[governance] ISOC/USG WCIT Post Mortem
parminder at itforchange.net
Sat Jan 19 03:00:13 EST 2013
On Thursday 27 December 2012 10:34 PM, Milton L Mueller wrote:
> */Dr, Mueller here, to administer some ideological antidotes…/*
> */ <snip>/*
> */However, in one sense internet interconnection is and always has
> been in the ITRs, and that is through Article 9 Special Arrangements,
> which says they are deregulated and to be left to commercial
> negotiations. /*
So, you do agree that Internet is already there in existing ITRs... That
is an important point for the Internet exceptionalists - a major CS
constituency in the ITU/ WCIT debate. (Does not matter whether it call
for deregulation or regulation. We are speaking of jurisdictional
competence here.)
> *//*
> */<snip>/*
> */[Milton L Mueller] Many people did openly call for ITU to die. See
> Andrew McLaughlin’s comments at the NAF event, for one, which were
> well-received. I have openly stated for months that the ITRs are not
> needed /*
Do you think FCC is needed, and if so, for what..
> *//*
> *//*
> */Anyway, once again one has to be aware of the rhetorical ploy here.
> To want the ITU to die does not necessarily mean one wants all
> regulatory regimes around the internet to die, nor does it mean that
> one wants all national regulatory regimes to die with it.
> /*
I think there is an important ideological as well as practical
connection between the two..
> *//*
> *//*
> <snip>
> */[Milton L Mueller] Are you seriously suggesting that ITU could
> become a force for global net neutrality?/*
> */Well, at least you are being consistent. As a pro-regulatory guy, a
> person who seems to have never met an economic regulation he didn’t
> like, you should indeed view the ITU as something not to be thrown
> away casually. If only you and your friends could get ahold of it,
> surely it could become a progressive force, right? <gales of laughter>/*
> *//*
> */Anyway, tell me again why we should care about whether the ITU
> survives? That would be an interesting conversation for “we CS people”
> to have. /*
> Why did we allow ourselves to so blatantly take sides in the intense
> ideological struggle taking place around the remit and powers of the
> FCC in the US, where the struggle for net neutrality is now all but
> lost. A game which is going to soon visit our own national regulatory
> systems very soon. Just watch out!
> */[Milton L Mueller] Here I have no idea what you are talking about –
> when did “we” (a term that generally excludes me in your lexicon but
> nevertheless strives to embrace the entire IGC) take sides on the FCC?
> And how was this struggle lost? The FCC passed its Open Internet rules
> and has actually applied them in a couple of cases. /*
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