[governance] Re: CSTD WG on IGF 4th Meeting - 1st Memo

Izumi AIZU iza at anr.org
Wed Jan 11 09:42:08 EST 2012

Dear Anriette, I am in full support of your position and sentiments.
It requires great deal of patience, etc. I just spoke to the staff during
lunch  that unless proactively invited, it is very difficult for remote
participants to actively contribute/express their views and comments in
frequent and/or timely manner.

I raised this at the end of morning session to the group, and I may
try again.


2012/1/11 Anriette Esterhuysen <anriette at apc.org>:
> Hi all... my attempt at being a remote participant is failing miserably.
>  This reminds me that:
> - internet speeds in South Africa are still generally pathetically slow
> - people who participate remotely in IGF processes deserve a HUGE amount
> of respect for their patience during IGFs and open consultations.
> Audio is much better this afternoon.. so I remain hopeful.
> Thanks for the updates from those in Geneva.
> Best
> Anriette
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