[governance] Is really Bulgarian Cyrillic .бг (.bg) similar to other Latin ccTLDs?

Deirdre Williams williams.deirdre at gmail.com
Fri Nov 4 11:08:55 EDT 2011

That sounds good. "Confusingly similar" is a very subjective judgement to
come from an "expert panel".

On 4 November 2011 10:36, nhklein <nhklein at gmx.net> wrote:

> On 11/04/2011 02:16 PM, Daniel Kalchev wrote:
>> On 03.11.11 18:31, Paul Lehto wrote:
>>> It would seem that there either is, or should be, a process to "call the
>>> question" as they say in parliamentary procedure.  If not, a motion can be
>>> made for a decision, or a letter sent citing undue delay and calling for a
>>> decision (with or without additional clarifying expertise appended to it).
>>> A person familiar with whatever exists in terms of procedure can recommend
>>> the best format or vehicle for forcing a decision.
>>>  There is no formal process to question the outcome of the IDN Fast
>> Track applications. By definition, the only possible communication is
>> between ICANN "staff" (whatever that means) and the original applicant.
>> Ironically, even that country's Government does not have formal way to
>> communicate with ICANN on the matter.
>> Nevertheless, we are exploring every available possibility for some 18
>> months now,...
> Having observed this process, going around in a closed circuit course with
> no formal process of appeal, and therefore no way out, I had written:
> = =
> When the "rules" do not provide a satisfying solution and the applicant
> feels being handled unjustly, there is only one way: that a sufficiently
> concerned group of people take the initiative to change the "rules" - that
> is to propose to the ICANN board to institute an open appeal process, where
> not only ophthalmologic questions are discussed, but also the more
> fundamental problem: whether a technical group appointed by ICANN can
> override arguments of a fundamental nature - like that the people of a
> script community have an appropriate weight with their own arguments rooted
> in their linguistic and script tradition.
>  = =
> What is wrong with this?
> Norbert Klein
> --
> A while ago, I started a new blog:
> ...thinking it over... after 21 years in Cambodia
> http://www.thinking21.org/
> continuing to share reports and comments from Cambodia.
> Norbert Klein
> nhklein at gmx.net
> Phnom Penh / Cambodia
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