[bestbits] Re: [governance] Your key ICANN issues as a user

Ian Peter ian.peter at ianpeter.com
Thu Jun 19 17:51:44 EDT 2014

John, the focus is very much on the narrow “internet community” rather than the broader community of internet users. I think that should change.

There is very little that suggests to me that the current expenditure on “facilitating global participation in the policy development process” (largely travel assistance for insiders) results in either better policy, more globally inclusive policy development processes, or more efficient processes. 

As an example I could mention the currently being formed committee of 27 (!) to look at IANA transition, which cant even find one dedicated space for civil society among its members. Although I certainly wouldnt recommend expanding the committee beyond 27 because it is already too large to be efficient, I do think the most likely outcome is going to be a quagmire extending its deliberations way beyond 2015.

However, I appreciate that many people here think ICANN is wonderful. But even if it were efficient, and ICANN could be held up as a shining light as to how to engage stakeholders from all over the world, I would still argue that devotion of a percentage of its income to dealing with wider internet related social issues would be a worthwhile step.   

Ian Peter

From: John Curran 
Sent: Friday, June 20, 2014 7:23 AM
To: mailto:governance at lists.igcaucus.org ; Ian Peter 
Cc: Nnenna Nwakanma ; bestbits at lists.bestbits.net ; members ; africann at afrinic.net ; AfriCS-IG ; Discussion List on African Internet Governance Forum 
Subject: [bestbits] Re: [governance] Your key ICANN issues as a user

On Jun 19, 2014, at 5:07 PM, Ian Peter <ian.peter at ianpeter.com> wrote:

  ICANN collects Internet taxes from domain name owners. It is a non profit company.

  I would like to see ICANN devote a percentage of its considerable income to addressing social issues associated with the Internet, eg digital divide. 

Ian - 

   To the extent that ICANN is recovering costs associated with the registry 
   policy development or registry administration, I am not sure it's appropriate
   to characterize them them as "Internet taxes".  

   The use of such proceeds to facilitate global participation in the policy 
   development process, or accountability and transparency review, or 
   similar registry-related capacity-building makes perfect sense, but that
   is probably more focused than the type of activities you are suggesting?


Disclaimer:  my views alone.

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