[governance] Fwd: Congreso del Peru puede aprobar ley contra el #internetlibre by E.Iriarte

Salanieta T. Tamanikaiwaimaro salanieta.tamanikaiwaimaro at gmail.com
Sat Aug 4 16:07:27 EDT 2012

This is the English Translation on Google of what Erick sent:

Peru Congress can pass laws against the # internetlibre by E.Iriarte

"The ax used to cut heads, but also use it to cut trees and build houses
with wood. You must learn to realize how much good in the bad and very bad
it can be good. The sweet sugar can harm us Castor and disgusting we can
heal. " Don Cesar Echague by Jose Marllorquí

The Opinion of the Committee on Justice and Human Rights awarded to
034/2011-CR Bills, 307/2011 -CR and 1136/2011-CR with alternative text
proposed by the Law of Crime, published dated 20 July Despite the adoption
of the June 26 as recorded in the transcript of the meeting of that date)
seeks to address a phenomenon known by the legislature in the best way they
can: developing a text based on its knowledge and belief, despite the fact
that when we gave him some information to better understand the phenomenon
[see: http :/ / iriartelaw.com /

No doubt a laudable effort and remarkable by the legislator and his
advisors (who had to weather criticism about the originality of the text of
the background [see http://www.blawyer.org/2012/07/02/congreso
when faced with a difficult subject such as cybercrime.

The bill has passed the House where the "debate" promptly, including among
others the following: "It is within the scope of the secrecy of
communications information regarding the identity of the mobile phone
holders, the registration numbers customer telephone line and equipment,
call traffic numbers and Internet Protocol (IP numbers). Therefore,
companies that provide telephone and internet services must provide the
above information together with information identifying the holder of the
appropriate service, the National Police of Peru or the Attorney General
within forty-eight hours received the request, under the responsibility,
when these institutions are acting in the performance of their duties.
"More amazing than the text itself are the arguments to keep the same
expressed by Committee Chairman, Congressman Beingolea, which indicates
that these issues" that believe that constitutional coverage does not reach
these ", ie as if the information of IP numbers that are personal (Although
the law on protection of personal data says," art.2.4 personal information
means information about an individual that identifies it or makes it
identifiable through means that can be reasonably used ").

Among those who have seen the danger of privacy and those who perceived a
threat to freedom of expression, we have more than enough reasons to fear
for what would this project (almost as much as the lack of regulations for
the protection law data, leaving in limbo items such as those intended to
regulate the present law).

It is then unnecessary computer crime law?, Certainly not unnecessary and
should be able to regulate a series of events using ICT and affecting the
legal right information in a clear and direct. We are one of the earliest
countries adopted a regulation in issue of crime (crimes affecting the
legal right information) with the addition of Articles 207A, 207B and 207C,
focused on computer intrusion and cracking. Then we develop legislation to
strengthen the fight against child pornography, we gave prosecutors powers
to intervene in communications (including digital communication) but did
not give him to criminal issues through ICT, and several projects have been
proposed for adecuadar existing criminal types, but not completed.

It is therefore necessary to an international instrument such as the
Cybercrime Convention, which allows us to insert ourselves in the
international efforts and not be like an island unregulated. The Convention
has been signed separately by European countries, USA, Japan, Australia,
New Zealand among others, present in the region to Argentina, Chile, Costa
Rica, Dominican Republic and Mexico that have signed or are in process of
ratification of agreement. While other countries already in the process of
signing the agreement.

Provides tools for regulatory adaptation to international cooperation and
opens the door for the development of regulations on computer forensics
tool needed to give the police and prosecutors to prosecute the crime.

Being relevant to the development of Information Society and thereby create
a regulatory framework conducive to the development of the ICT industry but
above all for social development, the question to ask is: What about when
Peru signed and ratified the Agreement of cybercrime, or do we want to be
an island where crime is used with impunity to commit a crime?

Taking the above story, the law intends to adopt the parliament, taking
into account that has been with good intention, rather than benefit and
protect ends up being a tool that can violate the rights they have earned
with hard work such as protection of personal data, added to which must
ascribe to the Budapest Convention (which curiously during the debate in
the Commission mentioned as a source for the "definitions" is not taken as
normative source for the articles).

We face a debate over whether good or bad law, we are faced with "the
sweetest sugar causes tooth decay" and this law is intended to help, ends
up affecting. This is not to invent new things, when many international
law, because this is a transboundary phenomenon has already been advanced
and developed in the Agreement on cybercrime, you have to sign it, as has
been said by government officials and private the past 10 years.

