[governance] Re: IGC on Facebook?

David Allen David_Allen_AB63 at post.harvard.edu
Wed Sep 7 14:55:37 EDT 2011

In my view, this informed perspective is useful - and appreciated.   
Particularly, I appreciate that someone - here - has spoken up to note  
that falsified identities fly in the face of responsible participation.

However, as to apps that may automatically carry the list discussion  
to Facebook, then republish comments back to the list:  That  
effectively forks the discussion space.  That of course would be most  
seriously disruptive to the discussion.


On Sep 7, 2011, at 11:42 AM, Craig Simon wrote:

> As someone who's done some Facebook app development, I'd suggest  
> that there might be a technical solution that routes around the  
> various problems and reservations being raised here.
> FYI, the The IGC exists as a closed group with about 6 members, and  
> the Internet Governance Forum has about 2100 "likes" but doesn't see  
> a great deal of activity.
> http://www.facebook.com/groups/CS.IGC/
> http://www.facebook.com/IntGovForum?ref=ts
> My understanding is that some within the IGC would like to use  
> Facebook in ways that can leverage all the viral goodness that  
> Facebook may offer. That is, people who post and comment on a Page  
> or Group wall can generally count on having that content pushed out  
> onto many personal newsfeeds where it can easily attract new  
> particpants.
> The evident problem is that non-Facebook users wouldn't be able to  
> see that content at all. Moreover, even Facebook members may miss it  
> as things fly by.
> Moreover, some folks simply don't want to be on Facebook... period.  
> That's a perfectly reasonable position. Others may be considering  
> violating FB's terms of service by creating a fake persona for that  
> purpose only. I'd advise against that, since it can get confusing,  
> and the account would always be at high risk of termination.
> In my own online reading habits, I tend to be far more diligent  
> about following my various subscriptions in filtered lists via my  
> email client than I am about following groups on Facebook. So I  
> believe that moving this list's content to Facebook would degrade my  
> ability to keep up with conversations. I expect others would have  
> the same concern.
> Nevertheless, there's no denying that, if prominence is what you  
> want, a stronger presence on Facebook is a good way to pursue it.
> I believe there may be (or soon will be) facebook apps that  
> facilitate automatic publication of email list digests to a Facebook  
> wall, and the simultaneous republication of wall comments back to  
> the list. I've looked briefly, and I recommend that folks here who  
> are advocating a pro-Facebook strategy keep their eyes open for that  
> kind of a tool.
> Craig Simon

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