Fw: DMP} Re: [Final draft for final comments] Letter to Pres. Rousseff Re: [bestbits] [governance] Dilma Rousseff's speech at UN

Norbert Bollow nb at bollow.ch
Thu Sep 26 11:46:26 EDT 2013

Forwarding as per Parminder's request...

Beginn der weitergeleiteten Nachricht:

Datum: Thu, 26 Sep 2013 20:54:53 +0530
Von: parminder <parminder at itforchange.net>
An: Norbert Bollow <nb at bollow.ch>
Betreff: Fwd: Re: DMP} Re: [Final draft for final comments] Letter to
Pres. Rousseff Re: [bestbits] [governance] Dilma Rousseff's speech at UN


For some reason my emails are not reaching IGC. Can you pl forward 
this... parminder

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Re: DMP} Re: [Final draft for final comments] Letter
to Pres. Rousseff Re: [bestbits] [governance] Dilma Rousseff's speech
at UN Date: 	Thu, 26 Sep 2013 20:49:51 +0530
From: 	parminder <parminder at itforchange.net>
To: 	governance at lists.igcaucus.org
<governance at lists.igcaucus.org>

resent since it seem not to have bene delivered the first time

On Thursday 26 September 2013 08:25 PM, parminder wrote:
> On Thursday 26 September 2013 07:38 PM, Joana Varon wrote:
>> Ok. so here is what we will do.
>> 1) Item 4 will be changed to:
>> "Reinforce our support for an extension into broader spheres of 
>> Internet Governance of the experiences from the Brazilian 
>> multistakeholder model of Internet governance,led by CGI.br",
> How can one sign it without knowing what broader spheres should
> CGI.Br model be extended to? The criticism of Marco Civil process
> here  tells me that the intention is that what marco civil process
> did - culminating in the parliament - should instead be done by
> CGI'Br..... That s killing democracy.  If that is the intention, it
> should be made clear, and not be a kind of back door thing. If not
> so, pl tell us what other spheres are mean there.
> You must tell us which broader spheres do you want to extend it
> to.... Before one signs one needs to know
> By this 'broader sphere' phrase you obviously do not mean global 
> levels, which I agreed already that it can be extended to.... If you 
> indeed mean 'global levels' then too pl make it clear.
> Anja also just asked for reference to multistakeholderism in terms of 
> global IG.... which is fine..... But why does the text go to a very 
> old formulation which is something about extending CGI.Br model to 
> other IG areas in Brazil, which is not discussed, neither one is very 
> clear about...
> parminder
>> 2) Jeremy and I will send an email noting it to all the people who 
>> already endorsed, noting this change and giving them the posibility 
>> to withdraw their support (which I think will be unlikely). Well, 
>> thats not the ideal process to do that. But, we will be happy to
>> have ICG, APC, etc  supporting the statement and more important, we
>> got your points on the dangerous of the current version.
>> OK????
>> On Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 4:03 PM, Avri Doria <avri at acm.org 
>> <mailto:avri at acm.org>> wrote:
>>     +1 to Anja's point.
>>     with this change I will recommend that it be signed by IGC and
>>     groups I am a member of,  and will sign it myself on the bestbits
>>     site
>>     >From Carolina
>>     > Pls, Avri, refer to CA and my email
>>     But since
>>     > not that it will change at this point, but it would be good to
>>     be sure we have your language
>>     Not sure why we are still trying.
>>     Without a statement supporting a well formed multistakeholder
>>     model, I do not want to contribute to a statement that seems to
>>     me to approve the way Governments currently work.
>>     re:
>>     > "Reinforce our support for an extension into broader spheres of
>>     Internet Governance of the experiences from the Brazilian
>>     multistakeholder model of Internet governance, led by CGI.br",
>>     Prefer the previous 4.
>>     avri
>>     On 26 Sep 2013, at 09:51, Anja Kovacs wrote:
>>     > Hi,
>>     >
>>     > Not sure which version you mean, Norbert, but if it is the one
>>     in which point 4 starts as follows:
>>     >
>>     > "Reinforce our support for an extension into broader spheres of
>>     Internet Governance of the experiences from the Brazilian
>>     multistakeholder model of Internet governance, led by CGI.br",
>>     >
>>     > My answer is yes, we would support that.
>>     >
>>     > Thanks,
>>     > Anja
>>     >
>>     >
>>     > On 26 September 2013 19:15, Avri Doria <avri at acm.org
>>     <mailto:avri at acm.org>> wrote:
>>     > Hi
>>     >
>>     > Yes, i would, I did,  accept that, as it balances support to
>>     the Marco Civil with support for the multistakeholder governance.
>>     >
>>     > When 4 was dropped it put the emphasis on approving the process
>>     of the past as opposed to suggesting a way to improve in the
>> future.
>>     >
>>     > That works for me.
>>     >
>>     > avri
>>     >
>>     > On 26 Sep 2013, at 09:25, Norbert Bollow wrote:
>>     >
>>     > > [with IGC coordinator hat on]
>>     > >
>>     > > Suppose the drafters of the letter were willing to backtrack
>>     to this
>>     > > version, would the IGC then be able to endorse the letter?
>>     > >
>>     > > Avri and Anja, do I understand correctly that your objections
>>     would
>>     > > be moot in this case?
>>     > >
>>     > > Parminder, are you firmly objecting to this version of point
>>     4, or would
>>     > > the shortened version just have been strongly preferable from
