[governance] FW: [] ICANN President: $750,000+$195,000 bonus vs

Avri Doria avri at psg.com
Sun Feb 14 12:15:44 EST 2010

On 14 Feb 2010, at 10:47, Sivasubramanian Muthusamy wrote:

> In the case of the CEO's compensation for the year, I wouldn't worry about a $ 250,000 difference. It isn't much. 

It could help to fund at least one application by some worthy applicant from a developing region maybe even seed money for a Foundation to help applicants from developing regions.  Lots of things could be done with that 250K that you think is not so much.  Maybe he will donate it to some good cause since it is not so much.

> And not a significant difference to merit an embarrassing discussion in a public list or in an open forum.

To whom is this discussion embarrassing?  You, me?  I am not embarrassed.  If we don't talk about here, then where?  If one sees excess, it needs to be pointed out.

>  There are good natured people with the required qualification who would opt to work at low compensation levels, but it is not always necessary for all non-profit corporations to take advantage of the goodness of such people. 

I disagree.  We should find the people who are dedicated, know the field and are willing to take a reasonable wage.  I accept the need to pay them a livable wage for LA, Brussels or even Palo Alto, and I accept that they have higher then normal expenses while doing their job - I even accept that they travel business class since that is the only way to travel and work at the same time.  I do not accept that they need to be paid according to the standards of profit making industry or need TV studios in the Palo Alto office.  

> Our energies could instead be directed towards finding ways of enhancing ICANN's revenues in areas where it is due, where it does not become a burden for the user. That would be several times more rewarding than saving a few thousand dollars on Executive Compensation.

It is a symbolic issue.  One of the problem i see in IANN is that it persists in seeing itself through the lens of a profit making corporation.  This excuses a whole lot of problems.

And do not think that there is any will in ICANN for unburdening the poor user (the ICANN tax on domain names is not after all, the real burden on the user).  E.g. there have been several calls over the years from setting up a foundation to help applicants who have less then LA style 'bundles of bucks' in order to make applications - and we have seen no movement in this area.  Finding ways to help ICANN bring in more money will only result in higher wages for a greater number of employees (don't get me wrong jobs funding is a good thing - i am happy lots of people have work in ICANN).  If a foundation were set up to channel the some of the bounty, including the windfall we will see from gTLD auctions, into a foundation geared toward development and especially developing a DNS industry in developing regions, instead of ploughing the money into excessive salaries, then ICANN would have a better reputation in the world and more importantly would be doing the right thing.

I am not embarrassed to say such things.


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