[governance] hearing on Internet Governance arrangements in

Milton L Mueller mueller at syr.edu
Tue Apr 28 15:06:21 EDT 2009

I have been invited to the EC meeting, not as a representative of IGC. So I hope the caucus can send someone else. 
I attach here the statement I have submitted to the meeting. 

Milton Mueller
Professor, Syracuse University School of Information Studies
XS4All Professor, Delft University of Technology
Internet Governance Project:

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeanette Hofmann [mailto:jeanette at wzb.eu] 
> Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2009 4:58 AM
> To: governance at lists.cpsr.org
> Subject: [governance] hearing on Internet Governance 
> arrangements in Brussels on May 6
> Hi,
> the European Commission hosts a hearing on Internet Governance in 
> Brussels on May 6. It is a by invitation only event. I got an 
> invitation 
> but cannot attend. Yesterday I was told that we, the IGC, can send 
> somebody else. Would anybody be able and willing to go?
> We are also invited to contribute a written statement on any of the 
> issues on the agenda. Since there is probably not enough time 
> to write 
> and agree on a new statement, perhaps it would make sense to 
> contribute 
> slightly amended version of one of our statements for the IGF public 
> consultations?
> The website for the meeting:
> http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/policy/internet_gov/in
> dex_en.htm
> I post the agenda here because it seems to be missing on the website:
> Hearing on Internet Governance arrangements
> 6 May 2009, 10:00 - 17:15
>   Brussels - Charlemagne Building , Room DURI
> 09:30 Registration & coffee
> 10:00 Introduction by the Commission
> 10.30 WSIS
> 11.15 Security & stability
> 12.00 The role of governments
> 12.45 Round up morning discussion
> 13.00 Lunch
> 14.15 Accountability and legitimacy
> 15.00 Internationalisation of Internet Governance
> 15:45 Coffee break
> 16:00 Digital divide
> 16.45 Round up afternoon discussion
> 17:00 Concluding remarks
> ***
> Theme description
> 1.	WSIS: Progress since WSIS- how far are we with the 
> implementation of 
> WSIS principles? What are the new challenges, if any, since WSIS that 
> should be addressed?
> 2.	Security & stability of the Internet remains a key EU 
> priority. What 
> are the main threats/challenges? What should the EU be doing 
> about them 
> in particular with a view to their international dimension?
> 3.	The role of public authorities: How should public 
> authorities, in 
> particular governments, respond to their responsibilities in 
> view of the 
> importance of the Internet to our economies and societies? 
> What lessons, 
> if any, should be learnt from the "financial crisis" (e.g. should 
> self-regulation for critical infrastructures and services be more 
> closely monitored by governments and relevant public authorities)? To 
> what extent are private sector leadership and stronger 
> governmental and 
> public policy making complementary and necessary components for the 
> effective management of the Internet?
> 4.	Accountability and legitimacy: To what extent are 
> self-regulatory 
> governance bodies accountable to Internet users world-wide? What 
> problems, if any, are posed by the fact that many Internet 
> users do not 
> participate, even indirectly, in the governance processes? Is it 
> necessary to make governance fora more accountable to the wider 
> international community and, if so, how?
> 5.	Internationalisation of Internet Governance: Is it desirable or 
> necessary to ensure fair participation of actors in their respective 
> roles from all geographic regions in the future shaping of 
> the Internet 
> and if so, how? How can situations be avoided where the 
> imposition of a 
> particular legal system or jurisdiction might disadvantage 
> players from 
> outside the jurisdiction concerned?
> 6.	Digital divide: The future billions of users will come 
> largely from 
> developing countries. Should the existing Internet governance 
> mechanisms 
> be adapted to reflect this evolution and, if so, how? Should the 
> interests of those who don't yet have Internet access be 
> represented in 
> the policy making processes and, if so, how?
> jeanette
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