[governance] IGF Cancelled
parminder at itforchange.net
Fri Jul 26 01:23:07 EDT 2013
On Friday 26 July 2013 10:41 AM, Nick Ashton-Hart wrote:
> There is a standard fee that is part of convening any UN meeting to
> cover the costs of UN staff organising it, as well as those things.
we should fight for efficiencies in this regard... there are ways to do it.
> Cutting the UN connection is, to my way of thinking, an incredibly bad
> idea on pretty much every level - without the IGF the UN has no
> standing meeting to discuss Internet governance per se. This would
> create a vacuum and that vacuum would be filled - and if any of you
> think it would be filled with a more or even equally multi-stakeholder
> forum, there's a proverbial bridge in Brooklyn you may wish to buy;
> contact me offlist to make arrangements to take possession and
> transfer funds ;)
Nick, I was impressed by the start you made of declaring that the idea
to cut the UN connection of the IGF was a bad one..... But then I
realised that you have a negative rather than a positive case for a UN
based IGF... Not to see and value the IGF for what it does, but for what
it prevents from happening.... I know a lot of people see the IGF
primarily as such a thing, and this is so so disappointing.... I have
sat with a lot of people who just drop in at MAG meetings, and sitting
through a day wonder what the hell is going on here.... and I give them
the same response - mostly in confidence - the problem is, I tell them,
that most/ many people here are not interested in seeing what the IGF
can do, they are interested in propping the IG to prevent 'other things'
from happening.... which is why there is so less prositive energy, drive
and motivation in the proceedings.
> parminder <parminder at itforchange.net> wrote:
> On Friday 26 July 2013 10:16 AM, Jeremy Malcolm wrote:
>> On 26/07/13 12:34, parminder wrote:
>>> On Friday 26 July 2013 09:16 AM, Jeremy Malcolm wrote:
>>>> On 26/07/13 11:31, Ang Peng Hwa (Prof) wrote:
>>>>> According to third party sources I asked, ie not the
>>>>> Indonesians, one major item that added to the cost is that the
>>>>> UN had apparently asked for US$900k to fly personnel and
>>>>> security equipment for the event.
>>>> Time to cut the UN apron strings.
>>> Why sure, we can check with Google. They will be quite happy to
>>> run the global internet policy dialogue.... It is most
>>> astounding that after subverting and ditching the tradition of
>>> strictly public funding for policy spaces and activities, and
>>> adopting the neoliberal and anti-democratic (and fancy)
>>> multistakeholder funding model, now that it has collapsed one is
>>> to blame the public systems for it....
>> But $900k is ridiculous,
> Yes, we consider looking at local security detail etc.... but we
> in developing countries are quite aware of how whispers of
> inefficiency, corruption etc are used deviously to discredit
> public systems, which is not to say that they should not be
> improved, and internal efficiencies cannot be sought... Lets get
> down to seeing how this figure of $900, if it is true, - and I
> know the power of rightfully placed rumours - can be brought down.
> That is a different talk...
>> and given that a lot of the obstruction of the IGF has come from
>> UNOG (funding constraints, censorship, Secretariat-led policy
>> direction), other options have to be considered.
> Again, similar standard 'logics' against public system. Beyond a
> point one cannot keep responding to them. BTW, it is the
> 'multistakeholders' that were strictly against UN based stable
> funding for the IGF during the proceedings of the WG on IGF
> improvements , and what censorship are you talking about..... and
> dont know what you mean by secretariat -led policy, which
> secretariat BTW is now led by an ISOC appointed and paid
> person.......
>> We have WTO, ISO, etc as intergovernmental organisations that are
>> notionally separate from the UN, so why not the IGF as well
> No problem for it to be notionally separate from anywhere, till it
> remains a public system and not corporate driven... (there is a
> limit to which the multistakeholder front for corporate control
> can be employed)
>> - a free-standing international multi-stakeholder conference.
>> This is independent of the question of how it is funded
> Sorry to say, that it must take extreme political naivete - and I
> know you arent politically naive - to say that what a policy space
> is and does is "independent of the the question of how it is
> funded".... There is lots of lots of literature, norms as well as
> legal frameworks with regard to democratic political systems that
> deal with precisely this connection.... and this connection is
> universally seen as very strong and important to always be mindful
> of.
>> - but it's clear there will be no funding flowing from the UN
>> anyway,
> give the dog a bad name and then hang it... Starve the UN of
> funds, dont allow the IGF improvement working group to decide on
> UN funding for the IGF and then use the argument 'there anyway
> isnt going to be any flow of funding from the UN'.... Doesnt work.
>> so I don't see how cutting the UN loose would make the situation
>> worse.
> If you are intent on not seeing how corporate controlled policy
> spaces will be lot worse than where we are today, I really cannot
> do much about it...
> parminder
>> --
>> *Dr Jeremy Malcolm
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