[governance] multistakeholderism
Paul Lehto
lehto.paul at gmail.com
Mon Aug 16 15:42:16 EDT 2010
On 8/16/10, Avri Doria <avri at psg.com> wrote:
> so now I am accused of advocating slavery?
> and advocating the whip.
> interesting argument technique.
No, this is not personally about you. I put forth a general principle
in the beginning about "dumbness" being the basic foundation for all
un-democratic forms of government, and after you entered into my
subthread, I expanded that to note that dumbness, as well as laziness,
is the stereotype used to justify slavery. My points are intended to
introduce a note of caution (if I can) in the way people in general
are characterized. One would be "dumb" to reiterate the stereotypes
of slavery on purpose, so no I do not accuse you of any such
intention. See
"Regardless of place and time period or the ethnicity of the slaves,
societies have imposed certain common stereotypes on slaves - that
they were licentious, childlike, lazy, irresponsible, dim-witted, and
incapable of freedom [or governance].
> a.
> On 16 Aug 2010, at 13:33, Paul Lehto wrote:
>> On 8/16/10, Avri Doria <avri at psg.com> wrote:
>>> On 16 Aug 2010, at 13:06, Paul Lehto wrote:
>>>> P.S. Attacking the people or 'polity' as uninformed
>>> i do not attack them.
>>> i merely say we are responsible for outreach and capacity building.
>> But you then proceed to sarcastically attack their wisdom:
>>>> The truth is that the people know when the shoe fits,
>>> yep and that is why the people always discriminate against the others.
>>> - gay marriage does not fit
>>> - mosques too close sacred ground do not fit
>>> - equal protection for undocumented immigrant children does not fit
>>> - turkish immigrants do not fit
>>> - gay people do not fit and thus merit imprisonment and execution
>>> ...
>>> yep, the people always know what does not fit!
>> Right here is why the principle that one's rights END where another's
>> BEGIN is so important: The "shoe fitting" metaphor applies with force
>> when, as I've said in recent prior posts, ones own rights are
>> "negatively impacted". The correct person to judge if the shoe fits
>> is the one being forced to wear the shoes - such as the Turkish
>> immigrants and other examples you give.
>> As I said before (and it matters not whether the charge is true or
>> not) the description of people or "the people" as dumb or uninformed
>> is the foundation, almost the entire foundation, of all non-democratic
>> or autocratic forms of government. It is also the core of the
>> stereotypes always used to justify slavery, for that matter. Dumb,
>> ignorant, lazy, etc., and "therefore needs a smart master with a whip
>> to be productive."
>> Paul Lehto, J.D.
>> P.S. My personal view on "uninformed" allegations is that people rise
>> to the occasion when they are BOTH of the belief that their one vote
>> won't be ignored AND they can find or are given a fair mix of
>> information and a sense of the importance of the issue. Notice that
>> these conditions are not usually met and, more sadly, there's few or
>> no attempts by governments i'm familiar with to meet the conditions.
>> --
>> Paul R Lehto, J.D.
>> P.O. Box 1
>> Ishpeming, MI 49849
>> lehto.paul at gmail.com
>> 906-204-2334
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Paul R Lehto, J.D.
P.O. Box 1
Ishpeming, MI 49849
lehto.paul at gmail.com
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