Passing this law will not be an advance, is it a real throwback and
sensitive development of the Information Society in Peru and thus affect a
lot of developments and rights that have earned this important tool.

Time to get out to claim, we can not be one more of those making the number
of connected. Require tools to prosecute crimes such as Budapest Agreement
of cybercrime, which to date has not been signed, but also require that the
instruments defend the rights of individuals. Internet is a lawless world
but certainly not a place to act in cold blood. #
NOLeydelitosinformaticos Peru Congress can pass laws against the #
internetlibre by E.Iriarte

"The ax used to cut heads, but also use it to cut trees and build houses
with wood. You must learn to realize how much good in the bad and very bad
it can be good. The sweet sugar can harm us Castor and disgusting we can
heal. " Don Cesar Echague by Jose Marllorquí

The Opinion of the Committee on Justice and Human Rights awarded to
034/2011-CR Bills, 307/2011 -CR and 1136/2011-CR with alternative text
proposed by the Law of Crime, published dated 20 July Despite the adoption
of the June 26 as recorded in the transcript of the meeting of that date)
seeks to address a phenomenon known by the legislature in the best way they
can: developing a text based on its knowledge and belief, despite the fact
that when we gave him some information to better understand the phenomenon
[see: http :/ / iriartelaw.com /

No doubt a laudable effort and remarkable by the legislator and his
advisors (who had to weather criticism about the originality of the text of
the background [see http://www.blawyer.org/2012/07/02/congreso
when faced with a difficult subject such as cybercrime.

The bill has passed the House where the "debate" promptly, including among
others the following: "It is within the scope of the secrecy of
communications information regarding the identity of the mobile phone
holders, the registration numbers customer telephone line and equipment,
call traffic numbers and Internet Protocol (IP numbers). Therefore,
companies that provide telephone and internet services must provide the
above information together with information identifying the holder of the
appropriate service, the National Police of Peru or the Attorney General
within forty-eight hours received the request, under the responsibility,
when these institutions are acting in the performance of their duties.
"More amazing than the text itself are the arguments to keep the same
expressed by Committee Chairman, Congressman Beingolea, which indicates
that these issues" that believe that constitutional coverage does not reach
these ", ie as if the information of IP numbers that are personal (Although
the law on protection of personal data says," art.2.4 personal information
means information about an individual that identifies it or makes it
identifiable through means that can be reasonably used ").

Among those who have seen the danger of privacy and those who perceived a
threat to freedom of expression, we have more than enough reasons to fear
for what would this project (almost as much as the lack of regulations for
the protection law data, leaving in limbo items such as those intended to
regulate the present law).

It is then unnecessary computer crime law?, Certainly not unnecessary and
should be able to regulate a series of events using ICT and affecting the
legal right information in a clear and direct. We are one of the earliest
countries adopted a regulation in issue of crime (crimes affecting the
legal right information) with the addition of Articles 207A, 207B and 207C,
focused on computer intrusion and cracking. Then we develop legislation to
strengthen the fight against child pornography, we gave prosecutors powers
to intervene in communications (including digital communication) but did
not give him to criminal issues through ICT, and several projects have been
proposed for adecuadar existing criminal types, but not completed.

It is therefore necessary to an international instrument such as the
Cybercrime Convention, which allows us to insert ourselves in the
international efforts and not be like an island unregulated. The Convention
has been signed separately by European countries, USA, Japan, Australia,
New Zealand among others, present in the region to Argentina, Chile, Costa
Rica, Dominican Republic and Mexico that have signed or are in process of
ratification of agreement. While other countries already in the process of
signing the agreement.

Provides tools for regulatory adaptation to international cooperation and
opens the door for the development of regulations on computer forensics
tool needed to give the police and prosecutors to prosecute the crime.

Being relevant to the development of Information Society and thereby create
a regulatory framework conducive to the development of the ICT industry but
above all for social development, the question to ask is: What about when
Peru signed and ratified the Agreement of cybercrime, or do we want to be
an island where crime is used with impunity to commit a crime?

Taking the above story, the law intends to adopt the parliament, taking
into account that has been with good intention, rather than benefit and
protect ends up being a tool that can violate the rights they have earned
with hard work such as protection of personal data, added to which must
ascribe to the Budapest Convention (which curiously during the debate in
the Commission mentioned as a source for the "definitions" is not taken as
normative source for the articles).

We face a debate over whether good or bad law, we are faced with "the
sweetest sugar causes tooth decay" and this law is intended to help, ends
up affecting. This is not to invent new things, when many international
law, because this is a transboundary phenomenon has already been advanced
and developed in the Agreement on cybercrime, you have to sign it, as has
been said by government officials and private the past 10 years.

