[governance] Civil Society speaker slots at WSIS+10 in Paris

Avri Doria avri at acm.org
Tue Feb 5 10:57:58 EST 2013

On 4 Feb 2013, at 13:28, Norbert Bollow wrote:

> [IGC Coordinator hat on]
> Could we have a quick show of hands/emails please who (besides myself)
> will be in Paris for the WSIS+10 event including in particular the
> opening session and is

i will be there.

> * interested in being considered for representing civil society in the
>  opening session or other such speaking slots that might become
>  available (as a way to provide diversity in a practical way and to 
>  acknowledge this large constituency symbolically, ideally we should
>  have two civil society representatives in each such session, but I
>  don't know whether the organizers will agree with that principle), and

> * willing to consult as broadly as reasonably possible among civil
>  society on points to make (such consultation needs to be broader than
>  just the IGC, as WSIS+10 is topically much broader than Internet
>  Governance - perhaps there is a reasonable way to quickly form an
>  informal "Civil Society Caucus for the Information Society"), and
> * willing and able to make points that are clear and make an impact
>  (empty container speeches and repetitions of what everyone else has
>  been saying are neither interesting nor useful for moving things
>  forward)

avaialble as needed.


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