[governance] Fixing an ICANN problem

Danny Younger dannyyounger at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 11 18:38:53 EST 2009

Hello Milton,

Re:  "may I ask you: did you participate in any of these WGs? As a former member of NCUC, you had many opportunities to do so but, as I recall, never did."

I'm really sorry to hear that your memory is fading, but perhaps this will jog your recollection:  as an NCUC member I drafted the Revised & final (v3) Policy Discussion Document (PDPFeb06) for the Contractual Conditions WG as a Rapporteur submission... (you yourself spent a bit of time editing my work as I recall).  

With regard to current participation, while I am not a member of any constituency at the moment, I am nevertheless actively participating in the RAA amendments WG and recently submitted a list of 26 amendment topics for consideration;  the WG also received recommendations from law enforcement and from the intellectual property community but none from any civil society contingent as yet -- you may want to jump into this WG sometime soon...  

You may also recall that it was my initiative within NARALO that led to the formation of the Post Expiry Domain Name Recovery WG -- see http://atlarge-lists.icann.org/pipermail/na-discuss_atlarge-lists.icann.org/2008-August/002593.html

....and likely you will also recall that I chaired the At-Large's New Constituencies Working Group.  So, I do try to stay involved.... and I do contribute regularly to ICANN's Public Comment Forums.

I posted this note because I believe that a greater degree of participation is sorely needed right now (as the GNSO currently has an inordinate amount of work on its plate).  Perhaps some of the 80 organizations that are NCUC members can be coaxed into participating just a wee bit more....

Be well,


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