[governance] Internet G8 meeting

parminder parminder at itforchange.net
Wed May 11 09:46:51 EDT 2011

On Wednesday 11 May 2011 12:59 PM, William Drake wrote:
> Hi
> Sorry to be late to the party on this, but before the consensus call starts can we just clarify a key piece?
> On May 11, 2011, at 9:13 AM, Jeremy Malcolm wrote:
>> We therefore request you, and other G8 leaders, to make the eG8 Forum genuinely multistakeholder, following the model of the UN Internet Governance Forum (IGF).
> That model at present comprises peer-level annual dialogues that unlike G8 meetings do not entail the negotiation of recommendations/declarations etc.  Is that what we're arguing the G8 should do?
Hi Bill

As Jeremy explains we refer to the eG8 meeting, which is supposed to be 
a consultative forum for inputting into the formal G 8 meeting. And for 
me, IGF is nothing if not a policy participation / consultation forum 
for global Internet related policies. How do you see IGF, if not that?

The eG 8 website ( http://www.eg8forum.com/faq_EN.html ) says

"The Forum is a platform providing major stakeholders in the digital 
economy a chance to debate prior to the Deauville summit....... The G8 
Heads of State and Government meeting in Deauville will receive the 
inputs from the e-G8 Forum's proceedings."

Looks very much that IGF model should be applicable here.

> Or is the argument that there should be open peer-level participation in the negotiation of "results."?  If that's the goals then it would seem more consistent to mention participation in ICANN as the model, although probably that'd cause indigestion in some circles.

Since I am one of those whose digestive juices are going to be ill 
served by any such suggestion, can you please explain how ICANN can be a 
model for the kind of Internet policy issues that are on the agenda of 
eG8. ICANN's model seems to me made only for dealing with somewhat 
narrow technical issues, or thereabout. And it hardly does very well - 
democratic participation wise, even in dealing with those issues. Since 
you clearly suggest that ICANN model could likely be suggested in the 
present case, I am very interesting to know how would this model work 
for the kind of issues that eG8 is proposing to look into. For this 
purpose pl see the quotes below from eG8 fact sheet, also enclosed.

    The e-G8 Forum will address how traditional sectors are transforming
    under the influence of information technologies and communication.
    It will examine how the digital economy generates innovation,
    particularly in the fields of education, training and life-long
    learning. Other key subjects will include intellectual property in
    the digital era, the growth of e-commerce and the new mobile
    Internet revolution.

    The e-G8 Forum will also address social and philosophical issues
    inherent in the digital ecosystem: economically, the way in which
    companies function at a fundamental level is changing dramatically;
    culturally, digital technologies are transforming the publishing
    industry and artistic communities; and politically, citizens are
    empowered like never before, as the world witnessed with the recent
    revolutions in the Arab world. Finally, the nature of future
    Internet developments will be discussed.

I am genuinely interested if you can suggest, even at a theoretical 
level, how can the ICANN model even begin dealing with these issues.


> Either way, this seems like the big pay-off sentence of the message, so one could argue it should be clearer on what we'er asking for, no?
> Best,
> Bill____________________________________________________________
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Parminder Jeet Singh
Executive Director
IT for Change
NGO in Special Consultative Status with the United Nations ECOSOC
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