[governance] Industrial Progress, revisited…
Roland Perry
roland at internetpolicyagency.com
Sun May 19 06:06:26 EDT 2013
In message
<CAOLD2+bFvkxG_+5wmrAuHAmqEgTp_TOk6rPXR8QR-F0soiLRQw at mail.gmail.com>, at
07:15:49 on Sun, 19 May 2013, Andrea Glorioso <andrea at digitalpolicy.it>
>> Those of us who participate in the BUTOC (Bottom Up, Transparent,
>> Open, Consensus) based processes of IG.
>So is being BUTOC a necessary condition for a process to be
>multi-stakeholder? Is it also a sufficient condition?
It is certainly not sufficient. I can think of BUTOC processes which
have a very narrow range of stakeholders involved. Sometimes these
process will protest that other stakeholders are welcome, should they
choose to become involved; but in their absence I don't think the
process can *be* multistakeholder.
Similarly, a multi-stakeholder process can also be top-down; if for
example each stakeholder group votes-in representatives to a
committee[1] of some kind, who then go on to take all the decisions
without any further consultation with their constituencies.
[1] Or Board, Council, Bureau etc. Many words for much the same thing.
Roland Perry
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