[governance] Tim Berners-Lee launches "WWW Foundation" at IGF 2009

Eric Dierker cogitoergosum at sbcglobal.net
Thu Nov 19 11:55:07 EST 2009

Although my heart is not truly in it, I will make a try at why this statement has some merit:
"""IGF as effective in the ways it would like it to be effective—for
instance, being a body that supports the rights of governments to exercise the
selective blocking and filtering of Internet content. """"
Governments, generally speaking are the legitimate representative bodies of the people within their jurisdictions. (one may argue -- but one cannot show another body that is more so)
ICANN, ITU, IGF are not designed to represent the people. They are in fact by their very nature designed to represent industry and acadamia. None of these institutions are equipped or intent on enveloping and developing the representation of citizens and consumers.  They are at best "constituency based" and at worst dictators of process and right and wrong within their fields.  These groups are mandated and exist to recommend standards and processes. They are not created for the purpose of deciding what is best for people of varying political, societal and geographic groupings.  They refuse to have open enrollment, censorfree debate, voting or provide for rights of individuals.  They intentionally and with great aplum deny direct participation by the masses.  The insist on governance through suitable cadres and elitism.
I will continue to push for voting rights of the masses in all arenas. I will continue to deplore censorship and the practice of denying open access to knowledge. I will rage against the machines of industry that march regardless of human devastation with only profits in view.
I will insist on open and respectful interface between machines and persons.
But I cannot in good conscience believe or support the notion that the IGF or any other group has the right to dictate the cultural integrity and national rights of sovereign nations within their borders.  We are here to foster and promote the beauty and truth contained within the declarations of inalienable human rights.  But we must always do so within the bounds of respect for a given people to organize and protect their country's own resources and most importantly their cultural identity, just as equally as any individual.
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