[governance] ICANN 51 @ Los Angeles USA
ahmed eisa
ahmed22digital at gmail.com
Mon Oct 13 00:27:46 EDT 2014
*Dear friends*
*Today is opening ceremony of ICANN 51 in Los Angeles USA for those who are
interested to fellow here is the links to *
*1- **full schedule*
*2- **daily schedule*
<http://la51.icann.org/en/schedule?date=2014-10-12> *
*3- **remote participation*
<http://meetings.icann.org/remote-participation> *
*a- **opening ceremony *
<http://la51.icann.org/en/schedule/mon-welcome> *
*b- *a discussion on fostering e-commerce and new gTLDs (generic
top-level domain names) in the region.
<http://la51.icann.org/en/schedule/mon-lac-space> *
*c- *Update on the progress within IANA, Domain Name Services and
Industry Engagement, Security, Stability and Resiliency, and the New gTLD
Ahmed Mahmoud Mohamed Eisa
+249123031155 Sudani
+249912331155 Zain
+249999331155 MTN
KHARTOUM alamaraat P.O.BOX 15021
post code 12217
Gedaref digital city organization (GDCO) is a nongovernmental and nonprofit
organization (Gedaref Sudan), it is part of the Telecentres movement where
ICT is used for community development. GDCO is the winner of information
for development award (i4d 2007 awards e-India) for the inclusion of the
disabled, GDCO is the winner of i4d 2008 awards for the best innovations
at the grassroots Telecentres and the winner of i4d 2009 for the
initiatives of civil society for development (e-agriculture project and
other e-services).. ..it is the winner of eWorld award 2011. it is the
winner of best innovative NGO working on ICT for community development in
Sudan. The winner of best album in Telecentre 2011 Philippines .. it the
founder of the first Telecentre academy in Africa and middle east and the
thirteen in world ..The Digital City of Eindhoven (DSE) Netherlands (the
founder and well-known partner of GDCO in Netherlands) donated 750
computers and more than ten projects were established using ICT for
community development and one of them is e-agriculture. GDCO & SPEG
(foundation of eindhoven volunteers for gedaref projects) started new
partnership for community development including people with disability
(especially deaf), gedaref university, (faculty of medicine) e-agriculture,
SeVO and other project
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