>>     your
>>     > > perspective?
>>     > >
>>     > > Greetings,
>>     > > Norbert
>>     > >
>>     > >
>>     > >>
>>     >
>>     >
>>     > >> Letter from International Civil Society Organizations to
>>     President
>>     > >> Dilma Rousseff in support of her statement at the 68th
>>     Session of the
>>     > >> UNGA
>>     > >>
>>     > >>
>>     > >> Your Excellency,
>>     > >>
>>     > >> We, the undersigned organizations and individuals from
>>     around the
>>     > >> world, committed to the development of the Internet and its
>>     use for
>>     > >> advancing social and economic justice, would like to
>>     > >> express our strong support for the statement delivered this
>>     > >> week by your Excellency at the 68th Session of the United
>>     > >> Nations General Assembly. We commend you for taking a
>>     > >> leading role on these
>>     issues
>>     > >> and would like to:
>>     > >>
>>     > >> 1. Fully endorse the five principles enunciated on the
>>     occasion, in
>>     > >> clear accordance with the Brazilian Internet Steering
>>     Committee's
>>     > >> Principles for the Governance and Use of the Internet.
>>     > >>
>>     > >> 2. Stress the importance of the timely adoption of the
>>     > >> Brazilian Draft Bill of Internet Rights (Marco Civil da
>>     > >> Internet) in a
>>     way that
>>     > >> upholds these principles.
>>     >
>>     >
>>     > >> 3. Commend the courage of Brazil in
>>     > >> expressing disapproval and demanding explanations from the
>>     USA about
>>     > >> the procedures of illegal interception of  information and
>>     > >> data, framing it as a grave violation of human rights and
>>     > >> of civil
>>     liberties
>>     > >>
>>     > >> 4. Reinforce our support for an extension into broader
>>     spheres of
>>     > >> Internet Governance of the experiences from the Brazilian
>>     > >> multistakeholder model of Internet governance, led by
>>     CGI.br, which
>>     > >> comprises representatives from Government, Scientific and
>>     Technology
>>     > >> Community, private sector and Civil Society on an equal
>>     > >> footing.
>>     > >>
>>     > >> We express our deep appreciation for your serious
>>     > >> commitment to social justice and development, of which an
>>     > >> open, stable, and reliable Internet is a fundamental pillar.
>>     > >>
>>     > >> Signatories:
>>     > >>
>>     > >>
>>     > >>
>>     > >>
>>     > >>
>>     > >>
>>     > >>
>>     > >>
>>     > >> On Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 3:35 AM, Diego Rafael Canabarro
>>     > >> <diegocanabarro at gmail.com <mailto:diegocanabarro at gmail.com>
>>     > wrote: Ian is helping Joanna and me in
>>     > >> drafting this reduced optimal version. : ) On Wed, Sep 25,
>>     2013 at
>>     > >> 10:33 PM, Suresh Ramasubramanian <suresh at hserus.net
>>     <mailto:suresh at hserus.net>> wrote:
>>     > >>
>>     > >> Agree. Stick to the first paragraph and we are all set.
>>     --srs (htc
>>     > >> one x) On 26 September 2013 6:14:04 AM "Louis Pouzin (well)"
>>     wrote:
>>     > >> Agree with Ian. This parag is all that matters. Louis - - -
>>     On Thu,
>>     > >> Sep 26, 2013 at 2:03 AM, Ian Peter <ian.peter at ianpeter.com
>>     <mailto:ian.peter at ianpeter.com> > wrote:
>>     > >>
>>     > >> Ive just looked again at this and it is getting longer and
>>     at the
>>     > >> same time worse.   I think it needs a very substantial edit.
>>     Any more
>>     > >> than two paragraphs and the chance of it being read is
>>     meagre.   To
>>     > >> be honest, I think no more than this is necessary. – the
>>     > >> first paragraph   We, the undersigned organizations and
>>     individuals from
>>     > >> around the world, committed to the development of the
>>     Internet and
>>     > >> its use for advancing social justice, would like to express
>>     > >> our strong support for the statement delivered this week by
>>     > >> your Excellency at the 68th Session of the United Nations
>>     > >> General Assembly.   (reference the speech if you wish for
>>     > >> those who
>>     would
>>     > >> like to read more, but dont repeat it, interpret it, and
>>     elaborate on
>>     > >> it).   And specifically I dont think we need to talk post
>>     Snowden,
>>     > >> and demand apologies from the USA. That ain’t going to
>>     happen.   Ian
>>     > >> Peter
>>     ____________________________________________________________
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>>     > >>
>>     > >> -- Diego R. Canabarro
>>     > >> http://lattes.cnpq.br/4980585945314597 -- diego.canabarro
>>     > >> [at] ufrgs.br <http://ufrgs.br> diego [at]
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>>     diegocanabarro Cell #
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>>     > >> --
>>     > >> --
>>     > >>
>>     > >> Joana Varon Ferraz
>>     > >> @joana_varon
>>     > >> PGP 0x016B8E73
>>     > >>
>>     > >>
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>>     >
>>     > --
>>     > Dr. Anja Kovacs
>>     > The Internet Democracy Project
>>     >
>>     > +91 9899028053 <tel:%2B91%209899028053> | @anjakovacs
>>     > www.internetdemocracy.in <http://www.internetdemocracy.in>
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>> -- 
>> -- 
>> Joana Varon Ferraz
>> @joana_varon
>> PGP 0x016B8E73

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