[governance] FW: [IP] The Battle for Power on the Internet Bruce Schneier

Ian Peter ian.peter at ianpeter.com
Sat Nov 2 16:23:19 EDT 2013

well, we all read things differently and have different opinions.

I thought the description of the evolution of internet usage and related security as a battle between individual elements, including rogue gangs such as Anonymous and cybercriminal groups, and slower moving but eventually more powerful users such as corporations and governments (described as feudal powers), was quite interesting. A couple of my favourite quotes for those who wont bother to read the article:

“Medieval feudalism evolved into a more balanced relationship in which lords had responsibilities as well as rights. Today’s Internet feudalism is both ad-hoc and one-sided. Those in power have a lot of rights, but increasingly few responsibilities or limits. We need to rebalance this relationship.”

“Data is the pollution problem of the information age. All computer processes produce it. It stays around. How we deal with it—how we reuse and recycle it, who has access to it, how we dispose of it, and what laws regulate it—is central to how the information age functions. And I believe that just as we look back at the early decades of the industrial age and wonder how society could ignore pollution in their rush to build an industrial world, our grandchildren will look back at us during these early decades of the information age and judge us on how we dealt with the rebalancing of power resulting from all this new data.”

Ian Peter

From: Suresh Ramasubramanian 
Sent: Sunday, November 03, 2013 7:08 AM
To: governance at lists.igcaucus.org ; Ian Peter 
Subject: Re: [governance] FW: [IP] The Battle for Power on the Internet Bruce Schneier

I did. I tend to find schneier's commentary more calculated to gain press quotes and retweets rather than make serious points on a nuanced situation.

Security theater is a favorite phrase of his, generally used to deride bogus security, and it is a tactic that he uses more than often possibly on a fight fire with fire basis. 

English isn't my first language either, with all due respect. If M. Pouzin wishes, he might want to express his thoughts again in French, if you feel there's a communication gap here. 

--srs (htc one x)

On 2 November 2013 3:41:09 PM "Ian Peter" wrote:

  I suggest read the article before commenting and complaining Suresh. You might find the term gangs more appropriate if you do; and even if you dont agree with the use of the term after reading the article, you mind make allowances for the nuances involved in use of words by those for whom English is a second language.

  Ian Peter

  From: Suresh Ramasubramanian 
  Sent: Sunday, November 03, 2013 6:16 AM
  To: governance at lists.igcaucus.org ; Louis Pouzin (well) 
  Subject: Re: [governance] FW: [IP] The Battle for Power on the Internet Bruce Schneier

  I must draw the attention of the co cos to this as I find this objectionable and insulting 

  You are not talking about gangs here

  --srs (htc one x)

  On 2 November 2013 2:49:37 PM "Louis Pouzin (well)" wrote:

    Very well thought out. Massive relevance to present internet power gangs.

    - - -

    On Sat, Oct 26, 2013 at 5:04 AM, michael gurstein <gurstein at gmail.com> wrote:

      Worth reading the whole article.  Lot's of relevance to IG.


      From: David Farber [mailto:farber at gmail.com] 
      Sent: Saturday, October 26, 2013 3:38 AM
      To: ip
      Subject: [IP] The Battle for Power on the Internet Bruce Schneier


      The Atlantic

      The Battle for Power on the Internet

      Bruce Schneier Oct 24 2013, 7:07 AM ET

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