[governance] Calendar Preparations for 2012 [IGC]
Baudouin SCHOMBE
b.schombe at gmail.com
Mon Jan 23 09:56:30 EST 2012
Dear all,
I reworked the report in the form. Many elements of clarification that
could be added to this report are no longer available.
However, any comments and suggestions from Jean Louis are carefully noted and
I will present them at our central Africa preparatory meeting to be held in
2012 in Cameroon.
Jean Philemon and Michel Tchonang will help to reactivate the website of
the IGF Central Africa to access other information.
the English version of the report is also attached.My apologies ahead of the
quality of translation.
Téléphone mobile:+243998983491
email : b.schombe at gmail.com
skype : b.schombe
blog : http://akimambo.unblog.fr
Site Web : www.ticafrica.net
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