> *4.* *John Dada* (Nigeria)
>>> *5.* *Avri Doria *(USA)
>>> *6.* *Stuart Hamilton *(United Kingdom)
>>> *7.* *Lea Kaspar *(Croatia).
>>> *8.* *Jak SM Kee* (Malaysia).
>>> *9.* *Ephraim Percy Kenyanito *(Kenya)
>>> *10.* *Virginia Paque* (Venezuela)
>>> We also considered the remaining representatives whose three year
>>> terms have not expired, and we conclude that the only civil society person
>>> whose term has not expired is Fatima Cambronero (Argentina), We consider
>>> Fatima to be an excellent representative, and have no hesitation in
>>> supporting the continuation of her term of engagement. Accordingly, we also
>>> endorse the continued involvement of *Fatima Cambronero* (Argentina) as
>>> the only remaining civil society representative carried forward to 2015
>>> MAG. In doing so we note that there are no other continuing members of MAG
>>> who are civil society representatives.
>>> In addition to the above names, the CSCG has considered a wide range of
>>> very talented civil society representatives it was not able to include in
>>> its recommendations. We are very thankful for all the applicants, despite
>>> their making our job much harder, and will advise the Secretariat that,
>>> should IGF require names of suitable and accomplished additional
>>> representatives in providing overall regional balance, we would be very
>>> pleased to provide additional names in confidence of further civil society
>>> people who could make an outstanding contribution to the 2015 MAG.
>>> We will be in contact with the selected CS representatives shortly to
>>> discuss some brief biographical details for our letter to the IGF
>>> Secretariat, and other details of their nominations. In the mean time, we
>>> thank everyone for their participation and co-operation in this exercise
>>> and believe that this effort has yielded some outstanding candidates to
>>> represent civil society.
>>> Sincerely
>>> *2015 CSCG MAG Nominating Committee*
>>> Norbert Bollow, Just Net Coalition representative
>>> Mawaki Chango, Internet Governance Caucus representative
>>> Robin Gross, Non Commercial Stakeholders Group representative
>>> Jeremy Malcolm, Best Bits Coalition representative
>>> Chat Garcia Ramilo, Association for Progressive
>>> Communications representative
>>> Ian Peter, Independent Chair
>>> Note: Virginia Paque (Diplo Foundation) withdrew from Nominating
>>> Committee discussions before nominations were opened and criteria
>>> developed, as she intended to stand as a candidate. Mandeep Tiwana
>>> (Civicus) also did not participate in the Nominating Committee.
>>> *Member Organisations of Internet Governance Civil Society Co ordination
>>> Group – brief descriptions*
>>> · Association for Progressive Communications, an international
>>> membership-based network founded in 1990 who work together in using ICTs to
>>> empower and support others to build strategic communities and promote easy
>>> and affordable access to a free and open internet.
>>> · Best Bits, a network of civil society organisations from
>>> across the world, who come together to share and collaborate on individual
>>> and joint initiatives in support of human rights and other broadly shared
>>> civil society interests in Internet governance.
>>> · Civicus, a global civil society alliance with over 1000
>>> members in 120 countries
>>> · Diplo Foundation, which has a focus on assisting participants
>>> from small and developing states to build the capacity to engage
>>> effectively in Internet Governance and diplomacy. Since 2003, Diplo’s
>>> Internet Governance Capacity Building Programme (IGCBP) has involved over
>>> 1500 professionals and activists from 163 states.
>>> · Internet Governance Caucus, an organisation with over 200
>>> organisational and individual members founded in 2004 to specifically
>>> address emerging internet governance issues.
>>> · Just Net Coalition, formed in 2014, a global coalition with
>>> specific interests in democracy, human rights and social justice.
>>> · Non-Commercial Stakeholders Group, (NCSG) an organization of
>>> more than 400 non-commercial organizations and individuals who develop
>>> Internet policy through participation in ICANN's policy development
>>> process. NCSG promotes noncommercial interests in the formulation of ICANN
>>> policy including human rights, academic, development, educational, and
>>> cultural interests.
>>> ____________________________________________________________
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>>> To edit your profile and to find the IGC's charter, see:
>>> http://www.igcaucus.org/
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>> --
>> *Fatima Cambronero*
>> Abogada-Argentina
>> Phone: +54 9351 5282 668
>> Twitter: @facambronero
>> Skype: fatima.cambronero
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