[governance] enhanced consultations - further inputs
dogwallah at gmail.com
Tue Dec 7 11:14:29 EST 2010
On Tue, Dec 7, 2010 at 6:12 PM, parminder <parminder at itforchange.net> wrote:
> On Tuesday 07 December 2010 07:36 PM, Roland Perry wrote:
> In message <AANLkTi=m39COcAFW2fGBf=AE27QQYS8f1FC1zXj6ocL7 at mail.gmail.com>,
> at 12:47:48 on Tue, 7 Dec 2010, McTim <dogwallah at gmail.com> writes
> If however, one prefers to keep Internet policy in the hands of the
> networks that make up the Internet, then no, it's a mis-step.
> And does "one" prefer that? In any case, I was thinking more about public
> policy (political) issues than operational policy matters.
> Yes, indeed a very important discussion. In fact, in our submission for EC
> consultations we propose that technical policy issues and public policy
> issues be discussed as two distinct tracks
but you muddle them.
I run a network. Is this FCor GIC or whatever Uber Council/Star
Chamber that you want to create going to tell me how I can do traffic
engineering? Who I must/can peer with? Is it legit to drop packets at
the edge of my network if i am sure they are
... Even on this list, the number
> of times when one is discussing the context of Internet related public
> policies and get responses that just pertain to the context of technical
> operational issues/ policies is so high that it will be good to mark emails/
> discussions as belonging to one kind or the other... If we can do something
> to that effect, we will be doing so much more meaningful discussions.
See above, they are separate in your theory, but not in my practice.
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