[governance] CSTD WG on IGF meeting started

Adam Peake ajp at glocom.ac.jp
Thu Mar 24 07:17:02 EDT 2011

Thanks Izumi.

I think we've heard quite a lot of comments about the lack of 
participation from developing countries (China's submission for 
example.)  Participation's clearly dependent on location of the 
meeting, Vilnius strongly favored West and Eastern Europe sure, 
Hyderabad saw a high percentage from the host country.

Vilnius attendance information 

Sharm attendance information 


Rio <http://igf.wgig.org/cms/rio_stats.htm>

Can't find for Athens, must be somewhere.

Participation from developing countries needs to be encouraged and 
supported, but stats we have seem to suggest there is participation 
from most regions (Latin American low).  But the information's 
lacking, unless someone wished to go through the list of attendees 
country by country.

And I hope government of Canada's support for developing country 
participation will be acknowledged and Canada thanked.


>The CSTD WG meeting started this morning.
>I made a short presentation on the disaster and the role of ICT/Internet
>before we started the discussion on the Report. It may not directly
>touch the IGF per se, but I feel compelled to report, first, and also
>I think it is very much a governance issue, and the role of Internet
>be also questioned.
>After a few round of comments, we have entered into discussion
>of Point 2,4, and 5 since they are inter-related, following suggestion
>from India.
>(though my concentration is not good enough, so I may missed some
>key points)...
>                         >> Izumi Aizu <<
>           Institute for InfoSocionomics, Tama University, Tokyo
>            Institute for HyperNetwork Society, Oita,
>                                   Japan
>                                  * * * * *
>            << Writing the Future of the History >>
>                                 www.anr.org
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