[governance] Long view cross roads
linda misek-falkoff
ldmisekfalkoff at gmail.com
Fri Dec 11 09:06:10 EST 2009
Dear Eric et al:
Interesting as always. Also underfoot: forming a fundable (read more
viable) organization.
Perhaps one thinks & soothes self too often that Might doesn't make Right -
but most discussions of Rights (even or especially claims of suggested-to-be
core "human" rights) do acknowledge the need for Development as
"Might" in terms of organization to promote "Voice & Vote", that is, may
make Right *possible*. It seems the sense of this gathering that with the
Internet as elsewhere this *possibility* is not only attractive but very
much needed.
Best wishes and reading on, Linda M F.
On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 8:51 AM, Eric Dierker
<cogitoergosum at sbcglobal.net>wrote:
> Since I spend quite a bit of time hiking active and dormant Volcanoes and
> out of Billion year old canyons, I have developed a kind of long view on
> crisis and matters of climate.
> But as a student of history I like to look for significant moments where
> good men & women did not act. The easy are things like when a huge Dam was
> built, Holocausts, Genocides, famines and plagues. Wars generally are the
> result of a citizenry that lets their government get out of control -- but
> usually that is gradual.
> I am prognosticating now that we are just about at a crossroads with the
> Internet. Either the citizenry wake up and do something or the governments
> (in this case largely corporate conglomerates) will be unfettered. ICANN is
> unchecked now, Intellectual Property interests are reducing our rights, and
> privacy violations are more oft sanctioned than not. Each progression toward
> these dilatory factors remains quiet and unopposed.
> Either we quickly provide some structure for individual checks and balances
> on the elite or we are headed very soon into a situation of might is
> right.____________________________________________________________
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> Dr. Linda D. Misek-Falkoff
> 914 769 3652
> law / computing / humanities:
> Founder/Director *Respectful Interfaces*;
> Member, Board, Officer - Communications Coordination Committee for the
> U.N.;
> World Education Fellowship;
> Member Committees on disability, aging, health, values, development;
> National Disability Party (NDP); International Disability Caucus;
> Persons with Pain Intl.;
> ICT multiple decades;
> Other affiliations on Request.
> n.b.:
> - You are welcome to join *Respectful Interfaces.* The *Respectful
> Interfaces* Coda is: "Achieving Dialogue While Cherishing Diversity" (ask
> about leadership interning).
> - Communication, Cooperation and Collaboration are core values of the
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