[governance] Spamhaus

Suresh Ramasubramanian suresh at hserus.net
Thu Mar 28 02:06:52 EDT 2013

DDoS attacks are actually quite old hat - except that they keep increasing in scale and virulence

This is an even scarier thing if the story checks out - http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/middle_east/egypt-naval-forces-capture-3-scuba-divers-trying-to-sabotage-undersea-internet-cable/2013/03/27/dd2975ec-9725-11e2-a976-7eb906f9ed9b_story.html

--srs (iPad)

On 28-Mar-2013, at 11:27, Chaitanya Dhareshwar <chaitanyabd at gmail.com> wrote:

> In fact this may just be the world war 3 we've been hoping won't happen. Most wars arent recognized as world wars at their beginning, but if it'll affect the internet across the planet and involve smart people trying to find ways of destroying each other's IT infra, I fear it could rapidly escalate.
> -C
> On Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 11:23 AM, Gideon <gideonrop at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Afonso,
>> If the whole world can feel the sting of the feud, it means that there needs to be more questions asked as well as solutions that will come from all quarters, tech-community, lawyers, entrepreneurs evrybody has to join hands otherwise such disastrous effects may be here to stay.
>> Regards
>> Gideon
>> On Wed, Mar 27, 2013 at 8:50 PM, Carlos A. Afonso <ca at cafonso.ca> wrote:
>>> I have been reporting cases revealing the absurd autonomy antispam businesses have, our services being one of the thousands of victims. Now it seems that finally more voices are joining in trying to at least discuss the issues.
>>> We have all of our addresses perfectly identified in *thick* WHOIS, we keep to all rules regarding relating our addresses to our services, and still we eventually get caught by an antispam "service" proposing we pay them money to get out of it. I recall the case of the infamous Barracuda, which sells antispam software, as the first to try and extort money from us. Since we protested in quite strong terms and made a bit of a noise, they left us alone. But there are plenty of others.
>>> Where is the technical community when we need it? :)
>>> frt rgds
>>> --c.a.
>>> On 03/27/2013 10:33 AM, Deirdre Williams wrote:
>>>> And meanwhile, quietly, and apparently below the radar ...
>>>> http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-21954636
>>>> Deirdre
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