[governance] Future of IGF

Izumi AIZU iza at anr.org
Thu Nov 19 14:59:28 EST 2009

Now that 4th IGF is over, we are entering into the consultation phase for the
future of IGF, right. I happened to meet with some Chinese government
officials here at Cairo airport lounge and asked them about their position
about the continuation of IGF.  As some of you may noticed, the statement
they made at the stock-taking pleanry was not clear.

They said China does not support the IGF to continue, and the translation
of the statement was not clear that time. So they have submitted their
written statement later.

ITU did suppor the continuation, but China pointed out that that is the
secretariat position, there has been no official resolution by the member
states of ITU.

Oh well... another round of negotiation!

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