Passing this law will not be an advance, is it a real throwback and
sensitive development of the Information Society in Peru and thus affect a
lot of developments and rights that have earned this important tool.

Time to get out to claim, we can not be one more of those making the number
of connected. Require tools to prosecute crimes such as Budapest Agreement
of cybercrime, which to date has not been signed, but also require that the
instruments defend the rights of individuals. Internet is a lawless world
but certainly not a place to act in cold blood. # NOLeydelitosinformaticos

2012/8/5 Erick Iriarte Ahon <eiriarte at alfa-redi.org>

> Inicio del mensaje reenviado:
> *De: *Erick Iriarte Ahon <eiriarte at alfa-redi.org>
> *Fecha: *3 de agosto de 2012 17:54:31 GMT-05:00
> *Para: *"Peru Digital: Espacio de Dialogo para un Peru Digital" <
> peru-digital at dgroups.org>, "Foro de Derecho Informático." <
> derecho-informatico at dgroups.org>
> *Cc: *LatinoamerICANN LatinoamerICANN <latinoamericann at dgroups.org>
> *Asunto: **Congreso del Peru puede aprobar ley contra el #internetlibre
> by E.Iriarte*
> Fuente:
> http://lexdigitalis.lamula.pe/2012/08/03/congreso-del-peru-puede-aprobar-ley-contra-el-internetlibre-by-e-iriarte/lexdigitalis
> Congreso del Peru puede aprobar ley contra el #internetlibre by E.Iriarte
> "El hacha sirve para cortar cabezas; pero también la utilizamos para
> cortar árboles y hacer casas con su madera. Has de aprender a descubrir lo
> mucho bueno que hay en lo malo y lo malísimo que puede resultar lo bueno.
> El dulce azúcar puede hacernos daño y el asqueroso ricino nos puede curar."
> Don Cesar de Echague by Jose Marllorquí
> El Dictamen de la Comisión de Justicia y Derechos Humanos recaído en los
> Proyectos de Ley 034/2011-CR, 307/2011-CR y 1136/2011-CR con un texto
> sustitutorio por el que se propone la Ley de los delitos informáticos,
> publicado con fecha 20 de Julio [ver:
> http://www2.congreso.gob.pe/Sicr/ApoyComisiones/comision2011.nsf/DictamenesFuturo/A720FCB4E0B6048A05257A4600510861/$FILE/JUSTICIA.34.307.1136-2011-CR.May.Txt.Sust..pdf](a pesar de haberse aprobado el 26 de Junio tal como consta en la
> transcripción de la sesión de dicha fecha) [
> http://lexdigitalis.lamula.pe/2012/07/10/transcripcion-de-la-comision-de-justicia-26-06-12-dictamen-delitos-informaticos/lexdigitalis]
> busca enfrentar un fenómeno poco conocido por el legislador de la mejor
> manera que pueden: desarrollando un texto en base a su buen saber y
> entender, a pesar de que cuando pudimos le dimos un poco de información
> para poder comprender mejor el fenómeno [ver:
> http://iriartelaw.com/comentarios-Proyecto-de-Ley-de-Delitos-Informaticos]
> Sin duda un esfuerzo loable y notable por parte del legislador y de sus
> asesores (que tuvieron que capear criticas sobre la originalidad de los
> textos de los antecedentes [ver:
> http://www.blawyer.org/2012/07/02/congreso-delitos-informaticos-pirateo/],
> al enfrentarse a un difícil tema como es el cybercrimen.
> El proyecto ha pasado al Pleno donde se “debatirá” prontamente, incluyendo
> entre otros el siguiente texto: “No se encuentra dentro del alcance del
> secreto de las comunicaciones la información relacionada con la identidad
> de los titulares de telefonía móvil; los números de registro del cliente,
> de la línea telefónica y del equipo; el tráfico de llamadas y los números
> de protocolo de internet (números IP). Por lo tanto, las empresas
> proveedoras de servicios de telefonía e internet debe proporcionar la
> información antes señalada conjuntamente con los datos de identificación
> del titular del servicio que corresponda, a la Policía Nacional del Perú o
> al Ministerio Público dentro de las cuarenta y ocho horas de recibido el
> requerimiento, bajo responsabilidad, cuando estas instituciones actúen en
> el cumplimiento de sus funciones.” Mas asombroso que el texto mismo son los
> argumentos para mantenerlo expresados por el mismo presidente de la
> Comisión, Congresista Beingolea, quien indica que no estos temas "que creo
> que la cobertura constitucional no alcanza a estos", es decir como si la
> información de números IP que son datos personales (A pesar que la ley de
> protección de datos personales dice: "art.2.4 dato personal: toda
> información sobre una persona natural que la identifica o la hace
> identificable a través de medios que pueden ser razonablemente utilizados").
