[governance] Clues for WCIT issues and prospects
Dominique Lacroix
dl at panamo.eu
Mon Dec 17 08:07:29 EST 2012
Thank you Suresh for your comment.
I understand your difficulty to understand, because the text uses a
Yes, Sheridan was not a sherif, but the US consider themselves,
nowadays, as the sherif of Internet.
About the bazaar, it's a slight reference to the fact that diffenciation
between several agents is not a question of price.
The style of the text is pleasant for French and not-engineers readers,
precisely because Kavé, who is very well educated in European culture,
often tell tales, analogies and metaphors.
He is a French University teacher and also he has a Persian culture.
That's why he uses tales and poetry.
Perhaps we shall try an English translation.
@+, best, Dominique
Dominique Lacroix
Société européenne de l'Internet
+33 (0)6 63 24 39 14
Le 17/12/12 12:12, Suresh Ramasubramanian a écrit :
> Some slightly mixed up concepts, such as that general Philip sheridan
> was a career army officer and was never a sheriff or other law
> enforcement officer in his lifetime. And some notions from ESR's
> cathedral and the bazaar.
> I don't know if it is because of the narrative bringing in strange
> analogies, or because of using Google translate to read the article,
> but I found it hard to understand.
> In any case wild west analogies for cyberspace are non sequitirs
> --srs (htc one x)
> ----- Reply message -----
> From: "Dominique Lacroix" <dl at panamo.eu>
> To: "governance at lists.igcaucus.org" <governance at lists.igcaucus.org>
> Subject: [governance] Clues for WCIT issues and prospects
> Date: Mon, Dec 17, 2012 3:42 PM
> Hi,
> For those who can read French or a translator, Kavé Salamatian proposes
> interesting interpretations of WCIT issues and prospects :
> Le cyberespace et ses Indiens :
> http://reseaux.blog.lemonde.fr/2012/12/16/le-cyberespace-et-ses-indiens/
> Jeux de coopération au Bazar :
> http://reseaux.blog.lemonde.fr/2012/12/17/jeux-de-cooperation-au-bazar/
> @+, best, Dominique
> --
> Dominique Lacroix
> http://reseaux.blog.lemonde.fr
> Société européenne de l'Internet
> http://www.ies-france.eu
> +33 (0)6 63 24 39 14
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