[governance] FINAL VERSION OF THE Netmundial DOCUMENT
Suresh Ramasubramanian
suresh at hserus.net
Sun Apr 27 21:14:54 EDT 2014
Let us say that "useful idiot" is a very apt description of a class of civil society whose goals you say we're not met by this outcome document are those who were not willing to find consensus and instead concentrated on conflict, political maneuvring and any other generally unproductive behavior.
Nor did they apparently invest too much time in finding out what the consensus is. Which entirely fails to surprise me about how the outcome language didn't match their ideologically loaded cant.
--srs (iPad)
> On 28-Apr-2014, at 6:11, Jefsey <jefsey at jefsey.com> wrote:
> At 21:36 27/04/2014, Milton L Mueller wrote:
>> Here's my take on the Netmundial outcome document
>> http://www.internetgovernance.org/2014/04/27/netmundial-moves-net-governance-beyond-wsis/
> It seems that you now have to chose between US industry and global civil society interests. States have not helped independent users to speak-up. We now are back to reality, i.e. to RFC 6852/OpenStand: global communities economies decide of the technologies.
> The John Lapise's comment on your site is pertinent, except that the game now for Edge Providers is not to learn diplomacy, but to teach the US law and commercial treaties (e.g. TAFTA), to allied States and the world. The fundamental winner seems to be Google. Civil Society looks being a superficial non-loser, i.e. a useful idiot. Deafening are the Russian and Chinese silences.
> IMHO, only one thing counted: a definitive commitment to network neutrality. Network US-legal-non-neutrality won. Acta est fabula. The network has been fragmented among multistake/share/statusholders.
> jfc
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