[governance] FOURTH DRAFT statement on enhanced cooperation

McTim dogwallah at gmail.com
Wed Nov 10 03:57:58 EST 2010

On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 9:02 AM, Jeremy Malcolm <jeremy at ciroap.org> wrote:
> On 10/11/2010, at 11:57 AM, McTim wrote:
>>> Any other final suggestions for the version that goes to a consensus call?
>> Can you answer my query about the "new mandate" language?
> ...
>> I also object to the "a new and supplementary mandate." language.
>> Where did that come from? Who would give such a mandate tot eh IGF?
> It could be an outcome of the Enhanced Cooperation

Could it? It took a UN Summit to prepare the current mandate.  Would a
"consultation" have the authority to formally mandate the IGF to take
on other tasks?

Some suggest we should be strongly pushing for a new multi-stakeholder
policy-making institution (eg. Parminder), and others (eg. Marilia,
and me if I was not trying to be an impartial coordinator) see this
body as being part of the IGF.  If so, this would require the "new and
supplementary mandate".

IF IGF was created by WSIS, then wouldn't it be expected that WSIS
2015 would have to change that mandate?

> Anyway, I can see that this is not going to make it into a consensus statement, so I'm going to be toning down the language as discussed.

Thank you.


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