[governance] RE: [Coalition] Draft Proposal
Jeffrey A. Williams
jwkckid1 at ix.netcom.com
Wed Oct 29 05:34:39 EDT 2008
Siva and all,
Thank you for your excellent response. We agree with the
notion of multi-stakeholder approach will if not already is
prevail and/or prevailing. I know that our organization more
than meets the criterion which you briefly outlined.
Most stakeholders are not only interested and involved to some
degree at multi levels. Such however does not detract and in fact
enhances the need for a safe and open Internet, which even objectively
we do not have now, and is across stakeholder boundaries, however
defined, is recognized and likely getting worse not better. What
we the OECD doesn't seem to grasp and/or recognize in terms
of priority is that without fully recognizing civil liberties entirely
without reservation of obviscation, all stakeholders will suffer
with increasing severity and regularity.
Sivasubramanian Muthusamy wrote:
> Hello Michael Gurstein,
> I happen to be one of those who participated at the OECD Ministerial
> meeting.
> I do not find much of information about the so called CSISAC to be
> known as CSAC, except this at
> http://icommons.org/blogs/the-public-voice-coalition-conference-call
> and it would help if you or any one could post more information about
> what is happening.
> Though OECD is a regional organization, its initiatives and programs
> related to the "Future of Internet" is bound to have an influence on
> how Internet Governance takes shape due to its visibility and its
> position as body formed by a coalition of the economically most
> powerful nations. So it becomes important for the Civil Society to
> observe and react to the OECD initiatives related to Internet
> Governance.
> The issues you have raised related to representation by the
> disadvantaged and marginalized communities. Actually the concerns are
> much broader. On Internet Governance debates it is indicated that a
> multi-stakeholder approach would prevail, but to implement this
> approach some thing very basic needs to be done: Those present
> representing a certain stakeholder group needs to a) truly belong to
> that stakeholder group b) truly represent the interests of that
> stakeholder group and c) be present and participate in a strength
> sufficient enough to represent the various interests within that
> stakeholder group, sufficient enough to be an equal to the other
> stakeholder groups.
> CSISAC to be known as CSAC is intended to be an "Advisory Group" that
> is bound to have a role in ensuring what organizations get
> acknowledged as Civil Society and in determining the 'quality' or
> Civil Society participation at the OECD deliberations and possibly in
> related forums.
> It is necessary that responsible Civil Society bodies including the
> IGC takes note of this OECD initiative and ensure fair and equitable
> representation of the Civil Society for a participatory role.
> Sivasubramanian Muthusamy
> ISOC India Chennai.
> On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 10:29 AM, Michael
> Gurstein <gurstein at gmail.com> wrote:
> What I see in this proposal is a, dare I say, impertinent
> and even arrogant conflation/confusion of (the usual
> suspect) Civil Society organizations as listed in the
> proposal, with "Civil Society" as a whole, and further with
> "civil society" understood as not simply those with the
> means and skills to organize themselves for participation in
> august chambers such as those of the OECD but civil society
> as understood as being those at the grassroots impacted by
> Information Society developments.Looking through the list of
> usual suspect organizations and through the forwarded
> proposal I neither see organizations with any significant
> links into those at the grassroots who have the most to lose
> (and to gain) from ICTs nor do I see any interest or
> attention in linking the activities of the CSISAC into any
> of those self same folks or their concerns and
> initiatives.Where in this proposal are the voices of
> disadvantaged and marginalized communities, the disabled,
> the unemployed and homeless, indigenous peoples and how will
> their concerns be introduced as "advice" to the
> OECD? Michael Gurstein
> -----Original Message-----
> From: coalition-bounces at mailman.thepublicvoice.org
> [mailto:coalition-bounces at mailman.thepublicvoice.org]
> On Behalf Of Mark Costa
> Sent: October-29-08 10:42 PM
> To: Public Voice
> Subject: [Coalition] Draft Proposal
> All,
> Attached is a draft proposal for the CSISAC
> charter that builds upon the proposal submitted by
> EPIC, while simultaneously addressing the main
> concerns expressed by Karen and others in the
> Geneva group. All of the changes are located in
> sections 3 & 4. I apologize for adding to the
> confusion, but work started on this document
> before the recent flurry of activity on the wiki.
> --
> Mark R. Costa
> Internet Governance Project
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