[governance] ICANN declined Bulgarian IDN fast-track

jefsey jefsey at jefsey.com
Sun May 30 08:44:45 EDT 2010

At 22:29 29/05/2010, Louis Pouzin wrote:
>What if you set up a cyrillic DNS, shared with neighbouring countries using
>cyrillic. You would save extravagant fees. It would make it much 
>simpler for cyrillic aware people to reach you, and that's a lot of 
>people in central
>Europe and Asia. Are you afraid of becoming isolated from the rest of the
>world ? No point. You have a roman .bg ccTLD. That's what cyrillic unaware
>people will use to reach you. Instead of being captive of the ICANN gang,
>you could access two name spaces, or more ...
>Go and visit: http://www.idru.org

I am not sure I understand the technical and the administrative 
proposition of IDRU.

- what "cross-patching"? are they daisy chaining roots through "*" 
entries or using an hyper-root? It seems they advocate "distributed 
root": is this related to Otha's initial proposition?
- they seems reserved to ICANN IDNgTLD candidates? Serious TLD 
candidates should not be limited by ICANN logic?


>Native languages are expanding in the internet.
>ICANN is an iceberg in a warm sea.

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