[governance] Bangladesh Govt blocks YouTube

Daniel Kalchev daniel at digsys.bg
Tue Sep 18 10:34:00 EDT 2012

On 18.09.12 17:23, Fahd A. Batayneh wrote:
> BTW, this does not mean that I am with the video and that I am happy 
> at what is going on. It is very upsetting, and what makes things even 
> worst is that Google is doing nothing about it.

I believe Google are just trying to save their business. You can't blame 
them about this stance.

Imagine, you post something, that someone who doesn't agree with you 
claims is offensive to them. Should Google remove it? Why?

> I believe that respect for every community and religion is an 
> essential requirement of our lives. The holy book of Qur'an mentions 
> (this is a translation from Arabic) "*We created you as nations and 
> tribes to meet and coexist together. The best of you within the eyes 
> of God are those who are faithful*". The Holy book of Qur'an also 
> strongly condemns those who kill innocent people, make negative 
> gestures towards other believes and religions, or take bad about other 
> prophets and messengers.

This forum is not appropriate for religious propaganda. I happen to live 
in a country, that was subject to mass extinction for half a millennium 
because of that same religion. Please. To me such statements are no less 
offensive than what you claim to be the video to you (which you haven't 
even seen).

You yourself said we should not discuss the contents. This is ok. But 
let's discuss the circumstances. Who made that translation? In my 
opinion, those who made the translation are those who seek the present 

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