[governance] High-Level Panel Organizes to Address Future of Internet Governance
Jeremy Malcolm
jeremy at ciroap.org
Sun Nov 17 21:25:55 EST 2013
On 18/11/13 10:14, Suresh Ramasubramanian wrote:
> Keeping in mind that I do have reservations about this group - simply
> because I don't know as much about it as yet ..
> You say "the people selected don't include the most important names on
> internet governance evolution"
> So - specific suggestions please. Who do you think should not be
> there? And who should be there? Or is this more a "why was I not
> selected to this panel" thing?
I'm not going to pick favourites, but compare to the list of luminaries
whom we had on the WGIG:
Instead we have freedom of expression expert Frank la Rue (who is great,
but hasn't been much involved in this aspect of Internet governance),
Mitchell Baker who has been even less involved, and rock star Jimmy Wales.
And from amongst the other stakeholder groups we have Robert "Internet
freedom's foes" McDowell, plus Fadi and a bunch of his mates like Lynn
St Amour and Vint Cerf.
Trying to fix this panel would be a waste of time, just like trying to
fix 1net dialogue will be. We are being led a merry chase.
*Dr Jeremy Malcolm
Senior Policy Officer
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