> Entre los que hemos visto el peligro de la privacidad y los que han
> percibido un peligro a la libertad de expresión, tenemos razones mas que
> suficientes para temer por lo que implicaría este proyecto (casi tanto como
> la falta de reglamento de la ley de protección de datos, que deja en un
> limbo jurídico temas como los que pretende regular la presente ley).
> Es entonces innecesaria una ley de Delitos Informaticos?, ciertamente no
> es innecesaria y debe poder regular una serie de actos utilizando TICs y
> que afecten al bien jurídico información de una manera clara y directa.
> Somos unos de los países que mas tempranamente adoptaron una regulación en
> tema de delitos informáticos (delitos que afectan al bien jurídico
> información) con la incorporación de los artículos 207A, 207B y 207C,
> enfocados en el intrusismo informático y en el cracking. Luego
> desarrollamos una legislación para fortalecer el combate contra la
> pornografía infantil, le dimos potestades a los fiscales para poder
> intervenir en comunicaciones (incluyendo comunicaciones digitales) pero no
> le dimos para temas de delitos por medio de TICs, y se han planteado
> diversos proyectos para adecuadar los tipos penales existentes, pero no se
> han completado.
> Es pues necesario un instrumento internacional, como el Convenio de
> Cybercrimen, que nos permita insertarnos en los esfuerzos internacionales y
> no quedar como una isla no regulada. El Convenio aparte de haber sido
> firmado por los países europeos, USA, Japon, Australia, Nueva Zelandia
> entre otros, presenta de la región a Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica,
> Republica Dominicana y Mexico que han firmado o ya están en proceso de
> ratificación del acuerdo. Mientras que otros países ya se encuentran en
> proceso de firmar el acuerdo.
> Da instrumentos para adecuación normativa, para cooperación internacional
> y abre las puertas para el desarrollo de normativa sobre informática
> forense, necesaria para darle instrumento a la Policia y la Fiscalia para
> la persecución del delito.
> Siendo de relevancia para el desarrollo de la Sociedad de la Informacion y
> con ello crear un marco normativo favorable al desarrollo de la industria
> TIC pero sobre todo para el desarrollo social, la pregunta a hacerse es: ¿Y
> el Peru cuando firmara y ratificara el Acuerdo de Cybercrimen, o es que
> deseamos ser una isla donde impunemente se utilice la delincuencia para
> delinquir?
> Tomando en cuento lo anterior, la ley que pretende aprobar el parlamento,
> tomando en cuenta que ha sido con buena intención, en lugar de beneficiar y
> proteger, termina siendo un instrumento que puede vulnerar los derechos que
> se han ganado con ardua labor como son los de protección de datos
> personales, sumado a que debiendo adscribirnos al Convenio de Budapest (que
> curiosamente durante el debate en la Comisión se menciona como fuente para
> las "definiciones" no se toma como fuente para el articulado normativo).
> No nos enfrentamos a un debate sobre si es buena o mala una ley, nos
> enfrentamos a que "el dulcísimo azúcar produce caries" y esta ley que
> pretende ayudar, termina afectando. No se trata de inventar cosas nuevas,
> cuando mucha legislación a nivel internacional, porque esto es un fenómeno
> transfronterizo, ya ha sido avanzada y desarrollada en el Acuerdo de
> Cybercrimen, que hay que suscribirlo, tal como se ha dicho por funcionarios
> públicos y privados en los pasados 10 años.
> Aprobar esta ley no será un avance, será quizás un retroceso real y
> sensible en el desarrollo de la Sociedad de la Información en el Perú y por
> ende afectara mucho de los desarrollos y derechos que se han ganado con
> esta importante herramienta.
> Es hora de salir a reclamar, no podemos ser uno mas de los que hacen la
> cifra de los conectados. Requerimos instrumentos para perseguir los delitos
> como el Acuerdo de Budapest de Cybercrimen, que a la fecha no se ha
> firmado; pero tambien requerimos que los instrumentos defiendan los
> derechos de los individuos. Internet no es un mundo sin ley pero sin duda
> tampoco un sitio de actuar a mansalva. #NOLeydelitosinformaticos
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Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro aka Sala
P.O. Box 17862

Twitter: @SalanietaT
Fiji Cell: +679 998 2851
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